In acceptance sampling, if the sample size is kept the same but the acceptance number is increased, which of the following will be true:A . buyer's risk will decreaseB . vendor's risk will decreaseC . producer's risk will decreaseD . consumer's risk will increaseE . C and D only
The risk of accepting a lot of poor quality, in acceptance sampling, is referred to as:A . buyer's riskB . consumer's riskC . producer's riskD . type I errorE . B and D only
11 The risk of accepting a lot of poor quality, in acceptance sampling, is referred to as:A. buyer's riskB. consumer's riskC. producer's riskD. type I errorE. B and D only
14 In acceptance sampling, if the sample size is kept the same but the acceptance number is increased, which of the following will be true:A. buyer's risk will decreaseB. vendor's risk will decreaseC. producer's risk will decreaseD. consumer's risk will increaseE. C and D only
NF/服务间的通信接口定义均需对应到这两种通信模型是什么() A.Producer-ConsumerB.Sender-receiverC.Master-SlaveD.Server-Client
本题程序中实现了一个“生产者一消费者问题”。生产者产生一个随机数存入DataPool类中,消费者从中取出数据。DataPool类一次只能存放一个数据。请更正题中带下划线的部分。注意:不改变程序的结构,不得增行或删行。class DataPool{private int data;private boolean isFull;public DataPool(){isFull=false;}public synchronized void putData(int d){if(isFull= =true){try{this.notify();}catch(InterruptedException e){}}data=d;isFull=true;System.out.println("生产了一个数据:"+data);this.notify();}public synchronized int getData(){if(isFull= =false){try{this.wait();}catch(InterruptedException e){}}isFull=false;System.out.println("消费了一个数据"+data);this.wait();return this.data;}boolean getIsFull(){return isFull;}}class Producer extends Thread{DataPool pool;public Producer(DataPool pool){this.pool=pool;}public void run(){for(int i=0; i<10; i++){int data=(int) (Math.random()*1000);try{//用于生产数据sleep(data);}catch(InterruptedException e){}pool.putData(data);}}}class Consumer implements Runnable{DataPool pool;public Consumer(DataPool pool){this.pool=pool;}public void run(){for(int i=0; i<10; i++){int data=pool.getData();try{//用于处理数据sleep((int) (Math.random()*1000));}catch(InterruptedException e){}}}}public class advance}public static void main(String[] args){Data Pool pool=new Data Pool();Producer pro=new Producer(pool);Runnable con=new Consumer(pool);Thread conTh=new Thread(con);&n
关于大数据及应用的描述,不正确的是( )A.Fume属于Apache的顶级项目,他是一款高性能,高可用的分布式日志手机系统B.MapRaduce模式的主要思想是自动将一个大的计算(如程序)拆解成Map(映射)和Reduce(化简)C.Kafka架构分为两层,即生产者(Producer)和消费者(Consumer),他们之间可以直接发送消息D.与Hadoop相比,Spark的中间数据存放在内存中,对于迭代运算而言,效率更高
The release date for the documentary film about life in America is__________ , but the producer still has a lot of work to do.A.approachedB.approachingC.to approachD.approach
Which Oracle WebLogic Server feature would you recommend to your clients to enable a stand-alone message producer, or a group of producers acting as one with respect to the processing order ?()A、 Connecting FactoryB、 Message BridgeC、 Unit-of-OrderD、 Store-and-Forward
单选题It can be learned from the passage that Royal Doulton is _____.Aa retailer of stainless steel tablewareBa dealer in stonewareCa pottery chain storeDa producer of fine china
单选题Which Oracle WebLogic Server feature would you recommend to your clients to enable a stand-alone message producer, or a group of producers acting as one with respect to the processing order ?()A Connecting FactoryB Message BridgeC Unit-of-OrderD Store-and-Forward
单选题What will the executive producer mostly be concerned with?AThe cost and the effect.BThe truth of the coverage.CThe audience’s interest.DThe form of the coverage.
单选题Complaint prevailed and this compelled the producer to resolve()improvements.AonBforCatDin