RULE III. EXTINGUISHING FIRE ON SHIPBOARD: Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by water or otherwise, including damage by beaching or scuttling a burning ship, in extinguishing a fire on board the ship, shall be made good as general average; except that no compensation shall be made for damage by smoke or heat however caused. 根据以上条款,不能列入共同海损的是()。 A、遇险船舶由于救助而引起的损失B、货物由于起火进而被烟熏而引起的损失C、为切断火源,船方抛掷甲板上的原木,原木落水时撞毁螺旋桨而引起的直接损失D、货物由于救火时使用了二氧化碳而引起的损失

RULE III. EXTINGUISHING FIRE ON SHIPBOARD: Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by water or otherwise, including damage by beaching or scuttling a burning ship, in extinguishing a fire on board the ship, shall be made good as general average; except that no compensation shall be made for damage by smoke or heat however caused. 根据以上条款,不能列入共同海损的是()。

  • A、遇险船舶由于救助而引起的损失
  • B、货物由于起火进而被烟熏而引起的损失
  • C、为切断火源,船方抛掷甲板上的原木,原木落水时撞毁螺旋桨而引起的直接损失
  • D、货物由于救火时使用了二氧化碳而引起的损失


Halogenated hydrocarbon, Halon in short form,is used on board ship as ________ mediumB.a standard fire testC.a non-combustible materialD.a fire main

A fire in the galley ALWAYS poses the additional threat of ______.A.contaminating food with extinguishing agentB.spreading through the engineering spaceC.causing loss of stabilityD.a grease fire in the ventilation system

A galley grease fire on the stove may be extinguished using______.A.waterB.foamC.the range hood extinguishing dampers

Fighting a fire in the galley poses the additional threat of ______.A.contaminating food with extinguishing agentB.spreading through the engineering spaceC.loss of stabilityD.a grease fire in the ventilation system

Generally, the first action in extinguishing an LFG fire caused by escaping gas is to ______.A.sweep flames away with water sprayB.shut off the leakC.use a chemical foam fire the local fire department


Deep-fat cooking equipment shall be fitted with the following:()A、An automatic or manual fixed extinguishing system tested to an appropriate standardacceptable to the OrganizationB、Controls for manual operation of the fire-extinguishing system which are clearlylabeled for ready use by the crewC、Arrangements for automatically shutting off the electrical power upon activation of thefire-extinguishing systemD、an alarm for indicating operation of the fire-extinguishing system in the galley wherethe equipment is installed

单选题Which characteristic is an advantage of Halon as a fire extinguishing medium?()AElectrically non-conductiveBRelatively inexpensiveCEffective against chemicals containing an oxidizerDAll of the above

单选题Fire protection regulations for towing vessels require all crew members to know how to perform each of these tasks EXCEPT().Astart the mechanical ventilation system for the engine roomBoperate the fuel shut-off for the engine roomCoperate all fire extinguishing equipment aboard the vessel on board the vessel,including starting the fire pumpDAll of the above

单选题A class B fire is most successfully fought by().Apreventing oxygen from reaching the burning materialBcooling the burning material below its ignition temperatureCusing the extinguishing agent to make the burning material fire-resistantDusing the extinguishing agent to absorb the heat

单选题A fire in the galley always poses the additional threat of().Acontaminating food with extinguishing agentBshutting all sources of air into the compartmentCclosing the sea chestDa grease fire in the ventilation system

单选题The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting should include the theoretical elements which should cover ().Athe three elements of fire and explosionBlower and upper flammable limitsCclassification of flies and applicable extinguishing agentsDAll of the above

单选题Which is a disadvantage of Halon as a fire extinguishing medium?()AConducts electricityBDifficult to storeCLarge volume necessary to be effectiveDIneffective in powdered metal fires

单选题What is an advantage of using foam in fire fighting?()AIt is effective in controlling fire in flowing oil such as coming from a broken fuel lineBIt absorbs heat from materials that could cause reignitionCMost foams can be used jointly with dry chemical extinguishing agents to attack a fire by two methods of extinguishmentDOnce the surface is blanketed with foam and the fire is extinguished,no further foam is required

单选题Generally, the first action in extinguishing an LFG fire caused by escaping gas is to().Asweep flames away with water sprayBshut off the leakCuse a chemical foam fire extinguisherDcall t e local fire department


单选题Which fire extinguishing agent can NOT be used on an ethylenediamine?()AWater foamBDry chemical powderCWater fogDAlcohol foam

单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to().Aremove oxygen from the areaBcool fuel below ignition temperatureCsmother with CO2Dsmother fire with foam

单选题What method of extinguishing fire in a hatch is the best to minimize damages to the cargoes?().AFoamBCO2CWaterDAll of the above

多选题Deep-fat cooking equipment shall be fitted with the following:()AAn automatic or manual fixed extinguishing system tested to an appropriate standardacceptable to the OrganizationBControls for manual operation of the fire-extinguishing system which are clearlylabeled for ready use by the crewCArrangements for automatically shutting off the electrical power upon activation of thefire-extinguishing systemDan alarm for indicating operation of the fire-extinguishing system in the galley wherethe equipment is installed

单选题What is the most important characteristic of the extinguishing agent in fighting a class C fire?()AWeightBTemperatureCElectrical nonconductivityDCost

单选题Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?()ACO2BFoamCWater fogDSoda acid

单选题What is NOT a characteristic of carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing agents?()AEffective even if ventilation is not shut downBWill not deteriorate in storageCNon-corrosiveDEffective on electrical equipment

单选题The fire extinguishing action of CO2 comes mostly from ().Abreaking the fire chemical chain reactionBsmotheringCcoolingDisolating the heat from the fuel

单选题The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to ().Aremove oxygen from the areaBsmother fire with foamCsmother fire with CO2Dcool fuel below ignition temperature

单选题When occurring a fire in the scavenge air box, the following measures should be taken except for()Areducing speed to SLOW and asking bridge for permission to stopBstopping the fuel oil supplyCswitching-on the auxiliary blowersDputting the scavenge air box fire extinguishing equipment into function

单选题Generally,the first action in extinguishing an LFG fire caused by escaping gas is to().Asweep flames away with water sprayBshut off the leakCuse a chemical foam fire extinguisherDcall the local fire department