单选题If I hadn’t attended an important meeting yesterday, I ______ to see you.Awill have comeBwould have comeChave comeDhad come

If I hadn’t attended an important meeting yesterday, I ______ to see you.

will have come


would have come


have come


had come


句意:如果昨天我不去参加一个重要会议,我就能来看你了。本题考查虚拟语气。前面的分句用的是过去完成时,表示对过去已经发生了的事情的假设,因此后面主句的谓语动词要用would have done的形式。正确答案为B


I()to meet you here. A、didn't expectB、hadn't expectedC、don't expectD、will not expect

If I hadn’t listened to you, I would _have made_ (make) such a silly mistake.

I would never have believed it was possible if I ______ it with my own eyes.A. didn't seeB. don't seeC. won't seeD. hadn't seen

If I()out of ink, I would have finished writing the paper. A、hadn't runB、shouldn't runC、haven't runD、didn't run

I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, ______? A. won’t heB. do IC. don’t I

"If I hadn't practiced when I was younger," the musician says, "I _____ able to play so well now."A. wouldn't beB. won't beC. wouldn't have beenD. couldn't have been

I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning, so I think she ( ) at the meeting. A、shouldn't have spokenB、needn't have spokenC、mustn’t have spokenD、couldn’t have spoken

I was seriously ill yesterday, so I didn't go to work but ________ in bed. A.laidB.layC.liedD.lain

I began the day _____ tennis with a secondary-school friend I hadn't seen for a while.A:playingB:playC:to playD:played

I hadn’t seen her for 20 years, but I ______ her immediately. A. thinkB. recallC. thoughtD. recalled

— I wonder why Peter was late for the meeting yesterday.— He _______ his way. A.could loseB.might loseC.must loseD.must have lost

I ran ( ) an old friend of mine yesterday, whom I hadn’t seen for years. A、acrossB、crossC、afterD、for

you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?A、didn’t youB、hadn’t youC、do ID、don’I

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A.weren't to haveB.hadn't been to haveC.aren't to have D.hadn't had

--I was disappointed that you didn't come to my party last night.--I wish_________occupied then.A.I'm notB.I wasn'tC.I haven't beenD.I hadn't been

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A. weren't to haveB. hadn't been to haveC. aren't to haveD. hadn't had

What do the following sentences practice?Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday.Peter and T went to the cinema yesterday.Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday.Peter and I went to the cinema yesterday.A.Stress.B.Articulation.C.Liaison.D.Intonation.

I can’t ( ) the name of the person I met yesterday.A. concludeB. exploreC. releaseD. recall

I can’t ___ the name of the person I met yesterday.A.concludeB.exploreC.releaseD.recall

I had just posted the letter when I remembered that hadn’t( )the cheque。A.imposedB.enclosedC.involvedD.contained

We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?()AI'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.BOf course not. I have no idea.CNo, I can't.DThat's all set.

I don't suppose he will attend the meeting,()A、won’t heB、will heC、do ID、don’t I

We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?()A、I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B、Of course not. I have no idea.C、No, I can't.D、That's all set.

单选题We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?()AI'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.BOf course not. I have no idea.CNo, I can't.DThat's all set.

单选题If I hadn’t attended an important meeting yesterday, I _____ to see you.Awill have comeBwould have comeChave comeDhad come

单选题I could have called you yesterday, but I ______ your telephone number.Adidn’t haveBwon’t haveChadn’t hadDwouldn’t have

单选题I don't suppose he will attend the meeting,()Awon’t heBwill heCdo IDdon’t I

单选题I don’t remember ______ the book yesterday.Awhere I putBwhere did I putCwhere will I outDwhere I will put