The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide,using English and()other languages.A、37B、38C、39D、40

The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide,using English and()other languages.

  • A、37
  • B、38
  • C、39
  • D、40


The Voice of America began during the World War II when Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international (21) . American officials believed they should (22) the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world (23) . The first VOA news report began with these words in (24) : "The (25) may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth." Within a week, other VOA (26) were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.After the World war II (27) in 1945, some Americans felt VOA's (28) had to be changed, (29) the Soviet Union (苏联)became the enemy of America. They wanted to reach Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.In the early years VOA began (30) something new to its broadcast that was (31) "Music USA" , Another new idea came (32) in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know (33) English to completely understand its normal English broadcast. So VOA (34) a simpler kind of English, which uses about 1,500 words and is spoken (35) ,of course, it is Special English.21.A. businessB. cultureC. supportD. information.

温水锅炉循环系统中最低水位的阀门是()阀。 A、37B、38C、39D、40

急性胆囊炎患者体温一般()℃左右 A、37B、38C、39D、40

数字字符4的ASCII码为十六进制数34,数字字符9的ASCII码为十六进制数____。 A、37B、38C、39D、40

Apart from a break during the Second World War, the BBC has been providing regular television broadcasts since ___________. A.1935B.1936C.1937D.1938

The introduction of the printing technology to England helped to spread English into many countries and places over the world so that it has become the most important international language in the present day.()

As ___, I think business English is more practical than other International Business student International Business majorC.a International Business student International Business major student

It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times.About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′slargest language.Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide.As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language.The author says that Chinese is expected to spread worldwide if__________.A.China becomes a real world powerB.China has a larger populationC.China has the modern technologyD.more tourists come to China

The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide,using English and()other languages.A37B38C39D40













单选题The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide,using English and()other languages.A37B38C39D40

问答题Practice 3  BBC World Service is the world's biggest radio network, with 140 million listeners across the globe, broadcasting in 44 languages, heard on short-wave, medium-wave, FM and satellite. We have an ambitious plan for the brand new technology of Digital Broadcasting by Satellite, due to start next year. The appearance of the Internet has taken us broadcasters all by surprise. The Internet has enabled any radio station anywhere to become an international broadcaster with only a minor investment. Although its sound quality is far from perfect, it excels that of short-wave. Internet radio does not only mean competition but also great opportunities. The BBC is taking the Internet very seriously, for it's a cheap way of getting a reasonable quality signal to places in the even our short-wave transmitters can't adequately reach. Very recently, we launched “BBC On-Line”, which incorporates a 24-hour news service. And the users can hear programmes in Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish and Russian.

问答题Practice 5  Never has there been a language quite like English. A bold statement, yet nevertheless true. Consider a few statistics. Today, one out of every seven people in the world use English in some way. More than half the world’s books are written in English; the majority of international telephone calls are made in English; 60% of the world’s radio programs are broadcast in English. English is even the working language of international air travel. For the first time in history, a single language has become dominant across a wide range of human activity, ranging from music, film and fine arts to the fields of business, diplomacy, science and technology.

单选题Complete information on weather broadcasts throughout the world is contained in().ASelected Worldwide Marine Weather BroadcastsByour local newspaperCthe Notice to MarinersDthe daily weather map

单选题Which of the following statements about the BBC is not true?AThe BBC puts out both radio broadcasting services and TV programs.BThere is no advertising on any of the BBC programs.CThe BBC is financed by private funds.DThe BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using more than 30 languages.

单选题International Navtex service means the coordinated broadcast and automatic reception on()khz of maritime safety information by narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy using English language.A518B2182C156.8D2187.5