程序段“L MW12/ITD /DTR/ T MD26”是用来将存放在MW16中的16位整数转换为32位实数的程序。

程序段“L MW12/ITD /DTR/ T MD26”是用来将存放在MW16中的16位整数转换为32位实数的程序。


What beautiful weather, ()? A.is itB.isn’t itC.won’t itD.doesn’t it

程序段“LMW12/ITD/DTR/TMD26”是用来将存放在MW16中的16位整数转换为32位实数的程序。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

程序段if(us)t=u;t=s;的功能是将u,s中的最大值赋给变量t。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Don’t you think ___ important to protect our earth?A. thatB. howC. itD. this

It’S the first time that he has been to Australia,____________?A.isn,t heB.hasn’t heC.isn’t itD.hasn’t it

This year' s weather isn' t as it was last year, ()? A、wasn't itB、was itC、isn't itD、is it

I want this car, but I can’t afford to buy ________. A.oneB.anotherC.itD.this

We've been looking at houses but haven't found ___we like yet.A、oneB、onesC、itD、them

若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是A.int *i=NULL;B.float *f=NULL;scanf("%d",i); *f=10.5;C.char t='m', *c=t;D.long *L;

若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是 ______。A.int*i=NULL; scanf("%d",i);B.float * f=NULL *f=19.5;C.char t='m',*c=t; *c=t;D.long *L; L='\0';

以下选项中,正确运用指针变量的程序段是( )。A.int*i=NULL;B.float*f=NULL; scanf("%d",i); *f=10.5;C.char t='m',*C=t;D.long*L; *C=t; L='0';

执行以下程序段后,T的值为int T=’a’, x=12, y=5;T=((x || y)(T’A’));A.1 B.NULL C.-l D.0

假定有以下程序段: n=0fori=l t03forj=-3t0 1n-=n+1nextjnexti运行完毕后,n的值是( )。 A.3SX 假定有以下程序段: n=0fori=l t03forj=-3t0 1n-=n+1nextjnexti运行完毕后,n的值是( )。A.3B.4C.12D.15

若程序中已包含头文件stdio.h,以下选项能正确运用指针变量的程序段是( )。A.int *i=NULL; scanf("%d",i);B.float *f=NULL; *f=10.5;C.char t='m',*c; *c=t;D.long *L; L='\0';

2. There's hardly any milk in the bottle,________ ?A.is thereB.isn't thereC.is itD.isn’t it

The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,( )?A.did theyB.didn't theyC.did itD.didn't it

She couldn‘t take shorthand,_______slowed down the work of the office.A.thatB.whichC.itD.so


The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall,()?A、can't itB、isn't itC、hasn't itD、doesn't it

Nice day,()? Yes, it is.A、is itB、isn't itC、what's itD、isn't that






通过LMT将参数“TX Timeout”设置为“0”,则()A、DTR100不能连续发射信号B、DTR100可以连续发射信号C、DTR100不能发射信号
