资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.What can be inferred from passage?( )A.he German-based corruption watchdog is probably a committee which makes sure that companies do not act illegally or irresponsibly.B.Bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks are illegal in the commercial activities.C.Westerners are more critical about Guan xi in business.D.All of above.

China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.
To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.
However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.

What can be inferred from passage?( )

A.he German-based corruption watchdog is probably a committee which makes sure that companies do not act illegally or irresponsibly.
B.Bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks are illegal in the commercial activities.
C.Westerners are more critical about Guan xi in business.
D.All of above.


第2自然段To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.然而,对于西方人来说,关系往往更像是贿赂、裙带关系、送礼和回扣的委婉形式。透明国际——一个源自德国的腐败监督机构将中国与印度、俄罗斯、土耳其、马来西亚以及南非等国一同列为全世界腐败现象最猖獗的国家。


某市统计局在工作中发现该市某事业单位的工资总额存在故意少报问题,遂向该单位发出《执法检查查询书》。该单位对查询书不予理睬,没有在规定的时间内回答被查询的有关问题。请根据上述情况,回答下列问题。第 86 题 上述行为属于( )违法行为。A.拒报统计资料B.虚报统计资料C.瞒报统计资料D.伪造统计资料

假设某国国际收支平衡简表如下所示:请根据以上资料回答下列问题:该国出现逆差的国际收支项目有( )。A.货物B.服务C.收益D.其他投资

以下是2000年全国资金流量表的部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。根据表中资料计算2000年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有( )。A.生产法B.收入法C.支出法D.各部门增加值相加




根据以下内容,回答14~18题:以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有( )。A.生产法B.收入法C.支出法D.各部门增加值相加

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 某商场三种商品的销售资料如下:请根据上述资料回答下列问题: (1)根据所给资料可计算得到( )。A.数量指标综合指数B.个体指数C.质量指标综合指数D.总指数

针对下列图、表或文字回答问题。你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算、处理。你可以在题本上运算。请开始答题:一、根据下列统计资料回答问题2006—2013年间,有几年的科技人力资源总量较前一年增长超过500万人?( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5


现有四条船排队等候一个泊位进行装卸作业。船和港口有关资料如下:请根据上述资料,回答下列问题: 各船的载重量利用率为(  )。

现有四条船排队等候一个泊位进行装卸作业。船和港口有关资料如下:请根据上述资料,回答下列问题:各船的载重量利用率为(  )。 A. 95% B. 96% C. 97% D. 98%


以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 2005年总储蓄额最少的部门是()。A.非金融企业部门B.金融机构部门C.政府部门D.住户部门

以下是2000年全国资金流量表的部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 2000年总储蓄数额最大的部门是(  )。A.非金融企业部门B.金融机构部门C.政府部门D.住户部门

资料:欧洲的经济学家Mr.T首先跟你谈了欧洲的一些优势,以及一些好的企业。请根据下列资料回答问题The best-selling sports drink, Zumo, is produced by Zumospa, a food and drinks company based in Valencia, Spain. In the last financial year, Zumo contributed 30 million Euros to Zumospa’s annual sales revenue, accounting for of the company’s total turnover. It is, in fact, Zumospa’s cash cow, generating more revenue than any other of its products.At present, Zumo is sold only in Europe. However, the sports drink market is the most rapidly growing segment of the world beverage market. Zumospa is now looking outside Spain for markets and would like to make Zumo a global brand.Zumospa needs to reposition it for the global market. Initial research suggests that Zumo is perceived as a Spanish drink and its close identification with Spain may not be suitable when developing a global brand.Approximately what is Zumospa’s total turnover?( )A.100 million euros.B.150 million euros.C.20 million euros.D.30 million euros.

资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.What’s the tone of the passage?( )A.positiveB.sarcasticC.skepticalD.objective

资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.According to the passage, what is TRUE about Guan xi in the Chinese culture?( )A.It requires you to exchange favors to get things done.B.It is the art form of bribery in the business.C.It involves money and power.D.It means connections or relationship among family members.

以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。2005年总储蓄额最少的部门是(  )。查看材料A.非金融企业部门B.金融机构部门C.政府部门D.住户部门

以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有(  )。查看材料A.生产法B.收入法C.支出法D.各部门增加值相加

以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 根据表中资料计算2005年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有(  )。查看材料A.生产法B.收入法C.支出法D.各部门增加值相加


多选题以下是2000年全国资金流量表的部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 根据表中资料计算2000年国内生产总值,可以采用的方法有()。A生产法B收入法C支出法D各部门增加值相加

多选题以下是我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)部分资料,请根据这些资料对反映该年宏观经济运行的一些重要指标进行计算和分析,回答有关问题。 我国2005年资金流量表(实物交易)单位:亿元 根据以上材料,请回答问题: 按照(1)题方法计算的2005年国内生产总值为()。A183217.4亿元B188692亿元C168246亿元D178469亿元




不定项题某市统计局在工作中发现该市某事业单位的工资总额存在故意少报问题,遂向该单位发出《统计检查查询书》。该单位对查询书不予理睬,没有在规定的时间内回答被查询的有关问题。请根据上述资料回答下列问题。上述行为属于( )的统计违法行为。A迟报统计资料B提供不真实的统计资料C拒绝答复统计检查查询书D伪造答复统计检查查询书