You and I shall get a ______ holiday of two and three weeks.A.respectfulB.respectiveC.respectableD.respecting

You and I shall get a ______ holiday of two and three weeks.





● You are managing an internal project where a vice president from the user group is acting as the sponsor. You have just been informed by your team that the critical path has slipped by three weeks. You should:A Immediately inform. the sponsor and ask for adviceB Do nothing until the slippage occursC See the sponsor after you have evaluated alternatives, recommendations, and performed an impact analysisD Look for someone to blame before you see the sponsorE Inform. your senior management of the problem and tell them that you will get back to them after you assessed the situation

I am Carlos. I am from America, but I love Italian food. I have to take the orders and serve the food. I have two free evenings a week. But I always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy. The wages are not good, but I am nice to customers so I get a lot of tips. I am permanent so I get holiday pay --- three weeks a year. I go back to America and I see my family. There I don't have to serve food --- my mother serves me!(1). Carlos is a ().A、 big restaurant ownerB、chefC、waiter(2). Carlos loves () food.A、 ItalianB、BritishC、American(3). Carlos works ().A、 in the daytimeB、in the eveningsC、at lunchtime(4). The restaurant is usually busy ().A、on Friday and Saturday afternoonsB、on Friday and Saturday eveningsC、every day(5). Carlos gets ().A、 holiday payB、no tips from the customersC、good wages

“ Where can I get a ticket?”以下最适合的中文翻译为( )。 A.That’s three yuan.B.It’s over there.C.Thank you.D.You are welcome.

-Excuse me, how can I get to the capital theatre?-( ). A. There's a status near itB. It's only two blocks away from hereC. I've got two theatre tickets for tonightD. Turn right and then you'll find it

— () — It will take at least three weeks. A.How soon will you finish our TV commercial?B.When will you finish our TV commercial?C.How long have you finished our TV commercial?

I bought the book two weeks ago. I ______ ______ the book for two weeks.

In the U. S., at Christmas, schoolchildren have ______ for holiday.A. a monthB. a weekC. two weeksD. three weeks

-Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong

I _____ to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away. A hopeB have hopedC had hopedD hoped

— Shall we get you some drink? — __________. I am not thirsty.A、Yes, pleaseB、Here you areC、You are welcomeD、No, thanks

-Shall I use your dictionary?- ________.A、Certain, you mayB、Of course, you can.C、Surely, you can'tD、No, please get out

III读理解. (20分)ADear John,Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that you enjoyed your holiday with me.We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will both be able to come again next ear. Perhaps you'll be'able to stay longer next time you come. A week is not really long enough, is it? If your school has five weeks holiday next year, perhaps you'll be able to stay with us for two or three weeks.We have been back at school for three weeks now. It feels like three months ! I expect that you are both working very hard now that you are in Grade Eight. I shall have to work hard next year when I am in Grade Eight. Tom and Ann won’t be in Grade Eight until 2011.They went for a picnic yesterday, but I didn't go with them because I cut my foot and I couldn't walk very well. They went to an island and enjoyed themselves there. Do you still re’member the island? That's where all five of us spent the last day of our holiday.Tom, Ann and I send our best wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon.Yours sincerely,Michael( )21.________ stayed with Michael for a holiday.A. Only JohnB. Tom and AnnC. John and his sisterD. Only Tom

If you go into the forests with friends,stay with them. If you don't,you may get lost.If you do get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.'Don't try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling(吹口哨) three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling,always three times'together. When people hear you,they will give two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help.lf you don-t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a small room with branches(树枝).What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink water? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don't just walk away. Drop small branches as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most important thing to do when you are lost-stay in one place.( )16. If you get lost in the forests,you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.

A vessel not under command shall display ______.A.two red lights at night and two black balls during daylightB.two red lights at night and three black balls during daylightC.three red lights at night and two black balls during daylightD.three red lights at night and three black balls during daylight

A vessel on the high seas that is not under command shall display which of the following day signals? ______A.Two black ballsB.Three black ballsC.Two red ballsD.Three red balls

Shall I get some chalk for you? ()AThat's rightBNo, thanks, let Tom do itCI can do it without youDNot at all

Shall I get some chalk for you? ()A、That's rightB、No, thanks, let Tom do itC、I can do it without youD、Not at all

Oh, You're back at work? How was your holiday? ()A、We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time.B、The ten-day holiday was not long enough.C、I was missing you when I was on holiday.D、I heard you were on holiday, too.

“Where can I get a ticket?”以下最适合的答案为()。A、That’s three yuan.B、It’s over there.C、Thank you.D、You are welcome.

单选题—I’d like to get two seats for the show tomorrow.—Where would you like to sit?—_____AMay I sit here?BDo you have the money?CHow much are the middle seats?DCan I pay by card?

问答题Practice 5  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  The retail company you work for is planning to improve its website. Talk together about some of the things that are important for the improvement of the website and decide which 3 you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  ●Contents  ●Design  ●Computer system  ●Personal firewall  Follow-up questions:  (1) Do you think a company’s website is important?  (2) Do you often surf the internet to get some useful information?  (3)What are the advantages for a company to have a website?

单选题Oh, You're back at work? How was your holiday? ()AWe had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time.BThe ten-day holiday was not long enough.CI was missing you when I was on holiday.DI heard you were on holiday, too.

单选题Shall I get some chalk for you? ()AThat's rightBNo, thanks, let Tom do itCI can do it without youDNot at all

单选题Captain, do you know which side shall we get()?AbesideBalongsideCuponDside

问答题By cutting out the middle man and booking your own flights, you can save up to 40 per cent of the cost of a holiday. If you compare this to the price of a hotel stay, the (1)____(save) can be even more impressive.  In some of the most exclusive holiday resorts among the Mediterranean, hotels charge a fortune. Yet for (2)____ to 50 per cent less you can often get tons more space and your own private pad with the opportunity to cook up a storm and save cash on (3) exp____ hotel meals.You have to be careful, though.  There have been horror stories (4) ov____ the years of people booking villas direct with owners, only to lose everything to phony companies or con artists.If you do choose to go direct, I would recommend (5)____(book) with one of the big listing sites on the Internet (6)____ as Holiday-rentals.  They have details on more than 122,000 properties worldwide, link you directly with the owner, and have been in business for more than ten years. But, if the worst did happen and your villa or owner didn’t (7) ex____, their guarantee will cover you for up to £3,300.  We got Holiday! Kentals to give us the prices for private rentals in a host of (8) fav____ Mediterranean destinations. We then (9)____(comparison)them with traditional hotel holiday rates for two adults and two children for next summer on the Expedia website.  Both the hotel and villa rentals are based on a week’s holiday for two adults and two children aged 6 and 13 in the (10) p____ season, for the week of August 15 to 22, and the hotel prices are based on the family sharing one room or suite.Here’s how we got on…

单选题You should choose a dentist in ______ the same way as you choose a physician, get the names of two or three dentists from friends and relatives and have a preliminary visit with each.AveryBexactCgenerallyDmuch

单选题—Shall I use your dictionary? —()ACertain;you may.BOfcourse;you can.CSurely;you can’t.DNo;please get out.