资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.According to the article, which one of the following statement is true?( )A.Britain’s exit from European Union will have an impact on its membership in the bank.B.United States and Japan will join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank soon.C.More countries are interested in the membership in the bank.D.Germany and France will join the bank soon.

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.
The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.
Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.
Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.”

The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ.

In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.”

Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失)

Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.

According to the article, which one of the following statement is true?( )

A.Britain’s exit from European Union will have an impact on its membership in the bank.
B.United States and Japan will join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank soon.
C.More countries are interested in the membership in the bank.
D.Germany and France will join the bank soon.


【关键词】following statement; true
【主题句】第七段The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference.(英国撤出欧盟预计不会影响到它与银行的关系,金先生说。“我相信英国将继续对银行发展起到重要作用,”他在新闻发布会上说。)
第五段The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank.(2014年,美国拒绝加入该组织。日本也没有寻求加入亚投行。)
第八段Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. 24个国家已经表示出加入亚投行的意愿,他们派遣观察员参加为期两天的会议,金先生说。
第七段Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain.(其他欧盟成员国,包括法国和德国,,紧随英国加入进来。)
【解析】本题问“根据文章,以下哪个描述是正确的?” 选项A意为“英国退出欧盟将对其在该银行的会员身份产生影响”;选项B意为“美国和日本即将加入亚洲基础设施投资银行”;选项C意为“更多的国家对银行会员资格感兴趣”;选项D意为“德国和法国将很快加入银行”。
根据主题句可知选项A错误,不会影响。 选项B错误,它们拒绝加入。选项C正确。选项D错误,法国德国已经加入,不是将要加入。


6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the developmentof international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) hasbeen at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,auditing and education.Required:Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered CertifiedAccountants:(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)

Which of the following found a new way for its development?A. The Washington Post B. The GuardianC. The New York Times. D. New England Courant

Which of the following found a new way for its development?A.The Washington PostB.The GuardianC.The New York Times.D.New England Courant

短文理解听力原文: Dealers in government and private securities need short-term financing to purchase new securities and carry their existing portfolios of securities until those securities are sold to customers or reach maturity. Such loans are readily granted by many of the largest banks because of their high quality--often backed by pledging the dealer's holdings of government securities as collateral. Moreover, many loans to securities dealers are so short-overnight out to a few days that the bank can quickly recover its funds or make a new loan at a higher interest rate if the credit markets have tightened up.21. Who need short-term financing according to the passage?22.Why such loans are so high quality?23.How long will the dealers keep such loans?(21)A.Dealers in foreign exchange.B.Dealers in government bonds.C.Dealers in IPO.D.Dealers in government private securities.

听力原文: Some banks offer other types of loans repayable by monthly installments, such as business development loans, house improvement loans, and farm development loans. These may be either secured or unsecured. Secured loans attract a slightly lower rate of interest than unsecured loans. Some banks offer revolving credit schemes. These normally involve loans repayable by regular monthly installments, but they differ from other loans repayable by installments in two respects. First, the borrower need not take up the full amount of the loan at the outset. Secondly, as his repayments reduce his indebtedness, he can "top up" his loan by borrowing more, provided that the total debt outstanding does not exceed his agreed credit limit. In 1967 some banks introduced a new form. of account called a "budget account". The object is to allow personal customers to spread the incidence of normal personal and household expenditure.24. Which of the following loans is not repaid by installments?25.Which of the following loans would attract a lower rate of interest?26.How does a borrower "top up" his loan?27.What is the objective of introduction of the budget account?(24)A.Business development loans.B.House improvement loans.C.Farm development loans.D.Overdrafts.

The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.(41)A.receivesB.getsC.chargesD.pays

To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should ______.A.cool the bulkheads around the fireB.remove combustibles from direct exposureC.close all openings to the areaD.shut off all electric power

For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country.In Britain this has had a curious result.While polls show Britons rate“the countryside”alongside the royal family,Shakespeare and the National Health Service(NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country,this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save“the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.”It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience“a refreshing air.”Hill’s pressures later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.They don’t make countryside any more,and every year concrete consumes more of it.It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.The Conservatives’planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,even authorizing“off-plan”building where local people might object.The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.The Liberal Democrats are silent.Only Ukip,sensing its chance,has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.The sensible place to build new houses,factories and offices is where people are,in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.The London agents StirlingAckroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone,with no intrusion on green belt.What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that“housing crisis”equals“concreted meadows”is pure lobby talk.The issue is not the need for more houses but,as always,where to put them.Under lobby pressure,George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal.He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets.This is not a free market but a biased one.Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow.They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.We do not ruin urban conservation areas.Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned,not let rip.After the Netherlands,Britain is Europe’s most crowded country.Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence,while still permitting low-density urban living.There is no doubt of the alternative—the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal,Spain or Ireland.Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A.Labour is under attack for opposing development.B.The Conservatives may abandon“off-plan”building.C.The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence.D.Ukip may gain from its support for rural conservation.

资料:Star Airways, Mumbai's dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced.What is NOT reported as a goal of Star Airways? A.To increase its number of flight destinationsB.To replace the older planes in its fleetC.To be among the first to use a new aircraftD.To relocate its international headquarters

资料:Star Airways, Mumbai's dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced.How long is the change expected to take? A.Seventeen yearsB.Ten yearsC.Five yearsD.Three years

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.Mr. Jin agrees with the following ideas except ( ).A.World Bank and the Asian Development Bank emphasize more on poverty reduction than Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank does.B.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will be devoted to improve develpomengt in Asia.C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will work together with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.D.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will pose a challenge to the United States.

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.What does “lean” mean in Paragragh 6?( )A.be well organizedB.be well fundedC.be less redundantD.be less corrupted

资料:Star Airways, Mumbai's dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced.What is the purpose of the article?A.To report on the merger of two airlinesB.To inform investors of updated project plansC.To announce a new business agreementD.To describe recent renovations at an airport

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.About the four projects, which one of the following statements is false? ( )A.The project will only improve road in Tajikistan by three miles but it will do great help.B.Local people welcome the projects.C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can start the projects quickly with the finance of other institutions.D.The project in Bangladesh is also financed with other institutions.

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s first four loans will go to the following except ( ).A.IndiaB.TajikistanC.PakistanD.Bangladesh

资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBC’s History Wall, a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order.Even this is dwarfed by Coca Cola, the American classics. In May, Coca Cola opened a new corporate museum in Atlanta, which is expected to pull in more than 1 million visitors annually, Attractions include the first Coke cans to go into space, a functioning botting line and a tasting lounge.The benefits of knowing your corporate history can be very practical. Companies often use their history as inspiration for new products. Disney constantly mines its archives of old films. Carmakers have overhauled old designs for the modern era: Volkswagen’s New Beetle is an obvious example.But the bigger payoff tends to be less tangible — that of forging stronger bonds with customers and employees. Age can by itself confer a sense of trustworthiness, brewers and banks are fond of flaunting(炫耀) their deep roots. Jim Gilmore, co-author of “Authenticity”, argues that history is also vital in giving companies a genuine sense of personality. Ritz-Carlton’s use of cobalt-blue glasses in its hotel dining rooms can be traced back to Boston in the 1920s, for example, where window glass that had been imported from Europe and turned blue in the New England air was a symbol of wealth. Rather than commissioning dusty biographies to mark anniversaries, Mr. Gilmore believes that firms should search the archives for inspiring stories of this kind.Younger companies can use history, too. Before giving up their old jobs, the founders of Innocent, a British drinks firm formed in 1998,sold an initial batch of smoothies from a market stall in London. They asked customers to put their empty bottles into one of two labeled bins to indicate whether they should focus on their new venture or stick to their day jobs. The rest, as they say, is history. The firm now uses the story to illustrate its folksy image.According to the first paragraph, what does the example of HSBC show?A.The bank has greater power than other banks.B.The bank contributes a lot to the development of London.C.The bank uses its history more creatively.D.The bank has a different business model than other firms.

California,the first city on the American continent,reached its peak of development and power at about 1100 AD.A:summitB:tipC:heightD:apex

New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()Ait is just east of the International Date LineBit is just west of the International Date LineCit is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleDit is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()A、it is just east of the International Date LineB、it is just west of the International Date LineC、it is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleD、it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

A customer currently has five partitioned POWER4 systems and is adding new systems.  When the pSeries technical specialist introduces the first p5 system with CoD into this environment, how should the HMC be handled?()A、Order a new HMC to support the p5 system.B、Attach the new p5 system to the existing HMC.C、Upgrade the existing HMC to accommodate both the POWER4 and p5 systems.D、Do nothing.  This system does not require an HMC.

问答题Practice 4  The other kind of bank—the Bank of the United States was simultaneously a commercial bank and a quasi-public central bank. The First Bank of the United States, chartered by the Congress in 1791, owed its existence to Alexander Hamilton who, shortly after becoming Secretary of the Treasury, showed remarkable insight into the financial problems of the young country and the economic implications of banking. The First Bank of the United States operated much like a private bank. But unlike a regular commercial bank, it had the federal government as a partner and number one customer. The Bank served as the fiscal agent for the government, holding government tax receipts, paying government bills, performing various financial housekeeping tasks. In return, the government kept its cash as deposits with the First Bank of the United States, giving it a huge financial base. The First Bank’s federal charter, moreover, allowed it to operate branches in all states, giving it a big competitive edge over regular state-chartered banks, which could operate only in the states that chartered them. Gradually the First Bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker’s bank, gaining the power to police lesser commercial banks.

单选题People decided to honor Edison when _____.Ahe made the first electric lightBelectric power was 100 years oldCthe country realized electricity’s importanceDhe died in 1931

单选题New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()Ait is just east of the International Date LineBit is just west of the International Date LineCit is located halfway between the equator and the South PoleDit is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

单选题Before attempting to put out a class “C” fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST ().Ainsulate your shoesBground the fire hoseCsecure its power supplyDstart the fire pump

问答题Practice 2  Until early in this century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then two factors projected America into world affairs: its rapidly expanding power, and the gradual collapse of the international system centered on Europe, the watershed presidencies marked this progression: Theodore Roosevelt’s and Woodrow Wilson’s. These men held the reins of government when world affairs were drawing a reluctant nation into their vortex. Both recognized that America had a crucial role to play in world affairs though they justified its emergence from isolation with opposite philosophies.  Roosevelt was a sophisticated analyst of the balance of power. He insisted on an international role for America because its national interest demanded it, and because a global balance of power was inconceivable to him without American participation. For Wilson, the justification of America’s international role was messianic: America had an obligation, not to the balance of power, but to spread its principles throughout the world. During the Wilson’s Administration, America emerged as a key player in world affairs, proclaiming principles which, while reflecting the truisms of American though, nevertheless marked a revolutionary departure for Old World diplomats. These principles held that peace depends on the spread of democracy, that states should be judged by the same ethical criteria as individuals, and that the national interest consists of adhering to a universal system of law.

单选题To prevent the spread of fire by conduction you should().Acool the bulkheads around the fireBremove combustibles from direct exposureCclose all openings to the areaDshut off all electric power

单选题It can be concluded from the passage that ______.Alarge families may be considered as a heavy burden by the rural poorBthe actions of national and international power brokers have an important effect upon the decision made by the rural poorCthe actions of those with the highest fertility, the rural poor, ultimately determine the rate of population growthDhaving large families had more advantages than disadvantages in those poor areas