


根据语境可知,空格所在句的意思:它的许多预测可以在它的网站www.strait ford.com在线查到。所以,B项符合题意。


单选题John and Mary()for years before they got married.Ahad been in loveBhad broken upChad separatedDhad been divorced


单选题How long have you lived in London? ()AI moved here from Paris.BMy whole life.CI‘ve worked here for almost 10 years.DI‘ve never traveled there.

单选题Can I get you a cup of tea?()AThat's very kind of youBWith pleasureCYou can, pleaseDThank you for the tea

问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映新中国成立70年来人均寿命的增长以及人口素质的提升。  题目:中国人口结构的变化

单选题I started looking after other children()parents went out to work.AwhoBwhichCwhoseDthat

单选题Why does the writer of Comment 5 try to clarify Benjamin Franklin’s saying?ABecause Franklin’s saying is universally applicable.BBecause contentment means “rich” and discontent means “poor”.CBecause if you do your best, you will be the richest.DBecause misunderstandings might occur of Franklin’s saying.

单选题It's one of the coolest springs we()Aever knowBever knewChave ever knownDare knowing

单选题()are you from?AWhatBWhenCWhere

单选题Nowadays, the prescribed roles of the man as “breadwinner” and the woman as housewife are changing.AascribedBprevalentCoriginalDsettled

单选题Which of the following is NOT a reason why health care investment fails to bring a longer life?ADrug reaction due to improper use of drugs.BImbalanced distribution of health care money.CSoaring prices of both drugs and new therapies.DFailure of many highly-evaluated medical treatments.

单选题The rear section of the brain does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.AadvancedBgrowingCfrontDback

单选题Shall we hold a party this Saturday evening?()AQuite rightBGood ideaCLet'sDCertain

单选题They were late for class for there was a _____ in the traffic.Ahold-upBhold-ofChold-outDhold-on

单选题We are looking forward to()the Beijing Olympics.AhostBhostingCbe hostedDbe hosting

单选题If I have a good sleep I"ll be () to work out the problem.ApossibleBableCcapableDreasonable


单选题It is()to interrupt the others while they are talking.AroughBrudeCpoliteDtroublesome

单选题The biggest problem affecting the health of younger Americans may be summarized as the problem of _____.AoverworkBdepressionCstressDlifestyle




单选题The author suggests that singletons should _____.Afind boy friends or girl friendsBlive with their parents and other family membersClive together and share more with their friendsDwatch more episodes of the TV series “Friends”

单选题They are looking()a flat. They want one with a garden.AonBoutCfor


单选题I have()her, but I have never met her.AheardBheard ofCheard fromDheard a lot

单选题This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.AavailBuseChaveDdisplay

单选题— When is your birthday? —()AIt’s on the 18th of MarchBI don’t know how to celebrate itCIt’s not easy tor emember itDI was born in a small village