单选题Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().Ato the masterBthe chartererCthe merchantDreceiver

Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().

to the master


the charterer


the merchant




解析: 暂无解析


It has been decided that to be lawful merchandise, goods loaded under the charter-party must not only be such as can be loaded without breach of the law in force at the port of loading, but must also be such as can lawfully be carried and discharged at the ________ .A.port of dischargeB.port of sailingC.port of flagD.port of departure

Where a charter-party specifies the estimated time of arrival of a vessel at the port of loading, there is ________ on the shipowners to sail to there on the date on which when proceeding with all convenient speed it would normally reach the port on or about the estimated date of arrival.A.a necessary rightB.an absolute observationC.an absolute obligationD.a possible solution

______ in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.A.Whether working daysB.Weather working daysC.Running daysD.Calendar days

Deviation to save ______ is always justified,unless it is expressly stipulated otherwise.A.propertyB.a vessel in dangerC.human lifeD.freight and cargoes in danger

Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ______.A.to the masterB.the chartererC.the merchantD.receiver

Sometimes the charter-party states that the amount of cargo to be loaded is to be decided by the shipowners,e.g. 10000 tons of 2240 1bs.,12% more or less at ______ option.A.Charterer'sB.cargo owner'sC.owner'sD.shipper's

Sometimes the contract expressly gives the carrier the right to carry the goods beyond their destination,provided that ______ transships them and sends them back.A.heB.sheC.itD.the shipper

Where the cargo can be loaded in two different ways,one of which is more economical of space than the other,but each of which is a usual method of loading cargo of the relevant type,the Charterer ______ in whichever of these ways he pleases,unless he is expressly forbidden so to do by the charter-party.A.Has to loadB.Can loadC.LoadsD.Is loaded by

Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

______ is not one of the more commonly adopted solid bulk cargo distributions.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Inhomogeneous hold loading condition

Canada will prohibit smoking in all offices later this year.A:ban B:remove C:eliminate D:expel

Which narrative regarding loading software is incorrect?()A、The approved Loading Program could substituted the approved Loading Manual and/or Trim and Stability BookletB、A Loading Program is required to have General Approval by classification Society prior to being considered for use on a specific shipC、Following a satisfactory installation test on board the ship the Surveyor will issue a Program Installation TestD、A Loading Program may be provided as a classification requirement or as an Owner’s option

单选题Sometimes the charter-party states that the amount of cargo to be loaded is to be decided by the shipowners,e.g. 10000 tons of 2240 1b.,12% more or less at()option.ACharterer'sBcargo owner'Cowner'sDshipper's

单选题Deviation to save()is always justified,unless it is expressly stipulated otherwise.ApropertyBa vessel in dangerChuman lifeDfreight and cargoes in danger

单选题Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer().ATo keep visitors away from the bargeBTo prohibit smokingCTo prohibit open lightsDAll of the above

单选题Sometimes the contract expressly gives the carrier the right to carry the goods beyond their destination,provided that()transships them and sends them back.AheBsheCitDthe shipper

单选题Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for the balance of the period of the charter-party and the market rate for the chartering a substitute vessel.AreproducedBrepatriatedCrepudiatedDrecovered

单选题Sometimes the bill of lading refers to the loading marks inscribed on the goods,and sometimes there()a statement as to their quality.AhasBprovidesCisDsupplies

单选题If the place named for the loading is simply a port or dock,notice of readiness may be given as soon as the ship arrives()although she is not in the particular spot where the loading is to take place.Ain the loading placeBin the port or dockCin the loading spotDin the discharging spot

单选题装卸货之前,打开舱盖。()AAfter loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.BAfter loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.CBefore loading and discharging, hatch covers will be opened.DBefore loading and discharging, hatch covers will be closed.

单选题Sometimes the charter-party()that the vessel must only use safe ports within a certain area.AimprovesBinstallsCcontainsDrequests

单选题According to RFC 2328, what is the stateful order in which an OSPF router transitions to a full adjacency with a neighbor router?()ADown, Init, 2 - Way, Exstart, Exchange, Loading, and FullBDown, Init, 2 - Wa y, Exchange, Exstart, Loading, and FullCDown, 2 - Way, Init, Loading, Exstart, Exchange, and FullDDown, 2 - Way, Init, Exchange, Exstart, Loading, and FullEDown, Init, 2 - Way, Loading, Exstart, Exchange, and FullFDown, 2 - Way, Init, Exstart, Exch ange, Loading, and Full

单选题Where a charter-party specifies the estimated time of arrival of a vessel at the port of loading,there is()obligation on the shipowners to sail to there on the date on which when proceeding with all convenient speed it would normally reach the port on or about the estimated date of arrival.Aan optionalBa reasonableCan absoluteDrational

单选题When do sailors make the ship fast? ()AWhen a ship is unmooring.BAfter a ship is in position alongside a wharf.CBefore a ship is loading.DA and C

单选题()in a charter-party are working days on which the weather allows loading work or discharging work to be done.AWhether working daysBWeather working daysCRunning daysDCalendar days

单选题Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().Ato the masterBthe chartererCthe merchantDreceiver

单选题Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when().AVessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptBVessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptCEven you have not reveived the distressDEven the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service