养分耗竭 nutrient depletion

养分耗竭 nutrient depletion


Why did Wilson regard "the greatest extinction since the end of the age of dinosaurs" to be the depletion of rain forest areas?A. The writer did not give his explanation in detail.B. The rain forests' survival is questionable.C. It will become warmer and warmer with the depletion of rain forests.D. Many wild animals and beasts will extinct as a result of the depletion of rain forests.


非耗竭性资源可以分为( )。 A.持续的非耗竭性资源 B.不可持续的非耗竭性资源C.恒定的非耗竭性资源 D.可再生的非耗竭性资源E.不可再生的非耗竭性资源

物质循环(Nutrient Cycle)

有效态养分(available nutrient)

植物缺素症 hunger sign in plant, nutrient deficiency symptom in plant

养分转移 nutrient translocation

难溶性养分 difficultly soluble nutrient

营养液 nutrient solution

养分浓度梯度 nutrient concentration gradient

营养诊断施肥 diagnosis nutrient and fertilization

崩溃是一种心身耗竭状态,除( )A、自暴自弃的情感B、体力耗竭C、精神耗竭D、体验情绪耗竭E、积极的情绪


单选题HIV造成免疫系统的多种功能发生缺陷,其主要原因是(  )。A红细胞耗竭B间质细胞耗竭CT淋巴细胞耗竭D血管内皮细胞耗竭E白细胞耗竭


名词解释题养分流 nutrient flow

单选题崩溃是一种心身耗竭状态,除( )A自暴自弃的情感B体力耗竭C精神耗竭D体验情绪耗竭E积极的情绪

名词解释题养分耗竭 nutrient depletion

名词解释题养分生物有效性 nutrient bioavailability

名词解释题养分再利用 nutrient reutilization

名词解释题无效养分 non-available nutrient

名词解释题低营养流生境 less nutrient flux habitat


名词解释题营养诊断施肥 diagnosis nutrient and fertilization

名词解释题中量元素养分 middle element nutrient

名词解释题营养液 nutrient solution