我国现有文献中最早引用勾股定理的是( )。A.《孙子算经》 B.《周髀算经》C.《九章算术》 D.《庄子算经》

我国现有文献中最早引用勾股定理的是( )。
A.《孙子算经》 B.《周髀算经》
C.《九章算术》 D.《庄子算经》




从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填人问号处,使之呈现一定规律性( )。 A.如图所示B.如上图所示C.如图示D.如图


被西方称为“物理学之父”,并提出“给我一个支点,我就能撬动地球”的名言的物理学家是( )。A.亚里士多德 B.阿基米德C.伽利略D.开普勒



马太效应:任何个体、群体或地区,一旦在某一个方面(如金钱、名誉、地位等)获得成功和进步,就会产生一种积累优势,就会有更多的机会取得更大的成功和进步。   根据上述定义,下列不属于马太效应的是( )。A. 教授、专家越是有名,得到的科研经费越多,社会兼职越多  B. 国家总是重点投资建设名校,那些投入充分而硬件和软件占绝对优势的学校想不继续成为名校恐怕都很困难  C. 在股市狂潮中,赚的总是庄家,赔的总是散户,普通大众的金钱,就会通过这种形式聚集到少数人手中  D. 陈经理喜欢买彩票,最近他连买连中,买了新车,邻居羡慕之余纷纷向他讨教选号方法

权力是指一个人影响另一个人的能力。其中强制性权力是建立在惧怕的基础上,一个人如果不服从的话就可能产生消极的后果,出于对这种后果的惧怕,这个人就对强制性权力作出了反应。奖赏性权力是指人们服从一个人的愿望或指示是因为这种服从能给他们带来益处。因此,那些能给人们带来他们所期望的报酬的人就拥有了权力。法定性权力是指一个人通过组织正式层级结构中的职位所获得的权力。法定性权力取决于个人在组织中的职位,它是一个人正式或官方明确规定的权威地位。有些人能使事情发生,是因为他们有这么做的权力与权威。 根据上述定义,下列各项中没有涉到上述三种权力的是( )。A.经理要求所有员工放弃假期在公司加班,虽然不情愿,但员工们都没有提出异议B.小李在工作决策上与老王产生分歧,经过考虑后,小李认为老王的经验比他更丰富,处理过更多同类事务。所以决定听从老王的决策C.四岁的小明发现,只要他给小朋友糖吃,小朋友就愿意和他玩,所以他经常从家里带糖到幼儿园与小朋友们分享D.小刘在下班途中被抢劫,看到歹徒只有一人,小刘决定反抗,但是当他看到歹徒拿出刀来,他又放弃了反抗的想法

为了调节国际收支顺差,一国可以采取的政策有( )。A.实施扩张性财政政策B.在外汇市场上抛售外汇C.实施紧缩性财政政策D.本币升值E.在外汇市场上购进外汇

资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her country’s withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the country’s exit.  Mrs. May’s long-awaited intervention, during a speech in Florence, Italy, was being watched closely in capitals on the Continent and in London, where members of her cabinet have been fiercely divided over Britain’s tortuous divorce from the bloc. The speech aimed to open the way to serious negotiations on what is commonly known as Brexit, and to a broader and more productive discussion about Britain’s relationship with the bloc.  However, while offering some concessions designed to do that, Mrs. May did not give any fresh insight into the type of ties she ultimately wants Britain to have to the bloc-a question that divides her cabinet and her Conservative, or Tory, Party.  The European Union’s chief negotiators, Michel Barnier, issued a cautious response, saying in a statement that, “We look forward to the United Kingdom’s negotiators explaining the concrete implications of Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech. Our ambition is to find a rapid agreement on the conditions of the United Kingdom’s orderly withdrawal, as well as on a possible transition period.”  Although Britain is scheduled to exit the European Union in 2019, there has been little progress in talks since March, when London formally announced its intention to leave. Brussels is insisting that Britain agree to the terms of the divorce before discussing future trade ties, while the British would like to do both simultaneously.  In light of the continuing standoff, many business worry about a “cliff edge” scenario, in which Britain would crash out without a deal, so Mrs. May is under pressure to find a way out of the impasses. Speaking in Florence on Friday, Mrs. May did not say precisely how much money Britain would continue to contribute to the European Union. But she made a significant promise that the British-who are big net contributors to the bloc-would not leave a hole in the union’s budget in 2019 and 2020.  “I do not want our partners to fear that they will need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan as a result of our decision to leave.” Mrs. May said. That would probably mean payments of around 20 billion euros, or about $24 billion, after Britain’s departure. It would also effectively maintain the state quo for the duration of a two-year transition period, meaning that Britain would allow the free movement of European workers and accept rulings from the European Court of Justice. This alone is unlikely to be enough to satisfy the 27 other member nations, but Mrs. May hinted that she would be willing to go further and “honor commitments we have made during the period of our membership.”  In addition, Mrs. May proposed a security partnership with the European Union, stressing Britain’s importance as a defense power, and also offered new legal safeguards to guarantee the rights of European Union citizens in Britain after Brexit.  Over all, Mrs. May sought to stress the common interest London shares with continental European capitals in reaching an agreement and avoiding disruption to trade, wrapping her odder in dialogue that was more positive, and less antagonistic, than that of some previous interventions.   European Union negotiators have refused to talk about post-Brexit ties until they judge that there is “sufficient progress” on the issues they consider a priority. the states of European Union citizens in Britain after it leaves, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland(which is a part of the United Kingdom)and Britain’s financial commitments to the bloc.  There is little sign yet that the other 27 nations are prepared to grant Britain a bespoke agreement, and officials have warned London on numerous occasions that there would be no “cherry picking” of the parts of European Union membership it likes.According to the passage, which of the A.Britain has agreed to discuss the conditions of the exit before discussing the future trade ties.B.Theresa May has mapped out the blue print of the relations between Britain and EU.C.EU might not be satisfied with May’s Speech.D.Britain is fully prepared to withdraw from EU in an orderly way.

金融抑制的主要危害有( )。A.传递各种错误信息,引导错误决策B.造成生产和投资结构不合理C.导致资源的错误配置D.压低利率、汇率E.可贷资金的非价格配给