多选题Ring check主要用于检测和消除用户侧的环网,Ring check报文格式描述正确的是哪些?()ADMAC为ONT系统MACBSMAC为桥MACCDMAC为广播MAC值为0xFFDSMAC为ONT系统MAC

Ring check主要用于检测和消除用户侧的环网,Ring check报文格式描述正确的是哪些?()









解析: 暂无解析


以下网络中,属于广域网的有哪些?( ) Ⅰ.以太总线网(Ethernet) Ⅱ.光纤分布式数字接口FDDI Ⅲ.令牌环网(Token Ring) Ⅳ.异步传输模式ATM Ⅴ.B-ISDN Ⅵ.公用分组交换网(X.25)A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ和ⅢB.Ⅱ、Ⅳ和ⅤC.Ⅱ、Ⅴ和ⅥD.Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ


客户操作系统可以运行在什么权限?() A.Ring0B.Ring1C.Ring2D.Ring3

下面哪些短语表达正确:() A、check out (酒店)办理退房手续B、check in 办理登机手续C、check into a hotel 入住酒店房间D、check in (酒店)办理入住登记

In a diesel engine, when refitting piston rings you should ①check the ring gap at the smallest diameter of the cylinder ②remove carbon from the ring grooveA.①B.②C.①②D.neither ① nor ②

下面哪些是正确的常用的局域网介质访问控制方法? ( )Ⅰ.CSMA/CDⅡ.Token RingⅢ.Token BusⅣ.NetWareA.Ⅰ、ⅡB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

在Token Bus与Token Ring的讨论中,以下哪些是环维护工作需要完成的任务? Ⅰ.环初始化 Ⅱ.用户使用权限 Ⅲ.新结点加入与撤出环 Ⅳ.优先级 Ⅴ.操作系统版本更新A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢB.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、ⅤC.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD.Ⅱ、Ⅴ

Windows2003中的处理器运行在()模式中。 A.Ring3B.Ring2C.Ring1D.Ring0

In a diesel engine, when refitting piston rings you should______. I. check the ring gap at the smallest diameter of the cylinder II. remove carbon from the ring grooveA.I onlyB.II onlyC.both I and IID.neither I nor II



生理缩复环(physiologic retraction ring)


神经环(nerve ring)

以下关于环网技术说法正确的是()。A、以太网环技术日趋成熟且成本低廉,解决二层网络环路问题的技术有RPR和RRPPB、RRPP(Rapid Ring Protection Protocol,快速环网保护协议)是一个专门应用于以太网环的网络层协议C、RRPR需要专用硬件,因此成本较高D、RRPP的收敛时间与环网上节点数无关,可应用于网络直径较大的网络

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by ()Alow combustion temperatureBa leaking fuel nozzle check valveClate fuel injectionDplugged oil-scraper ring hole

单选题In large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, position ring groove wear usually occurs at the()Atop of the ring grooveBback of the ring grooveCbottom of the ring grooveDpiston ring end clearance

单选题A diesel engine piston ring face is in direct contact with the ().Atop of the ring grooveBcylinder liner oil filmCbottom of the ring grooveDback of the ring groove

单选题In a diesel engine, when refitting piston rings you should () Ⅰ.check the ring gap at the smallest diameter of the cylinder Ⅱ. Remove carbon from the ring grooveAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCboth Ⅰ and ⅡDneither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ

名词解释题神经环(nerve ring)

单选题令牌环(TOKEN RING)的访问方法和物理枝术规范有()描述。AIEE802.2BIEEE802.3CIEE802.4DIEEE802.5

单选题Diesel engine piston ring blow-by is usually caused by excessive ring clearance at the ring()AbackBsideCgapDbottom


多选题Ring check主要用于检测和消除用户侧的环网,Ring check报文格式描述正确的是哪些?()ADMAC为ONT系统MACBSMAC为桥MACCDMAC为广播MAC值为0xFFDSMAC为ONT系统MAC

单选题On a ship,how many ring buoys are required to have a buoyant line attached?()AOne ring life buoyBOne ring life buoy on each side of the shipCThree ring life buoysDTwo ring life buoys on each side of the ship

单选题If the compression rings on a diesel engine piston become stuck in the ring groove, the cause may be due to()Aexcessive ring actionBexcessive ring temperatureCimproper ring rotationDexcessive ring face wear

单选题In a diesel engine, when installing new piston rings it is important to check() Ⅰ.ring gap clearance Ⅱ.side clearanceAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCboth Ⅰ and ⅡDneither Ⅰnor Ⅱ

单选题When installing rings on a diesel engine piston, you should check the ring()Adiametrical tensionBgap clearanceCradial thicknessDface thickness