单选题Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that _____.Ait will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan regionBit can do little to solve U.S. energy problemCit can cause serious damage to the environmentDit will not have much commercial value

Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that _____.

it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region


it can do little to solve U.S. energy problem


it can cause serious damage to the environment


it will not have much commercial value


细节题。选项B同义替换了尾段首句。“do little to solve”替换“do virtually nothing to ease”;a drop in the bucket意为“沧海一粟”。A、C项未在文中提及:D项为根据文中“consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any profit”设置的干扰项。


() against the idea was Lily. A、Among chief of thoseB、Among those chiefC、Chief among thoseD、Among chief those

According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals, .A.they never eat strong and healthy onesB.they always go against the law of natureC.they might help this kind of animals survive in natureD.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness

The author mentions businesses in Paragraph 5 in order toA. argue against free university educationB. call on them to finance students' studiesC. encourage graduates to go into businessD. show their contribution to higher education

The author doesn't mention those participants ______ in the London International Financial Futures Exchange( LIFFE ).A.who want to hedge against interest rate fluctuationsB.who wish to hedge against exchange rate fluctuationsC.who bet on which way interest rate will moveD.both A and B

___ goods are those that consumers would spend time comparing against competing commodities in terms of price, quality, suitability, style, etc. A.convenience goodsB.shopping goodsC.specialty goodsD.industrial goods

grammar pratice is usually dividied into two categories:_________________. A、mechanical drilling and meaningful drillingB、mechanical practice and meaningful practiceC、meaningful drilling and communcative drillingD、meaningful practice and communicative practice

Those who are against gene patents believe that_____A.genetic tests are not reliableB.only man-made products are patentableC.patents on genes depend much on innovationsD.courts should restrict access to genetic tests

For serious study, an anthropologist ______.A) must not study his own cultureB) is not supposed to have a prejudice against any societyC) should focus on those societies which are historically related to each otherD) is obliged to work only on those societies which have no historical relationship to each other

What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To show us the hidden beauty in our world.B.To warn us not to get lost in the fantasy wonderC.To argue against the misuse of the sense of wonderD.To discuss the influence of the world of make-believe

What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To show us the hidden beauty in our world.B.to warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.C.To argue against the misuse of the sense of wonder.D.To discuss the influence of the world of make-believe.

A mobile offshore drilling unit will show the day-shape in DIAGRAM 10 to indicate that it is ______.A.at anchorB.being towedC.agroundD.drilling

An ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher would be LEAST effective against a fire in ______.A.a mattressB.spilled liquids such as oil or paintC.high voltage electrical gearD.a trash can

Those who are against the proposition suspect that it may lead to( ) A.a protest of teenage girls B.full stop of abortion C.more cases of child abuse D.serious social problems

单选题Two main processes that determine oil prices are ______.Amedia accounts and oil marketsBeconomic fundamentals and irrational fears or the actions of shadowy governmentsCconsumers’ fears and suppliers’ political decisionsDthe forces of supply and demand and constraints on those forces created by political risk and cartel behavior

单选题Which of the following statements describes the function of an air compressor intake filter?()AProtects against suction valve floatBProvides a positive pressure on the air inlet valvesCPrevents lubricating oil contamination of the compressed air supplyDProtects against the damaging effects of airborne solid particles

单选题What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line1. Para. 3)?ADon’t be too optimistic.BDon’t expect fast returns.CThe oil drilling should be delayed.DOil exploitation takes a long time.

单选题What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR?AIt will increase America’s energy consumption.BIt will exhaust the nation’s oil reserves.CIt will help reduce the nation’s oil imports.DIt will help secure the future of ANWR.

单选题To function properly, oil control rings used on a diesel engine piston must distribute sufficient oil to all parts of the cylinder wall and must also().Aprevent any lubricant from reachingBprevent excessive lubrication from reaching the combustion spaceCProvide metal-to-metal contact to seal the cylinder against blow-byDassure a positive means of scraping carbon accumulation from the cylinder

问答题Censorship refers to any action taken by a society to control access to ideas and information. Throughout history many different types of societies have used censorship in various ways. The issue is increasingly important due to the rapid development of new communication technology. As innovators continue to create new ways for people to share information, many people are now arguing over the issue of censorship The following are opinions from both sides Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. Summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  For the proponents of censorship, restricting the access to information is something that can provide benefits to society. By censoring pornography on the Internet, children are less likely to encounter it. By censoring certain types of images and videos, society can prevent offensive or vulgar material from offending those that it targets. For example, some would argue that society should censor material that is insulting to a particular religion in order to maintain societal harmony. In this way, censorship is viewed as a way to protect society as a whole from material that is seen as offensive or damaging.  Some argue that censorship is necessary to preserve national security. Without using any kind of censorship, they argue that it is impossible to maintain the secrecy of information necessary for protecting the nation. For this purpose, censorship protects a state’s military or security secrets from its enemies who can use that information against the state.  Those who are against censorship argue that the practice limits the freedoms of speech, the press and expression and that these limitations are ultimately a detriment to society. By preventing free access to information, it is argued that society is fostering ignorance in its citizens. Through this ignorance, citizens are more easily controlled by special interest groups, and groups that are able to take power are able to use censorship to maintain themselves. Additionally, they argue that censorship limits a society’s ability to advance in its understanding of the world.

单选题We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry _____.Ashows little interest in tapping oil in ANWRBexpects to stop oil imports from Saudi ArabiaCtends to exaggerate America’s reliance on foreign oilDbelieves that drilling for ANWR will produce high yields

单选题Under the regulations implementing MARPOL, a mobile offshore drilling unit is required to have an International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate when the unit ().Ais drilling on the Outer Continental ShelfBmoves to a new drilling location in U-SwatersCengages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party of MARPOLDAll of the above

单选题Those against oil drilling ANWR argue that _____.Ait will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan regionBit can do little to solve U.S. energy problemCit can cause serious damage to the environmentDit will not have much commercial value

单选题One engine manufacturer recommends heavy fuel oil should not be heated above 80℃ to 95℃ (176 ℉ TO 203℉) before purificationThis upper limit should be observed to ensure against()Aflattening of the bowl neoprene O-ringsBoperation within the explosive rang of the fuelCexcessive purifier operating pressuresDexcessive oil viscosity

单选题How do the militants justify their kidnapping of oil workers?AThey argue that oil resources in the Niger Delta region are exhausting.BThey are not satisfied with the generous Pay of the oil workers.CThey claim that the Niger Delta region is off limit to foreign oil companies.DThey see their action as protest against the uneven distribution of the oil wealth.

单选题Which of the following best expresses the purpose of this passage?ATo explain how a loophole in the Clean Air Act allows power plants to avoid compliance with emissions restrictionsBTo raise awareness of the problems caused by sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plantsCTo argue against a specific implementation of the Clean Air Act that relates to greenhouse gas emissionsDTo argue that companies should not exploit a loophole in the Clean Air Act concerning an atmospheric pollutantETo advocate the passage of a new Clean Air Act that places limits on sulfur dioxide emissions

单选题An ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher would be LEAST effective against a fire in().Aa mattressBspilled liquids such as oil or paintChigh voltage electrical gearDa trash can

单选题It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWR’s frozen each _____.Ainvolves a lot of technological problemsBremains a controversial issueCis expected to get under way soonDwill enable the U.S. to be oil independent

单选题As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are only second with those of Kuwait.Acome second falling Bcome second with Care only second toDare second only to