单选题The scavenge air receiver is of a simplified and modular design with integral non-return flaps, hanging cooler and two auxiliary air blowers()AdozensBparcelsCbundlesDgallons

The scavenge air receiver is of a simplified and modular design with integral non-return flaps, hanging cooler and two auxiliary air blowers()









解析: 暂无解析


High firing pressures and low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may resultfrom( ).A.decreased piston to cylinder head clearanceB.increased exhaust system back pressureC.early fuel injection timingD.low scavenge air temperature

Which of the following problems can occur if you continually fail to drain off condensate from a starting air receiver?A.Corrosion and eventual failure of the tankB.Gumming of the tank relief valvesC.Immediate failure of components downstream of the compressed air systemD.Boiling of the water oil mixture as pressure is reduced

What is the function of an air receiver in the compressed air system on a ship?A.Condenses moistureB.Provides overpressure protectionC.Purifies the airD.Acts as an accumulator

MRC是什么的缩写?()A、Modular Radio ConnectB、Modular Resistance CabinetC、Modular Radio Cabinet

MRC是什么的缩写?()A、Modular Radio ConnectB、Modular Resistance CabinetC、Modular Radio CabinetD、Modular Resistance Connect

单选题A substantial increase pressure could be an indication of a/an ()Aworn cylinder linerBfaulty cylinder relief valveCexcessive lube oil pressureDexcessive scavenge air pressure

单选题Propulsion engines and the vast majority of auxiliary generator engines are designed to allow a generous through-flow of scavenge air in order to control ()Athe lubricating oil consumptionBthe turbine blade temperatureCthe flow rate of fuelDscavenge air pressure

单选题A dirty intercooler on an air compressor will cause ().Adamage to the un-loader operating diaphragmBan increase in current flow to the motorChigh pressure in the receiver and filterDan excessive consumption of crankcase oil

单选题The process of loop scavenge is that the exhaust will be via ports () the air ports and controlled by the same piston.AbehindBfar fromCadjacent toDin front of

单选题Which of the following operation will have a direct impact on the rate of wear in a cylinder liner ()Aamount of scavenge air to the cylinderBquality of fuel injectedCviscosity of the lube oilDcompression ratio of the piston

单选题Which of the following statements is not true concerning symptom of a fire in the scavenge air box?()Aan increase in the exhaust temperature of the affected cylinderBthe turbocharger may surgeCthe explosion pressure in all cylinders will rise violentlyDsmoke from the turbocharger air inlet filter will be seen

单选题What is the function of an air receiver in the compressed air system on a ship? ()ACondenses moistureBProvides overpressure protectionCPurifies the airDActs as an accumulator

单选题Condensate must be drained periodically from the air compressor receivers to prevent ().Asecond stage cylinder lockupBoil sump contaminationCfaulty operation of pneumatic valvesDcorrosion of air receiver baffles

单选题Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by ().Ahigh compression pressureBlow intake air temperatureClow exhaust pressureDhigh scavenge air temperature

单选题Great care is dedicated to the removal of from the scavenge air()AgravityBviscosityCdensityDhumidity

单选题Mist detectors used on large low-speed main propulsion diesel engines monitor and check for the presence of ().Afuel oil vapor at the sludge tank ventBunburned fuel vapors in the scavenge air receiverClube oil vapors in the crank caseDlube oil vapors in the engine room

单选题Low cylinder compression pressure and a high exhaust temperature may indicate ()Aearly fuel injection timingBleaking valvesCa continuously open scavenge air portDlow cooling water temperature

单选题Increased air () will raise scavenge efficiency and allow a greater mass of air to be compressed; more fuel may now be burned giving an increased power.Aspecific volumeBdensityCviscosityDcalorific value

单选题Whilst the engine is turning, check to see that no water is leaking into the crankcase, scavenge air belt, or from ().Aexhaust valvesBstarting valvesCfuel valvesDthe indicator cocks

单选题If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, you should stop the engine and()Aimmediately open all crankcase relief portsBincrease crankcase exhauster speed to draw cool air into the engineCallow the engine to cool naturallyDincrease crank case scavenge air to remove unburned gases

单选题A two-stroke/cycle diesel engine requires less starting air than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, of equal displacement, because the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine()Ahas little or no internal frictionBhas a lower effective compression ratioCoperates with scavenge air under a positive pressureDoperates without energy absorbing intake and exhaust strokes

单选题The scavenge air receiver is of a simplified and modular design with integral non-return flaps, hanging cooler and two auxiliary air blowers()AdozensBparcelsCbundlesDgallons

单选题One remedy for a high firing pressure, in addition to a high exhaust temperature in one cylinder of a diesel engine, is to ()Aincrease scavenge air pressureBreduce fuel booster pump pressureCadjust the fuel rackDretard fuel injector timing

单选题Which of the following problems can occur if you continually fail to drain off condensate from a starting air receiver?()ACorrosion and eventual failure of the tankBGumming of the tank relief valvesCImmediate failure of components downstream of the compressed air systemDBoiling of the water oil mixture as pressure is reduced

单选题When starting air is admitted, a diesel engine turns over very slowly without firingThe cause may be ()Aan obstruction in an cylinderBwater accumulation in some engine cylindersClow starting air pressureDlow scavenge air pressure

单选题The shaft and spare parts() should be well greased in order to avoid corrosion.Ain the store roomBin the cylinderCin the scavenge air boxDin the water box

单选题When occurring a fire in the scavenge air box, the following measures should be taken except for()Areducing speed to SLOW and asking bridge for permission to stopBstopping the fuel oil supplyCswitching-on the auxiliary blowersDputting the scavenge air box fire extinguishing equipment into function

单选题When received the order "finished with engine" which of the following operations is wrong?()Astop the LO pump, SW pump, FW pumpBstop the priming FO transfer pumpCengage the turning gearDopen the scavenge air belts drain valve and cover the turbocharger silencer with the dustproof cover