单选题When and where to build the factory _____ yet.Ais not decidedBare not decidedChas not decidedDhave not decided

When and where to build the factory _____ yet.

is not decided


are not decided


has not decided


have not decided




We are not _______ trouble when the factory opens again. A.anticipatedB.anticipateC.anticipatingD.anticipative

There are still many things to straighten out before we can build this factory. First, there is the problem of money. Second, we need to import some of the key equipment. Third, we must set up a strong team to run the factory.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

When ________ about his plan, he said he hadn’t made it yet. A.was askedB.askedC.was askingD.asking

When and where to build the new school ____ ?A. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. has not decidedD. have not decided

When _________a hill, the driver should build up speed early in order to cut down gasoline consumption.A. approachedB. to approachC. approachD. approaching


A: () did she()a job? B: In the car factory. A、When/getB、Where/gotC、Who/getD、Where/get

____ the forties ____ the first fully automatic factory was built in the world. A.It was not until ...thenB.It was not until ...thatC.It was until ...thatD.It was not until ...when

It was in the factory ______ produced TV sets ______ our friends were murdered.A、which; whichB、that; whichC、that; thatD、where; that

Is there anyone around the factory ________ knows how to operate the computer? A. whoB. /C. whichD. where

The factory _______ we‘ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

[A] why[B] when[C] while[D] where

A what B where C that D when

Is this the factory__you visited theother day?A.whatB.whereC.ThatD.when

When and where to build the new factory__________yet.A.is not decidedB.are not decidedC.has not decidedD.have not decided




Which two scenarios are NOT safe to replace a StringBuffer object with a StringBuilder object?()A、When using versions of Java technology earlier than 5.0.B、When sharing a StringBuffer among multiple threads.C、When using the java.io class StringBufferInputStream.D、When you plan to reuse the StringBuffer to build more than one string.

单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().Asituations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyBvisibility of less than half a mileCany condition where visibility is restrictedDvisibility where you cannot see shore

单选题When and where()your registy certificate issued?AisBareCwasDwere

单选题Where does the man work?AIn a factory.BIn a sales department.CAt Sonic Laboratory.

单选题This question ______ now is where to build the new factory.AdiscussesBdiscussingCbe discussedDbeing discussed

单选题When______, the small factory will make 5 cars a day.Abe completedBcompletingCcompletedDto be completed

多选题When resetting a Catalyst Express switch to factory default settings, which three options are available from the Software Recovery window?()ABoot to a password recovery windowBBoot with the factory default imageCErase the system configuration and boot with the factory default IOS imageDErase the system configuration and boot from a TFTP-supplied IOS imageEErase the System Configuration

单选题According to the talk, where could visitors get something to eat in the evenings?AIn a pub.BIn a fish-and-chip shop.CIn a good restaurant.DIn a factory canteen.

单选题58 A where B what C when D whichAABBCCDD