默认情况下,语句:Dim student(4,5to6)定义的数组有()个元素。A、20B、24C、10D、30
默认情况下,语句:Dim student(4,5to6)定义的数组有()个元素。
- A、20
- B、24
- C、10
- D、30
设有如下的用户定义类型: Type Student number As String name As string age As Integer End Type 则以下正确引用该类型成员的代码是______。A. Student name="李明”B.Dim s As Student s.name="李明"C.Dim s As Type Student s.name="李明"D.Dim s As Type s.name="李明"
下列哪个语句定义了包含12个元素的整型数组( )。 A、Dim a(3,4) As IntegerB、Dim a(1 to 12)%C、Dim a%(-1 to 1,3)D、Dim a(1 to 2,3 to6) As Long
下列哪个语句定义了包含8个元素的单精度数组( ) A、Dim a(2,4) As Single3CB、 Dim a(1 to 8)!C、Dim a!(7)D、 Dim a(1 to 2,3 to 6) As Long
有如下用户定义类型及操作语句: Tyoe Student SNo As String Sname As String SAge As Integer End Type Dim Stu As Student With Stu SNo=”200609001” SName=”陈果果“ A ge=19 End With 执行MsgBox Stu,Age 后,消息框输出结果是 【13】
变量定义语句Dim Index与下面的______等价。 ( )A.Dim Index As LongB.Dim Index As IntegerC.Dim Index As SingleD.Dim Index As Double
VBA语句"Dim NewArray(10)as Integer"的含义是()A、定义10个整型数构成的数组NewArrayB、定义11个整型数构成的数组NewArrayC、定义1个值为整型数的变量NewArray(10)D、定义1个值为10的变量NewArray