判断题《Internet of Things,IOT》年度报告中,提出了RFID或传感器芯片互联的通信协议标准。A对B错
《Internet of Things,IOT》年度报告中,提出了RFID或传感器芯片互联的通信协议标准。
以下关于ITU发布的《物联网》研究报告的描述中错误的是()。 A、研究报告中物联网的英文表述是“InternetofThings”B、世界上小到钥匙、手机,大到汽车、楼房都可以嵌入RFID芯片或传感器芯片C、通过局域网能够实现物与物之间的信息交互,形成无所不在的“物联网”D、RFID、传感器、智能嵌入式技术以及纳米技术将会在物联网中广泛应用
物联网是在( )基础上,利用RFID、无线数据通信等技术,构造一个覆盖世界上万事万物的Internet of Things。在这个网络中,物品(商品)能够彼此进行交流,而无需人的干预。A.有线数据通信 B.数据库技术C.互联网 D.物流技术
There are a number of domains in which loT is enabling human life and work in a noteworthy way.including automation,transportation, health-care and disaster management. ioT enables an object to listen, hear, see and communicate at the same time, loT thus transforms the devices from being smart by incorporating its pervasive and ubiquitous computing, communication technologies, embedded devices and many other applications to influence and revolutionize human life. Looking into the future, the Internet will no Jonger be considered a network of computers, Instead it will consist billions of smart objects along with embedded devices, As a result of this, the application of internet of Things (IoT) will exponentially rise both in scope and size, providing new opportunities as well as challenges, A number of countries have developed long term national strategies for the implementation of loT For instance, broadband access in Japan is facilitating the communication between people, things and things, and people and things.97、IoT enables an object()。A.to listenB.to seeC.to communicateD.smart98、Looking into the future, the Internet ()。A.will still be considered a network of computersB.wil no longer be considered a network of computersC.will be considered a network of thingsD.will no longer be considered a network of things99、The application of Internet of Things (IoT) will exponentially rise(),providing new opportunities as well as challenges.A.in scopeB.in sizeC.both in scope and sizeD.in deep100、This paragraph mainly explains()。A.the Internet of ThingsB.the InternetC.the smart objectD.the communication between people and things
The following description of the Internet of Things is incorrect ( ) 。下列关于物联网的描述,不正确的是 A.Network layer is responsible for information transmission between things in Internet of Things architecture 物联网架构中网络层负责物物之间的信息传输 B.The Internet of Things uses radio frequency automatic identification (RFID) and other technologies to exchange and communicate information. 物联网利用射频自动识别(RFID) 等技术,进行信息交换与通信 C.The Internet of Things is a networking application based on the existing Internet or the next generation of public or private networks. 物联网是架构在现有互联网或下一代公网或专网基础上的联网应用 D.Intelligent Logistics, Smart Home, Intelligent Transportation and so on belong to the application of Internet of Things 智慧物流、智能家居、智能交通等属于物联网的应用
单选题《Internet of Things,IOT》年度报告没有包括内容是()。A介绍了某些国家的案例,提出了“物联网时代”的构想B描述了小到钥匙,大到楼房,嵌入RFID或传感器芯片就形成无所不在的物联网C物联网可以实现人和物在任何时间、任何地点方便地实现信息交互D提出了RFID或传感器芯片互联的通信协议标准