共用题干第二篇The Greatest Show on EarthThe Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or morecountries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport.As many as 6,000 people takepart in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all whocompete,win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in theopening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it wa。in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held一the hostcountry一marches in last.The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from thehost country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take anoath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games.The ruleis that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before thesesports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sport一riding,shooting,swimming,and cross-country running. Points are gained for each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and fornational teams.More and more women are taking part in the games.They first competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,which are no longer held in the Olympics.Womens swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it wasnot until 1928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half adozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as themen.When did women start taking part in the Olympic Games?A:In 1912.B:In 1900.C:In 1928.D:In 1924.
The Greatest Show on Earth
The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or more
countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport.As many as 6,000 people take
part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all who
compete,win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.
The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the
opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it wa。
in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held一the host
country一marches in last.
The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the
host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an
oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.
The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games.The rule
is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before these
sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sport一riding,shooting,swimming,and cross-
country running. Points are gained for each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and for
national teams.
More and more women are taking part in the games.They first competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,
which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it was
not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half a
dozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as the
The Greatest Show on Earth
The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or more
countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport.As many as 6,000 people take
part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and glory.But there is honor,too,for all who
compete,win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.
The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the
opening ceremony and march round the track.The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.For it wa。
in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held一the host
country一marches in last.
The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the
host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an
oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a wonderful display.
The competitions begin the next day.There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games.The rule
is that there must be at least fifteen.The main events are in track and field,but it is a few days before these
sports start.Each day the competitors take part in a different sport一riding,shooting,swimming,and cross-
country running. Points are gained for each event.Medals are awarded for the individual winners and for
national teams.
More and more women are taking part in the games.They first competed in 1900,in tennis and golf,
which are no longer held in the Olympics.Women's swimming events were introduced in 1912.But it was
not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for women.Now,they compete in all but half a
dozen of the sports.In horse riding,shooting,and boat racing,they may compete in the same events as the
When did women start taking part in the Olympic Games?
A:In 1912.
B:In 1900.
C:In 1928.
D:In 1924.
A:In 1912.
B:In 1900.
C:In 1928.
D:In 1924.
解析:由文章第一段最后两句话“But there is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose.That is the spirit of the Olympics一to take part is what matters.”可知,奥运会的本质在于参与精神,参 与是最重要的。
由文章第二段第三句话“The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.”可知,一个历 史悠久的惯例是在奥运会开幕式上希腊队走在最前面。
由文章第三段第二句话“A sportsman frnm the host con nt仃 takes the Olympic oath on be- half of all the competitors.”可知,答案为D。
由文章第四段第四句话中“The main events are in track and field.”可知,答案为A。
由文章第五段第二句话中“They first competed in 1900...”可知,答案为B。
由文章第二段第三句话“The custom is for the Greek team to march in first.”可知,一个历 史悠久的惯例是在奥运会开幕式上希腊队走在最前面。
由文章第三段第二句话“A sportsman frnm the host con nt仃 takes the Olympic oath on be- half of all the competitors.”可知,答案为D。
由文章第四段第四句话中“The main events are in track and field.”可知,答案为A。
由文章第五段第二句话中“They first competed in 1900...”可知,答案为B。