I have been told to seek legal ________ with regard to selling this property.A.instructionB.decisionC.suggestionD.advice

I have been told to seek legal ________ with regard to selling this property.



解析:本题考察词义辨析,题目意为“我被告知寻求法律意见以出售房产。”A选项意为“教导”,B选项意为“决定”,C选项意为“建议”,D选项意为“劝告”。legal advice,法律咨询,法律意见。


Seldom____such a funny story as he told us. A.have I heardB.I have heardC.did I listenD.I listened

No one had told Smith about _______ a story in the book. A.beingB.there beingC.there to beD.there to have been

As soon as I () the tools, I shall begin with the work. A.haveB.am havingC.have been havingD.have been had

The children _______ many times not to go near the lake. (A) were being told(B) have told(C) have been told(D) told

You have been to Tibet,( )? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful. A. have youB. haven’t youC. don’t youD. are you

A: Have you been to Canada before? B:(). A、No, I have.B、Yes, I have.C、Yes, I did.

I have told you the truth ________I keep repeating it?A.MustB.CanC.MayD.Will

John told us that by the end of the year they _____ together for thirty years.A. would have been livingB. would have livedC. would have been livedD. will have been living

When I saw her crying.I realized I ( ) her the news so soon. A、shouldn't have toldB、should not tellC、should have toldD、must have told

I don’t regret () her what I thought, even if it () her. A、telling…will hurtB、to tell .. will hurtC、having told…hurtD、to have told…hurted

Many reports have been received from our ()agents in Korea that there are very heavy demands () the devices.A、sales,ofB、selling,onC、selling,ofD、selling,for

If only it ()so cold, perhaps I, too, ()more initiative.A、had been,have shownB、have been,would showC、had’t been,cound't have shownD、had't been,could have shown

Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadn’t been wearing one, I____seriously.A.would be injuredB.will have been injuredC.will be injuredD.would have been injured

The rising cost of raw materials()us to increase our selling prices. A、has compelledB、have compelledC、has been compelledD、are compelling

__________________ her last Saturday, I would have told her the news. A、If I metB、Have I metC、If I had metD、If I have met

I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I have been so busy then.()

If only you ()him what I said Everything would have been fine. A、didn t toldB、hadn t toldC、would not tellD、would have not told

I want to buy that kind of cloth because I( )the cloth ( ) well. A. have told; washesB. have been told; washesC. was told; washedD. have been told; is washed

You should have been more patient__________that customer;I′m sure that selling him the watch?was a possibility.A.ofB.withC.forD.at

—I‘ve been told to pay the rent.—But it‘s already been paiD.It______by someone else.A.must beB.may beC.must be paidD.must have been paid

—I‘ve be en told to pay the rent.—But it‘s already been paid.It______by someone else.A.must beB.may beC.must be paidD.must have been paid

单选题I would have told him the answer, but I _________ so busy then.Ahad beenBwereCwasDwould be

单选题Although a teenager, Fred could resist ______ what to do and what not to do.Ato be toldBhaving been told Cbeing toldDto have been told

判断题There are questions with regard to the usefulness of the computer-based technologies for they have never been tested before.A对B错

单选题I have told you the truth. ______ I keep repeating it?AMustBCanCMayDWill

单选题The workmen have been told to increase the______ of their production.AlevelBgrade Cnote Dmark

单选题Although a teenager, Fred could resist _____ what to do and what not to do.Ato be toldBhaving been toldCbeing toldDto have been told