The boy( )when he said that he ( )the eggs( )by the hen in the closet before he( )down to have a rest。A.was lying,had laid,laid,layB.had laid,lay,laid,was lyingC.lay,was lying,lain, layD.laid,lay,lain,lies

The boy( )when he said that he ( )the eggs( )by the hen in the closet before he( )down to have a rest。

A.was lying,had laid,laid,lay
B.had laid,lay,laid,was lying
C.lay,was lying,lain, lay


解析:题目意为“当那男孩说在他躺下来休息之前把母鸡下的蛋放到柜子里去了时,他在撒谎。”lie意为“说谎,躺”,过去式为lied,过去分词为lied,现在分词为lying;lay意为“放,下蛋”,为及物动词,过去式为laid,过去分词为laid,现在分词为laying。其中,lie down为固定搭配,意为“躺下”,根据题干中“said”确定要选择过去时态,为lay down,可以排除选项B和D,且before引导的句子中,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般现在时,因此he()the eggs应当是过去完成时态,为had laid,故选项A正确。


BPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across

Only when he was put in prison, ____ how silly he was and what a serious harm he had did to her. A.should he have realizeB.he realizedC.did he realizeD.he had realized

BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

A small boy was walking (51) a street in London. His name was Tom.It was a cold winter day in 1900.(52) he could not have breakfast or lunch. He didn't have any money. His father died(死了)when he was very young. His mother was often ill,so she couldn’t (53) Tom and his brother,Mike. Both of them had to work to help their mother. He was small but his dream(梦想)was very (54) . His wish was to be a famous actor. He worked very hard to sing and dance (55 ) .One day,a man came to him and asked," (56) in my film?""Certainly,"he answered.And he did his (57)in it. Many people said,"We have never seen such an (58). film."Thirty years (59 ) ,this boy was among (60) famous people in the world. He made many interesting films,and lots of people admired him.( )

BBrave Frenchman Found Half-way Around the World(NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn’t think twice before diving into the freezing East River.Tuesday’s Daily News said 29-year who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday.He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Scaport museum. He handed the girl to her father ,David Anderson, who had dive in after him.“I didn’t think at all,” Duret told the Daily News. “ It happened very fast. I reacted very fast.”Duret, an engineer on vacation ,was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头)when he saw something falling into the water .He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he approached the river. In an instant ,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said . Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes.Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from cookers. Duret caught a train with his girlfriend shortly after.The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didn’t realize his tale of heroism he was leaving the next morning .“I don’t really think I’m a hero,” said Duret. “Anyone would do the same ting.”50.why was Duret in NewYork?A. To meet his girlfriendB. To work as an engineerC. To spend his holidayD. To visit the Andersons.

Just then he ______that the hen ______three eggs a day.A. lied, layB. lied, laidC. lay, laidD, laid, lay

Passage FiveJim was intelligent, but he hated hard work. He said, "You work hard, and make a lot of money, and then the government takes most of it. I want easy work that gives me lots of money and that the government doesn't know about".So he became a thief--but he did not do the stealing himself. He got others to do it. They were much less intelligent than he was, so he arranged everything and told them what to do.One day they were looking for rich families to rob, and Jim sent one of them to a large beautiful house just outside the town.It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing on a piano.When he went back to Jim, he said, "That family can't have much money. Two people were playing on the same piano there."52. What Jim said can be said to be______.A. an excuseB. a lieC. a jokeD. a truth

He lies down and ______ a rest.A、havingB、haveC、to haveD、has

When he was a boy he ________ his talent for writing.A、demonstratedB、clarifiedC、illustratedD、approved

Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questionsor unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Youshould decide on the best choice.Questions 56- 60 are based on Passage One:Passage OneMr. Brown was going away for a week.Before he left,he said to his son.“If anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”“OK, Dad.”said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, so he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him.His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was noman to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said,“Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper.He could not find it.He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, “No more. ”The man was very surprised.He asked, “No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”“Burnt yesterday evening. ”Mr. Brown told his son that________。A. he would be away from home for four daysB. he would be back in seven daysC. he would be back in a monthD. he liked a cup of tea

II.完形填空. (20分)Last month, Tom spent his holidays in a small town. He stayed at a small hotel (11) he train station for many days. One night, before he (12) . he went to the owner of tile ho-tel and asked, "Will you please wake me up at (13) tomorrow’ morning? ‘I have to catch the five o’clock train "Oh, sorry, the owner said, "I (14) get up so early." Then Tom asked the owner, "Have you got (15)alarm clock? (16) it can help me." "Yes, here you are, sir. the owner said. Tom thanked him and (17) his room. However; when he (18) the clock carefully, he found there was (19) with it. Tom left his room and asked the owner again."Excuse me, are you sure the clock will ring on time?" Tom asked." (20), sir! said the owner, "When you shake it at 4 : 30 in the morning, it will ring. "( ) front

BTom lived a long way from the town.One day he went into the town to buy something in a shop,and after he bought it,he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table. When he looked round,he saw some old people put glasses on before reading their books,so after lunch he went to a shop to buy glasses,too. He walked along the road,and soon found a shop.The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses,but each time Tom said,"No,l can't read with this pair. "The man became more and more puzzled. At last he said,"Excuse me,but can you read at all?"No,l can't!"Tom said,"lf I can read,do you think I will come here to buy glasses?"( )26. Tom saw some old people _______'A. far away from the a shopC. in a restaurantD. in the village

When the nurse asked the patient again ______.A. he repeated what he had saidB. he kept silent all the sameC. he said he needed her help very muchD. he said she was a very bad woman

He said he′ d phone you __________ he got home.A.the momentB.the moment the the moment when

He was a very cute boy but now he seems to have no interest in anything.A:clever B:honestC:brave D:dull

共用题干Finding a JobAt sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school,but the future called to him excitedly.“Get out of the classroom into a job,”it said,and Ron obeyed.His father,supporting the dcci-sion,found a place for him in a supermarket.“You're lucky,Ron,”he said.“For every boy with a job these days,there's a dozen without.” So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.For a year he spent his days filling shelves with tins of food.By the end of that time he was looking back on his school days as a time of great variety and satisfaction.He searched for an in-terest in his work,with little success.One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south.With nine pounds in his pocket,a full heart and a great longing for the sea,he set out to make a better way for him-self. That evening,in Bournemouth,he had a sandwich and a drink in a cafe run by an elderly man and his wife.Before he had finished the sandwich,the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer,at twenty pounds a week,a room upstairs and three meals a day.The ease and speed of it rather took Ron's breath away.At quiet times Ron had to check the old man's arithme- tic in the records of the business.At the end of the season,he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of seventeen to make a living.He worked in shops mostly,but once he took a job in a hotel for three weeks.Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there;he was the only one who could keep the books. Why did Ron Mackie leave school at sixteen?A: His father made him leave.B: He had reached the age when he had to leave.C: He left because he was worried about the future.D: He left because he wanted to start work.

共用题干Finding a JobAt sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school,but the future called to him excitedly.“Get out of the classroom into a job,”it said,and Ron obeyed.His father,supporting the dcci-sion,found a place for him in a supermarket.“You're lucky,Ron,”he said.“For every boy with a job these days,there's a dozen without.” So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.For a year he spent his days filling shelves with tins of food.By the end of that time he was looking back on his school days as a time of great variety and satisfaction.He searched for an in-terest in his work,with little success.One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south.With nine pounds in his pocket,a full heart and a great longing for the sea,he set out to make a better way for him-self. That evening,in Bournemouth,he had a sandwich and a drink in a cafe run by an elderly man and his wife.Before he had finished the sandwich,the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer,at twenty pounds a week,a room upstairs and three meals a day.The ease and speed of it rather took Ron's breath away.At quiet times Ron had to check the old man's arithme- tic in the records of the business.At the end of the season,he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of seventeen to make a living.He worked in shops mostly,but once he took a job in a hotel for three weeks.Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there;he was the only one who could keep the books. What did Ron's father think about his leaving school?A: He thought his son was doing the right thing.B: He advised him to stay at school to complete his education.C: He did not like the idea,but he helped Ron to find work.D: He knew there was a job for every boy who wanted one.

Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine."Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.At last Jim′s motherA.gave her son some good foodB.knew her son had told a lieC.bought some medicine for her sonD.bought some cakes for her son

Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine."Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.Jim is a boy marked by hisA.clevernessB.honestyC.greedD.naughtiness

Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine."Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.What did Jim′s mother give him for the breakfast that day?A.Bread.B.Cake.C.Gruel.D.Both A and C.

Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.()AOh dear! I hope he wasn‘t hurtBOh, no. A lucky boy.CHe might have broken his arm.DNothing serious.

Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.()A、Oh dear! I hope he wasn‘t hurtB、Oh, no. A lucky boy.C、He might have broken his arm.D、Nothing serious.

单选题Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.()AOh dear! I hope he wasn‘t hurtBOh, no. A lucky boy.CHe might have broken his arm.DNothing serious.

单选题He said he´ d phone you __________ he got home.Athe momentBthe moment whenCat the momentDat the moment when

单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Frenchmen attach great importance to education.They regard the cultivation of children as a social obligation.French education mixes warm romantic humor into its careful and severe education.I have ever heard such a story:It took place in an ordinary French family.One day, when the boy was playing basketball, the ball hit a vase off the shelfwith its mouth knocked off a large piece.The vase was an antique handed down through generations from Bourbon Dynasty.To cover the great trouble, the boy glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place panic-stricken.That evening his mother noticed the change on it.At dinnertime, she asked her boy if he had broken the vase.Being scared of punishment, the boy said by a sudden inspiration that a cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shelf.His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before her leaving.However, she just said that it seemed it was her carelessness not to have the window tightly closed.Before going to bed, the boy found a note on his bed, on which he was asked to go to the study. The boy had thought he had gotten by under false pretences, but then felt he couldn't dodge the misfortune.Now that he had already lied, he made up his mind no matter what his mother said, he would disavow to the end.On seeing her son enter in fear, his mother took out a chocolate box and gave one piece of the chocolates to her son.“Baker, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you created a cat with your special imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand.“This chocolate is a reward for your ability to restore.But the glue you used is for restoring paper materials; to restore a vase needs higher special technique.Tomorrow, let's bring the vase to the artists to see how they make a craftwork intact as it was.”With that, she took the third chocolate, “The last chocolate stands for my apology.I shouldn't have laid a vase in a place where it could so easily fall down, I wish you hadn't been scared, my little sweetheart.”“But, Mom, I...”The boy tried to make something clear, but he awkwardly uttered nothing but some words.“Our talk is over.Good night, Baker!” She gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.The following days were the same as before.The only change was that the boy had never told a lie since then.No scolding.It looks unimaginably queer.In fact, the three chocolates are the alarm in the boy's heart all the tune.Sometimes, no punishment itself is a kind of punishment.How did the boy feel when he found the note on his bed?ADoubtful.BCalm.CUneasy.DEmbarrassed.

单选题The boy was a _____ musician when he was in primary school but his genius seemed to have disappeared completely when he was grown up.ApromisingBsolidCsincereDretarded

单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Frenchmen attach great importance to education.They regard the cultivation of children as a social obligation.French education mixes warm romantic humor into its careful and severe education.I have ever heard such a story:It took place in an ordinary French family.One day, when the boy was playing basketball, the ball hit a vase off the shelfwith its mouth knocked off a large piece.The vase was an antique handed down through generations from Bourbon Dynasty.To cover the great trouble, the boy glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place panic-stricken.That evening his mother noticed the change on it.At dinnertime, she asked her boy if he had broken the vase.Being scared of punishment, the boy said by a sudden inspiration that a cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shelf.His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before her leaving.However, she just said that it seemed it was her carelessness not to have the window tightly closed.Before going to bed, the boy found a note on his bed, on which he was asked to go to the study. The boy had thought he had gotten by under false pretences, but then felt he couldn't dodge the misfortune.Now that he had already lied, he made up his mind no matter what his mother said, he would disavow to the end.On seeing her son enter in fear, his mother took out a chocolate box and gave one piece of the chocolates to her son.“Baker, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you created a cat with your special imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand.“This chocolate is a reward for your ability to restore.But the glue you used is for restoring paper materials; to restore a vase needs higher special technique.Tomorrow, let's bring the vase to the artists to see how they make a craftwork intact as it was.”With that, she took the third chocolate, “The last chocolate stands for my apology.I shouldn't have laid a vase in a place where it could so easily fall down, I wish you hadn't been scared, my little sweetheart.”“But, Mom, I...”The boy tried to make something clear, but he awkwardly uttered nothing but some words.“Our talk is over.Good night, Baker!” She gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.The following days were the same as before.The only change was that the boy had never told a lie since then.No scolding.It looks unimaginably queer.In fact, the three chocolates are the alarm in the boy's heart all the tune.Sometimes, no punishment itself is a kind of punishment.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe broken vase was beautifully restored.BThe three chocolates served as a reminder.CThe boy's mother forgot to close the window.DWhat the boy said was well prepared and designed.