I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.A:atB:aboutC:withD:from

I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.



解析:题干意为“关于她是否适合这个岗位,我没什么信息可以提供。” 句中划线词组为介词词组,意为“关于”,B项about意为“关于”,例句:She knew a lot about food.她对食物懂得很多。A项意为“在(某地等)”。C项意为“和……在一起,用(工具 等)”,D项意为“来自,从”。故选B。


–I hear that Jim has been dismissed from his post.–(). A、Jim loves his job.B、No, I have no idea.C、He has a bad luck.D、Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

I knew I _______ her before. (A) had met(B) have met(C) met(D) meet

I little understood the pressure __________ her. A.onB.inC.atD.against

Do you have any fresh fish today?( ) A. No,I still have a few.B. No,I still have a little.C. Yes,I have some.D. Yes,I have many.

I don't regret ______ even if it might have upset her.A. to tell her what I thoughtB. to have told her that I thoughtC. telling what I thoughtD. telling her what I thought

I would have invited her to the party but I ___ her well.A、don’t knowB、didn’t knowC、doesn’t knowD、hadn’t known

In fact, she was the first woman _______ to such a post. A: to electB: to be electingC: to have electedD: to have been elected

When I saw her crying.I realized I ( ) her the news so soon. A、shouldn't have toldB、should not tellC、should have toldD、must have told

I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning, so I think she ( ) at the meeting. A、shouldn't have spokenB、needn't have spokenC、mustn’t have spokenD、couldn’t have spoken

I have never spoken ill of her, ( ) I don't like her.A.IfB.BecauseC.UnlessD.Though

I don’t regret () her what I thought, even if it () her. A、telling…will hurtB、to tell .. will hurtC、having told…hurtD、to have told…hurted

I\’m not__with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live. A.concernedB.compatibleC.considerateD.complied

I was ________ to have a good teacher. Without her, I could not have such an achievement. A. fortuneB. fortunateC. unluckyD. unluck

__________________ her last Saturday, I would have told her the news. A、If I metB、Have I metC、If I had metD、If I have met

Much __________I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency.A.althoughB.asC.whileD.if

Much__________I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency.A.althoughB.asC.whileD.if

I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.A: atB: withC: fromD: about

Much __________ I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency.A.although B.as C.while D.if

Do you have any fresh fish today?()ANo, I still have a few.BNo, I still have a little.CYes, I have some.DYes, I have many.

Do you have any fresh fish today?()A、No, I still have a few.B、No, I still have a little.C、Yes, I have some.D、Yes, I have many.

我希望没有让你久等。()A、I hope I have not kept you waiting for long.B、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a short time.C、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a while.D、I hope I have not kept you waiting for a little time.

单选题As I have been in close association with her for many years, I can bear record _____ her character.AtoBaboutCofDfor

单选题Do you have any fresh fish today?()ANo, I still have a few.BNo, I still have a little.CYes, I have some.DYes, I have many.

单选题Jenny ______ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.AmustBneedCshouldDwould

单选题Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl'slife.  John: ______.  Start: I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done.  John: I'm just happy I could help.AThere's nothing to be afraid of.BThis is a wonderful day.CAnybody would have done the same.DI am glad to save her.

单选题I have()her, but I have never met her.AheardBheard ofCheard fromDheard a lot

单选题I ought have invited her to the party but I didn't know her well.Aought have invitedBtoCbutDknow her well

单选题______ the future, I think we’ll just have to wait and see.AWith regard BAs regards CIn viewDOn reflection