单选题Simon: I’m a reporter from the Hendon Standard.________  Celia: Yes, I was standing at the end of Elm Avenue, by the park.  Simon: What happened?  Celia: There was a red van traveling west, and several cars and vans behind it.AWere you present when the accident happened?BWould you tell me what you have seen?CWhat a surprise to see you here!DDid you do anything special just now?

Simon: I’m a reporter from the Hendon Standard.________  Celia: Yes, I was standing at the end of Elm Avenue, by the park.  Simon: What happened?  Celia: There was a red van traveling west, and several cars and vans behind it.

Were you present when the accident happened?


Would you tell me what you have seen?


What a surprise to see you here!


Did you do anything special just now?


因为Celia的回答是yes, 有可能选的答案是A项和D项,但紧接着Celia就说明了地点,由此可以推断出Simon的问题是“当车祸发生时你在现场吗?”


–Hi. I’m your neighbor. My name is Steve Edwin.–(). A、What are you from?B、Oh.C、Yes, I know.D、Hi. It’s good to see you. I’m Jane Peterson.

听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?M: Yes. I'd like to have a single room with a bath from the morning of September 7th to the morning of October 10th.How long will the man stay in this hotel?A.Just one month,B.32 days.C.33 days.D.34 days.

Simon: What would you care for a drink?Gary:______

Simon: I hope you'll pardon me for saying the wrong words. I just couldn't help.Gary: ______. It doesn't really matter.A. I think so.B. With pleasure.C. Please take it easy.D. Yes, but why?E. Sure you can.F. It's very kind of you!G. Never mind.H. Not too bad.

—Which direction were you heading — () A、No direction.B、I was heading from east to west.C、I won't answer you.

James is reporting the car accident to the police on the spot.POLICE: Can you tell me what___1__ hereJAMES: Yes. I had a bad traffic accident. Look, my car looks like a squashed Coke can.POLICE: Did you see the car before it hit youJAMES: No, I didn't. That car was too __2___.POLICE: Which lane were you inJAMES: I don't remember.POLICE: How fast were you__3___ thenJAMES: Less than 30 miles per hour.POLICE: Which direction were you__4___ from And which direction were you headingJAMES: I was heading from east to west.POLICE: OK, please move your car off to the side of the road. We will check on it. Do you feel like you need an ambulance, sirJAMES: No, I didn't get __5___. Thanks for your concern.POLICE: No problem, sir.

What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter Olympics?().A. Yes, I have been there.B. I'm going to be a volunteer.C. I am traveling abroad.

根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。Suppose you are Simon. You purchased a Sony digital camera from Amazon.com and found that there were scratches on the screen. You are writing to complain about it.

—What subjects are you studying? -- (). A、Yes, I’m studying historyB、I’m studying nowC、I’m studying philosophyD、I’m doing my homework

Do you mind my turning off the light? ______. I'm reading the end of the story.A. No, not at allB. Of course notC. I'd rather you didn'tD. Yes, please

_____________Jane and Simon at Beluga Bar tomorrow. Do you want to come?A. I' 11 be meetingB. I' 11 have metC. I' m meetingD. I meet

Simon: Is there any chance of my borrowing your type-writer?Cindy: _______Simon: Until the end of the week.A: For how long?B: How come?C: What’s the matter?D: Pardon?

What are you busy with?( ) A、I have a busy schedule this weekB、Yes. I’m very busyC、I’m preparing the examD、No. I’m not sure

Adam: Mmm….. This is the best pudding I've ever had!Celia:________ I know you'd like it.A、Didn't't I tell you?B、Did I say it right?C、Is what I said right?D、What did I say?

If I ________ you, I would not do it.A、amB、wasC、have beenD、were

Simon: Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?Gary;______, but I have to finish my term paper first.

--Would you like some noodles, Celia--Yes, just___________, please.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little

Hi, Celia!()to the United States? It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.AWhat was your ideaBHow was your tripCWho wentDHow often did you travel

What do you want, Mary?()A、No, I want some water.B、Yes, I plan to go shopping.C、I'd like some red wine, please.D、No, I don't eat.

Hi, Celia!()to the United States? It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.A、What was your ideaB、How was your tripC、Who wentD、How often did you travel

What are you going to do?()A、I'm planning to go to the cinema with my friendB、No, I'm not going to do it.C、Thank you for asking me about it.D、Yes, I'll go

Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.()you enjoyed it.A、I'm so gladB、I'm sorryC、What a pityD、Surprisingly

单选题Alan: Wow, your homework looks great!  Celia: Thanks.______  Alan: But didn’t Mrs. Smith tell us we had to write it in our books?  Celia: ______ ... What am I going to do now?AI typed it on my Dad’s computer. ; Oh no, you’re right!BHow did you do your homework? ; I remember now.CJason helped me with it. ; No, she didn’t, I’m afraid.DIn fact I did it poorly. ; Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

单选题Salesperson: Can I help you, sir?  Customer: Yes, I bought this watch from you last week and I’ve been having a few problems with it.  Salesperson: ______  Customer: Well, the salesperson said it was waterproof, but when I wore it in the swimming pool it was filled with water.AThat’s impossible. BI’m sure it’s all right.CDid you buy it here? DWhat’s the trouble?

单选题-Would you like some noodles, Celia?-Yes, just ____, please.Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle

单选题Hi, Celia!()to the United States? It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.AWhat was your ideaBHow was your tripCWho wentDHow often did you travel

单选题—What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?—I ______ the classroom.Awas cleaningBhave cleanedCwill cleanDclean