The______of their years of education was 10.96 with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 17.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.average

The______of their years of education was 10.96 with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 17.



解析:本题考查近义词辨析。题目意为“他们的_____教育年限是10.96,最少7,最多17。” A选项“平均值”,B选项“中值”,C选项“众数”,D选项“平均值”。结合常识,统计中为了避免极值的影响,多采用中位数来计算,因此本题中受教育的中值是10.96年,B选项正确。


STCW78/95 Convention describes that _____ are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.A.available minimum requirementsB.available maximum requirementsC.mandatory minimum requirementsD.mandatory maximum requirements

Maximum and minimum working temperatures must be considered when choosing the joint, which must be so installed that it is neither over-compressed nor over-extendedThe bold and italic word "which "probably means _____.A.maximum working temperatureB.minimum working temperatureC.the jointD.the insulating material

It can be inferred that Charles Francis Adams ,Jr.[A] devoted his later years to classical education.[B] was an advocate of education in history.[C] was an opponent to classical education.[D] regretted diminishing the importance of the distinction.

For years now, the people of industrialism, education has been ____________ towards producing workers. A.depressedB.immersedC.oppressedD.cursed

The minimum value of the function y=√(x2-2x+5)+√(x2+4) is ( ).(A)4.(B)3√2.(C)2√5.(D)√17.

以下是口令策略中可以设置的选项()。 A.Maximum Password AgeB.Minimum Password LengthC.Minimum Password AgeD.Passworeds Must Meet Complexity Requirements

The minimum term of your contract with us will be _____a period of two years, with the option to renew.A. for B. of C. past D. when

A maximum B minimum C majority D minority

以下是口令策略中可以设置的选项()。A、Maximum Password AgeB、Minimum Password LengthC、Minimum Password AgeD、Passworeds Must Meet Complexity Requirements

TD-LTE中的MIMO技术英文全称是()A、Maximum Input Minimum OutputB、Multiple Input Multiple OutputC、Multiple Input Maximum OutputD、Maximum Input Multiple Output

What are two steps to define a QoS policy?()A、set a minimum bandwidth guaranteeB、increase bandwidthC、determine a specific transfer rateD、establish timersE、configure CBWFQ for best-effort trafficF、set a maximum bandwidth limit

For defining the QoS policies for each traffic class, which parameters should be identified?()A、minimum bandwidth guaranteeB、average bandwidth guaranteeC、optimum bandwidth guaranteeD、maximum bandwidth rateE、IP precedenceF、priority

What call performance statistics are reported on the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7921 user interface?()A、minimum jitterB、maximum jitterC、upstream standard packet deviationD、average MOS valueE、average conceal rate

On a Hardware Management Console (HMC) at version 7, an administrator has an LPAR defined with a minimum of 0.1 processors and a maximum of 4 processors. The administrator wants to go from 1 processing unit to 3 processing units for this partition. In order to make the change,  what value should the administrator enter into the add processor resources window? ()A、 2B、 3C、 1.0D、 2.9

What are  minimum and maximum number of extent pools on an IBM System Storage DS8800 with 64 physical disks()A、the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 8B、the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 8C、the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 16D、the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 64

填空题DRC包括几种常见的类型,如最大面积(Maximum Dimension),最小延伸(Minimum Extension),此外还有()、()、()

单选题Records of garbage disposal are required to be maintained ().Auntil each quadrennial PSC inspectionBuntil the end of each voyageCfor a minimum of one yearDfor a minimum of two years

单选题Do you know the______of the saying Ijust quoted?AresourceBsourceCcourseDcause

单选题For a given displacement,the righting arm has its maximum value when().AKG is minimumBangle of inclination is a maximumCsmall-angle stability appliesDKM is a minimum

单选题What are  minimum and maximum number of extent pools on an IBM System Storage DS8800 with 64 physical disks()Athe minimum is 1 and the maximum is 8Bthe minimum is 2 and the maximum is 8Cthe minimum is 2 and the maximum is 16Dthe minimum is 1 and the maximum is 64

单选题What is an ebb current().AA current at minimum flowBA current coming inCA current going outDA current at maximum flow

单选题In a Java EE messaging application, one MDB is consuming a lot of memory at high traffic.    What configuration should you use to prevent possible out-of-memory error at high traffic and at the same time not losing messages?()AConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint.BConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint.  CConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint. DConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint. EConfigure a Work Manager for the MDB with both a Maximum Thread Constraint and Minimum Thread Constraint.

单选题Ten years later, in Dakar (Senegal), the world community had to face up to the fact that “_____ discrimination continues to permeate education systems.”AgenderBgenusCgenreDgenes

单选题Although he has no education, he is one of the ______ businessmen in the company, which was established by Mr. Smith three years ago.AsternestBshrewdestCnastiest Dlaziest

单选题Blocks and falls used as lifeboat gear must be designed with a minimum safety factor of().A4,based on the breaking strengthB5,based on the maximum allowable stressC6,based on the maximum working loadD8,based on the normal working load

问答题执行扩展的trace命令、回答交互询问时,对minimum time to live 和maximum time to live不采用默认值,有什么用处?

单选题STCW78/95 Convention describes that () are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.Aavailable minimum requirementsBavailable maximum requirementsCmandatory minimum requirementsDmandatory maximum requirements