英译中:Universal Product Code

英译中:Universal Product Code


() refers to the universal code now attached to most goods, final and intermediate that identifies the particular product and its manufacturer. A、EDIB、supply chainBar codingC、patent

The journal entry a company uses to record the estimated accrued product warranty liability is ( ) A. debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Product Warranty PayableB. debit Product Warranty Payable; credit CashC. debit Product Warranty Expense; credit CashD. debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Product Warranty Expense

We should very much like to help you in this matter, but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of considerably lower quality in order to compete at this price.(英译中)

What will be the output of the follow C code?#define product(x) (x*x)main(){int i = 3, j, k;j = product(i++);k = product(++i);printf("%d %d",j,k);}

On which product media can the IVM install code be located?() A.Base AIX Install media.B.Base VIOS Install media.C.AIX Expansion Pack media.D.VIOS Expansion Pack media.

国际客票的识读:(中译英或英译中) A、FARE BASIS: B、NOT VALID BEFORE:// C、AIRLINE DATA: D、TOUR CODE:// E、填开日期与地点: F、行李: G、免费行李额: H、始发地/目的地:

That is the existing product range. "product range" means product portfolio.

On which product media can the IVM install code be located?()A、Base AIX Install media.B、Base VIOS Install media.C、AIX Expansion Pack media.D、VIOS Expansion Pack media.

1970年美国超级市场AdHoc委员会制定了通用商品代码——UPC码(Universal Product Code),此后许多团体也提出了各种条码符号方案。

以下字段哪些属于亚马逊平台批量上传表格时的必填字段?()A、SKUB、Model NumberC、Product IDD、Brand NameE、Product Tax Code

UML 是()的缩写。A、Unified Module LanguageB、Unified Modeling LanguageC、Universal Module LevelingD、Universal Module Language

英译中:Bar code scanner

ABC Company has approximately 150’000 products in their catalog and wants to put these within a Coherence cache to improve performance and access times of their existing JEE application without too much change to existing code. There are a number of servlets that get the same product information multiple times within a page. There are also a number of server-based processes that run at regular intervals and also request product information many times. Products have small changes which need to be updated during the day.  What would be the most appropriate caching scheme to use ? ()A、 Near CacheB、 Distributed CacheC、 Local CacheD、 Replicated Cache

Which product should be used along with Oracle Enterprise Manager Packs for Fusion Middleware for end-to-end visibility ?()A、 Oracle Data Masking PackB、 Oracle Real Application TestingC、 Oracle Byte Code Instrumentation for Java (BCI4J)D、 Oracle Real User Expirience Insight (ORUEI)

The TRANS_SUMMARY table contains product-wise transaction details that get updated with every transactionin the system. Each row has cumulative transaction details of a single product and every product is identified bya product code, which is the primary key.As part of the archival process, the company wants to transfer therows in the TRANS_SUMMARY table to the TRANS_SUMMARY_DUP table at the end of every quarter of theyear. Along with existing products, the company deals with many new products during every quarter. Whichmethod is best suited for this quarterly data transfer()A、Using the MERGE commandB、Using the SQL*Loader utilityC、Using the correlated UPDATE commandD、Using the INSERT command to perform bulk operation

You are developing an ASP.NET Web page. The page includes a List instance. You add a FormView control to display a single Product from this list. You need to bind the list to the FormView control. Which FormView property should you set in the code-behind file?()A、DataSourceB、DataSourceIDC、DataKeyNamesD、DataMember

多选题A 35000 ton product oil tanker will be delivered in a few days, as a surveyor, you go on board for finally confirming the documentations required by SOLAS, which shall be equipped on board. Which of them as below are correct:()AFire control planBMuster list and Emergency proceduresCNautical publicationsDInternational code of signals and Inmarsat manualETraining manual

名词解释题英译中:Bar code label

单选题The TRANS_SUMMARY table contains product-wise transaction details that get updated with everytransaction in the system. Each row has cumulative transaction details of a single product and everyproduct is identified by a product code, which is the primary key.  As part of the archival process, the company wants to transfer the rows in the TRANS_SUMMARY tableto the TRANS_SUMMARY_DUP table at the end of every quarter of the year. Along with existing products,the company deals with many new products during every quarter.  Which method is best suited for this quarterly data transfer()Ausing the MERGE commandBusing the SQL*Loader utilityCusing the correlated UPDATE commandDusing the INSERT command to perform bulk operation

单选题A session-scoped attribute, product, is stored by a servlet. That servlet then forwards to a JSP page. This attribute holds an instance of the com.Company.   Product class with a name property of “The Matrix” and price property of 39.95. Given the JSP page code snippet: What is the response output of this JSP page code snippet? ()A  Default costs 0.0B  Default costs 49.95C  Default costs 39.95D  The Matrix costs 0.0E  The Matrix costs 49.95F  The Matrix costs 39.95

单选题You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 application. In the Areas folder, you add a subfolder named Product to create a single project areA.  You add files named ProductController.vb and Index.aspx to the appropriate subfolders.  You then add a file named Route.vb to the Product folder that contains the following code.01 Public Class Route  Inherits AreaRegistration02  03 Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AreaName As String04 Get  05 Return "product"06 End Get  07 End Property08  09 Public Overrides Sub RegisterArea(ByVal context As AreaRegistrationContext)10  11 context.MapRoute("product_default", "product/{controller}/{action}/{id}", New With {.controller = "Product", .action = "Index",.id = ""})12  13 End Sub  End Class  When you load the URL http:///product, you discover that the correct page is not returned. You need to ensure that the correct page is returned. What should you do?()AReplace line 11 with the following code segment. context.MapRoute("product_default",   "{area}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", New With {.area = "product", .controller = "Product",   .action = "Index", .id = ""})BReplace line 11 with the following code segment. context.MapRoute("product_default",   "{area}", New With {.controller = "Product", .action = "Index", .id = ""})CAdd the following code segment at line 12.  AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas()DAdd the following code segment to the RegisterRoutes method in the Global.asax.vb file.   AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas()

判断题1970年美国超级市场AdHoc委员会制定了通用商品代码——UPC码(Universal Product Code),此后许多团体也提出了各种条码符号方案。A对B错

单选题Electronic Product Code最正确的释义是哪一个?()A电子产品代码B产品电子代码C自动识别D编码体系

判断题1999年,Electronic Product Code(EPC)global的前身麻省理工Auto-ID中心提出“Internet of Things”的构想。()A对B错

单选题Which product should be used along with Oracle Enterprise Manager Packs for Fusion Middleware for end-to-end visibility ?()A Oracle Data Masking PackB Oracle Real Application TestingC Oracle Byte Code Instrumentation for Java (BCI4J)D Oracle Real User Expirience Insight (ORUEI)

名词解释题英译中:Universal Product Code

单选题“the product in question” in Line 5 Paragraph 2 means _____ .A“the product in the previous question”B“the product under discussion”C“the product on sale”D“the product in doubt”