生存概率(survival probability)

生存概率(survival probability)


马斯洛需要层次理论(Maslow’shierarchyofneeds)的顶点被称为() A.生理满足(Physiological satisfaction)B.达到生存需要(Attainment of survival)C.交往的需要(The need for association)D.上述都不是

用寿命表法计算某医院男性直肠ca术后生存率,得5q0=0.6123,表示( )。A、术后5年生存概率为0.6123B、第5年术后生存概率为0.6123C、术后活满4年不到5年的生存概率为0.6123D、术后活满过0年再活5年的生存概率为0.6123E、术后活满过5年不到6年的生存概率为0.6123


不可保体人群具有较高的( ),以致保险人无法按照正常的大数法则分散风险。 A.生存概率B.死亡概率C.意外发生概率D.疾病发生概率

The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that.The more uncertain an event is, the more inforamtion is required to resovle uncertainty of that event.The amount of information is measured in__(73)__. (73)A.possibilityB.bitsC.bpsD.probability

RTOS的主要实时指标不包括:()。A.截至时间(Finish Time)B.吞吐量(Throughput)C.生存时间(Survival Time)D.响应时间(Response Time)

风险的优先级通常是根据( )设定。A.风险影响(Risk Impact)B.风险概率(Risk Probability)C.风险暴露(Risk Exposure)D.风险控制(Risk Control)


实证研究中所说的,显著性水平(significance level)和显著性概率(significance probability)分别指的是什么?



The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ()A、possibilityB、bitsC、bpsD、probability

DOE时在Minitab中有4种评估因子显著项的方法,以下哪个并非这4种方法之一?()A、正态概率图Normal probability plotB、排列图Pareto plotC、残差图Residual plotD、利用假设检验的P值

survival analysis

生存率(survival rate)


Which of these is a drawback in using McAfee heuristic scanning?() A、 heuristic scanning cannot detect new malware with an unknown signatureB、 heuristic scanning requires a separate license keyC、 heuristic scanning increases the probability of false positivesD、 heuristic scanning increases the probability of false negatives

马斯洛需要层次理论(Maslow’shierarchyofneeds)的顶点被称为()A、生理满足(Physiological satisfaction)B、达到生存需要(Attainment of survival)C、交往的需要(The need for association)D、上述都不是

单选题The probability that Claire passes chemistry is 0.75, and the probability that she passes history is 0.88. If passing one course is independent of passing the other, what is the probability that she does not pass chemistry and passes history?A0.22B0.66C0.13D0.25E0.03

单选题Survival craft EPIRBs (Class S) are().Apermanently mounted in the survival craftBportable and stowed for carriage to the survival craftCpermanently mounted on the bridge wingsDportable and stowed in the emergency gear locker



问答题实证研究中所说的,显著性水平(significance level)和显著性概率(significance probability)分别指的是什么?

单选题马斯洛需要层次理论(Maslow’shierarchyofneeds)的顶点被称为()A生理满足(Physiological satisfaction)B达到生存需要(Attainment of survival)C交往的需要(The need for association)D上述都不是

单选题A die whose faces are numbered from l to 6 is rolled. Which of the following statements must be true?Ⅰ. The probability of getting a 4 on the top face is 2/3.Ⅱ. The probability of getting an odd number on the top face is 1/2.Ⅲ. The probability of getting a prime number on the top face is 1/2.AⅠand Ⅱ onlyBⅡ and Ⅲ onlyCⅠ and Ⅲ onlyDⅡ onlyEⅠ, Ⅱ, and IⅢ

单选题DOE时在Minitab中有4种评估因子显著项的方法,以下哪个并非这4种方法之一?()A正态概率图Normal probability plotB排列图Pareto plotC残差图Residual plotD利用假设检验的P值
