新型疫苗(novel vaccine)

新型疫苗(novel vaccine)


世卫组织将最新发现的冠状病毒命名为2019-nCoV。新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎统一称谓为“新型冠状病毒肺炎”,简称“新冠肺炎”,英文名为“Novel coronavirus pneumonia”,简称为“NCP”() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


紧急使用新型冠状病毒疫苗受种者个案登记中“疫苗属性”应选()? A、应急接种疫苗B、非免疫规划疫苗C、群体性预防接种疫苗D、紧急使用疫苗

紧急使用新型冠状病毒疫苗的接种/疫苗信息实行()报告制度? A、日B、周C、旬D、月

下列选项属于新型疫苗的有( )A.活疫苗B.灭活疫苗C.合成肽疫苗D.类毒素

利用分子生物学、生物工程学、免疫化学等技术研制的疫苗,称为新型疫苗,主要有( )等。A.亚单位疫苗B.类毒素C.基因工程疫苗D.核酸疫苗


The moon-landing is mentioned in the first paragraph to illustrate_____.[A] technology cannot solve all of our human problems[B] progress in vaccine research for influenza has lagged behind[C] great achievements have been made by men in exploring the unknown[D] the development of vaccine production methods can not be stopped

What step is essential to the traditional production of flu vaccine?[A] Manufacturers implant the vaccine into ordered chicken eggs.[B] Scientists identify the exact strain soon after a flu pandemic starts.[C] Public health measures are taken as an important pandemic-fighting tool.[D] Viruses are deadened and made clean before being put into vaccine use.

The foremost reason why the egg-based method is defective lies in_____.[A] the complex process of vaccine production[B] its potential threat to human being[C] the low survival rate for new flu vaccines[D] its contribution to the flu vaccine shortage

In the author’s view, the new vaccine production method seems to be_____.[A] remarkable [B] criticized [C] efficient [D] accepted

共用题干Promising Results From Cancer StudyA new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer. In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas, USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty-three patients suffering fromlung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in the advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg. It stimulates(刺激)the body' s immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer. It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Promising Results From Cancer StudyA new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer. In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas, USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty-three patients suffering fromlung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in the advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg. It stimulates(刺激)the body' s immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer. It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.Every patient was injected with the same vaccine.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Promising Resnlts from Cancer StudyA new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty一three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in tho advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates(刺激)the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.The vaccine may be useful for treating other cancers.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Promising Resnlts from Cancer StudyA new experimental vaccine(疫苗)has shown promising results in the fight against lung cancer.In a small Texas-based study,a vaccine developed by scientists at Baylor University Medical Centre in Dallas,USA,cured lung cancer in some patients and slowed the progress of the disease in others.Researchers have reported encouraging findings from this small study.Forty一three patients suffering from lung cancer were involved in these trials.Ten of these patients were in the early stages and thirty-three in tho advanced stages of the disease.They were injected with the vaccine every two weeks for three months,and were carefully monitored for three years.In three of the patients in the advanced stages of cancer,the disease disappeared and in the others,it did not spread for five to twenty-four months.However,no great difference was seen in the patients in the early stages of the illness.This new vaccine uses the patient's own immune system.It is made specifically for each patient and is injected into the arm or leg.It stimulates(刺激)the body's immune system, which then recognizes that the cancer cells are harmful,and attacks and destroys them.The vaccine could be effective against other forms of cancer.It offers great hope for the treatment of cancer in general,although further studies are needed before such treatment can be widely used.Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned



Hardy is the founder of the "stream of consciousness" school of novel writing.



单选题The plot of the movie was neither plausible and it was not even faithful to the novel.Aand it was not even faithful to the novelBnor was it faithful to the novelCnor faithful to the novelDand certainly not faithful to the novelEyet hardly faithful to the novel


单选题以下均为新型疫苗,但不包括(  )。A亚单位疫苗B合成疫苗C独特型疫苗D基因工程疫苗E减毒疫苗




单选题Hamlet is just an ______ character in the novel.AimaginativeBimaginedCimaginaryDimaginable