共用题干Jewel Thief CapturedAt 1:30 this morning,local police finally caught the jewel thief whom they had been trying to trap (诱捕)for the past two months.________(51)the man they arrested,James Smith,_________(52)that he was the thief,he was captured with several diamond rings in his_________(53).Police saw Smith leaving a jewe场store on Main Street at 1:16 A. M.________(54)seeing the police,Smith jumped ________(55)his auto,and a high-speed chase followed for the next fourteen minutes. The police finally_______(56)Smith off the road and his_______(57)hit a tree.When the police searched Smith's________(58),they found the diamond rings hidden in an inside pocket of his jacket. Although Smith claimed that the diamonds were fake(假的),the owner of the jewelry store_________(59)the most recent robbery incident happened identified them __________(60)his missing jewels.Smith is now awaiting his first visit to court in a cell in the town jail. if he does not_________(61), a jury(陪审团)will have to decide his guilt or innocence.________ (62),a representative of the police stated today that they have no_______(63)that he will be found to be_________(64).This spokesman also stated that they hoped that the alarm________(65)in the community by all the recent robberies would be calmed by Smith's arrest._________(63)A:evidence B:suspectC:opinion D:doubt

Jewel Thief Captured

At 1:30 this morning,local police finally caught the jewel thief whom they had been trying to trap (诱捕)for the past two months.________(51)the man they arrested,James Smith,_________(52)that he was the thief,he was captured with several diamond rings in his_________(53).Police saw Smith leaving a jewe场store on Main Street at 1:16 A. M.________(54)seeing the police,Smith jumped ________(55)his auto,and a high-speed chase followed for the next fourteen minutes. The police finally_______(56)Smith off the road and his_______(57)hit a tree.
When the police searched Smith's________(58),they found the diamond rings hidden in an inside pocket of his jacket. Although Smith claimed that the diamonds were fake(假的),the owner of the jewelry store_________(59)the most recent robbery incident happened identified them __________(60)his missing jewels.
Smith is now awaiting his first visit to court in a cell in the town jail. if he does not_________(61), a jury(陪审团)will have to decide his guilt or innocence.________ (62),a representative of the police stated today that they have no_______(63)that he will be found to be_________(64).This spokesman also stated that they hoped that the alarm________(65)in the community by all the recent robberies would be calmed by Smith's arrest.



deny是“否定”的意思,与“承认”相对。accept意为“接受”;ignore意为 “忽视”; reject意为“拒绝,抵制”。
in one's possession是“拥有,持有”的意思,相当于in possession of,因此选B。
truck意为“卡车”; motorbike意为“摩托车”; bicycle意为“自行车”,前文提到他跳进“auto"(汽车),与car同义。
sb.have no doubt that…的意思是“某人对······毫不怀疑”。
caused by的意思是“由······引起的”,原文的意思是:“发言人还表示,希望由最近发生的抢劫案在社区中引起的恐慌会因为史密斯的被捕而平息。”




下列题共用题干,回答 152~153 题。第 152 题