货运设备 freight facilities

货运设备 freight facilities


In the announcement, all the serving facilities are mentioned except .(A) transportation(B) banking facilities(C) booking facilities(D) postal facilities

In the case of Brown versus Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that _____. A. separate educational facilities had been illegalB. educational facilities had been separate but equalC. educational facilities had been equalD. separate educational facilities were inherently unequal

If a full cargo is not loaded, the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also ________ .A.broken spaceB.dead weightC.constantD.dead freight

At common law the Shipowner has possessory liens on the cargo for ______.A.advance freightB.freight payable on deliveryC.freight not earnedD.freight payable after delivery

Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that ______.A.Owner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidB.Owner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredC.Owner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredD.Owner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

When the carrier is liable for the compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods,such compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant's net invoice cost,plus freight and insurance premium,if paid. This sentence means that ______.A.if the freight and insurance premium are paid,they shall be added to the basisB.if the freight and insurance premium are not paid,they shall be added to the basisC.the freight and insurance premium shall not be added to the basis even they are paidD.the freight and insurance premium shall be added to the basis even they are not paid

What does Consumer Quarterly hope the report will do?A. Increase state funding for all facilitiesB. Encourage low-ranking facilities to improveC. Increase awareness of the facilities that existD. Encourage more nurses to apply for jobs in the facilities

国际货运代理协会联合会(International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations),法文缩写FIATA。

当出口采用CIF术语时,海运提单对运费的表示应为()。A、Freight PrepaidB、Freight CollectC、Freight PrepayableD、以上都不是

“国际货运代理”的英文是()A、international transport agencyB、international mechandise agencyC、international freight tallyD、international freight forwarding agency

翻译:Dead  Freight()


当贸易术语采用CIF时,海运提单对运费的表示应为:()A、Freight PrepaidB、Freight CollectC、Freight PrepayableD、Freight Unpaid


通过式货运站 through-type freight station

客车洗刷设备 wash facilities for passenger car

综合性货运站 general freight station

Since the freight payments are taken care of by the freight forwarder, the carrier doesn′t have to take any ().A、benefitB、responsibilityC、riskD、advantage



名词解释题通过式货运站 through-type freight station

名词解释题综合性货运站 general freight station

单选题Owner shall have a lien on the cargo for freight,dead-freight,demurrage and damages for detention.It means that().AOwner will not deliver the cargo if freight not paidBOwner will keep the dead-freight until the cargo has been deliveredCOwner will keep the demurrage as soon as the cargo be deliveredDOwner shall have no right of detention for the damaged cargo to be delivered

单选题If a full cargo is not loaded,the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also().Abroken spaceBdead weightCconstantDdead freight

单选题As freight is prima facie payable on delivery of the goods,the burden of making out a case for advance freight()on the Shipowner.AhasBhaveCisDare

名词解释题跨线设备 track-crossing facilities

名词解释题货运设备 freight facilities