Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.A:displayed B:shownC:changed D:demonstrated

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.



解析:本题考查的是对近义动词的认知能力。本句话的意思是:“近年来对精神疾病的态度有所转变。”snhlt意为“改变,转移”。display意为“显示,表现”,如:Department stores display their goods in the windows.百货商店把商品陈列在橱窗里。show意为“表示,展现”。change意为“改变”,与题意最接近,因此选C。demonstrate意为“示范,证明”,如:Can you demonstrate how to use this machine?你能示范如何使用这台机器吗?


A positive mental attitude also seems to have a lot to do with health.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

- I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. -(). A、Either have IB、Neither have IC、So have I

The doctor recommends that those who have the illness take these pills to __________the symptoms.A. combatB. worsenC. hideD. nurture

We __ each other for almost three years. A. was in love forB. have been in love withC. fell in love with

John and I ______ friends for eight years. We first went to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ______ each other a couple of times before that. A had been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenD have been; had seen

Once more I am in Boston, () I have not been for ten years. A、whichB、whereC、thatD、as

They have never met, but they have been in ______ with each other for years.() A. tensionB. indexC. correspondenceD. ability

On November 1 we ________ in this house for thirty years. A. liveB. have livedC. are livingD. will have been living

Hobbies help patients ______ from physical or mental illness A. coverB. uncoverC. discoverD. recover

– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.– ( ).A. Either have IB. Neither have IC. Haven't ID. So have I

They have been in the Party for three years.(改为同义句)It__________ three years__________ they__________ the Party.

Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent years.A:extendedB:emphasizedC:distortedD:illustrated

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.A:displayed B:shown C:changed D:demonstrated

共用题干Smoke Gets in Your Mind1.Lung cancer,hypertension,heart disease,birth defects一we are all too familiar with the dangers of smoking. But add to that list a frightening new concern一mental illness.According to some controversial new findings,if smoking does not kill you,it may,quite literally,drive you to despair.2.The tobacco industry openly pushes its product as something to lift your mood and soothe anxiety.But the short-term feel-good effect may mask the truth that smoking may worsen or even trigger anxiety disorders,panic attacks and depression,perhaps even schizophrenia.3.Cigarettes and mental illness have always tended to go together. An estimated 1.25 billion people smoke worldwide.Yet people who are depressed or anxious are twice as likely to smoke,and up to 88 percent of those with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia are smokers.A recent American survey concluded that around half of all cigarettes burn in the fingers of those with mental illness.4.But the big question is why?The usual story is that the illness comes first. Mentally ill people take up smoking,or smoke more,to alleviate some of their distress.Even when smoking seems to start before the illness,most doctors believe that early but invisible symptoms of the disorder spark the desire to light up.But perhaps something more sinister is going on.5.A growing number of researchers claim that smoking is the cause,not the consequence of clinical depression and several forms of anxiety."We know a lot about the effects of smoking on physical health,and now we are also starting to see the adverse effects in new research on mental illness,"says Naomi Breslau,director of research at the Henry Ford Health Care System in Detroit.6.Breslau was one of the first to consider this heretical possibility.The hint came from studies, published in 1998,which followed a group of just over 1.,000 young adults for a five-year period.The 13 percent who began the study with major depression were around three times more likely to progress from being light smokers to daily smokers during the course of the study,though there was no evidence that depression increased the tendency to take up smoking. But a history of daily smok-- ing before the study commenced roughly doubled the risk of developing major depression during the five-year period. Smoking,it seems,could pre-date illness.7.At first Breslau concluded that whatever prompts people to smoke might also make them depressed.But as the results of other much larger studies began to back the statistical link,she became more convinced than ever that what she was seeing were signs that smoking,perhaps the nicotine itself,could somehow affect the brain and cause depression.8.One of these larger studies was led by Goodman,a pediatrician.She followed the health of two groups of teenagers for a year. The first group of 8,704 adolescents were not depressed,and might or might not have been smokers,while the second group of 6,947 were highly depressed and had not been smokers in the past month.After a year her team found that although depressed teenagers were more likely to have become heavy smokers,previous experimentation with smoking was the strongest predictor of such behaviour,not the depression itself. What is more important is that teenagers who started out mentally fit but smoked at least one packet per week during the study were four times more likely to develop depression than their non一smoking peers.Goodman says that depression does not seem to start before cigarette use among teens."Current cigarette use is,however,a powerful determinant of developing high depressive symptoms."9.Breslau,too,finds that smokers are as much as four times more likely to have an isolated panic attack and three times more likely to develop longer-term panic disorder than non-smokers.It's a hard message to get across,because many smokers say they become anxious when they quit,not when they smoke.But Breslau says thatBreslau's study________than Goodman's but lasted longer.A:have been proved to be misleadingB:but to their mental health as wellC:taking up smokingD:involved fewer peopleE:they started to smoke at an early ageF: but their level of anxiety increases when they quit smoking

共用题干Smoke Gets in Your Mind1.Lung cancer,hypertension,heart disease,birth defects一we are all too familiar with the dangers of smoking. But add to that list a frightening new concern一mental illness.According to some controversial new findings,if smoking does not kill you,it may,quite literally,drive you to despair.2.The tobacco industry openly pushes its product as something to lift your mood and soothe anxiety.But the short-term feel-good effect may mask the truth that smoking may worsen or even trigger anxiety disorders,panic attacks and depression,perhaps even schizophrenia.3.Cigarettes and mental illness have always tended to go together. An estimated 1.25 billion people smoke worldwide.Yet people who are depressed or anxious are twice as likely to smoke,and up to 88 percent of those with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia are smokers.A recent American survey concluded that around half of all cigarettes burn in the fingers of those with mental illness.4.But the big question is why?The usual story is that the illness comes first. Mentally ill people take up smoking,or smoke more,to alleviate some of their distress.Even when smoking seems to start before the illness,most doctors believe that early but invisible symptoms of the disorder spark the desire to light up.But perhaps something more sinister is going on.5.A growing number of researchers claim that smoking is the cause,not the consequence of clinical depression and several forms of anxiety."We know a lot about the effects of smoking on physical health,and now we are also starting to see the adverse effects in new research on mental illness,"says Naomi Breslau,director of research at the Henry Ford Health Care System in Detroit.6.Breslau was one of the first to consider this heretical possibility.The hint came from studies, published in 1998,which followed a group of just over 1.,000 young adults for a five-year period.The 13 percent who began the study with major depression were around three times more likely to progress from being light smokers to daily smokers during the course of the study,though there was no evidence that depression increased the tendency to take up smoking. But a history of daily smok-- ing before the study commenced roughly doubled the risk of developing major depression during the five-year period. Smoking,it seems,could pre-date illness.7.At first Breslau concluded that whatever prompts people to smoke might also make them depressed.But as the results of other much larger studies began to back the statistical link,she became more convinced than ever that what she was seeing were signs that smoking,perhaps the nicotine itself,could somehow affect the brain and cause depression.8.One of these larger studies was led by Goodman,a pediatrician.She followed the health of two groups of teenagers for a year. The first group of 8,704 adolescents were not depressed,and might or might not have been smokers,while the second group of 6,947 were highly depressed and had not been smokers in the past month.After a year her team found that although depressed teenagers were more likely to have become heavy smokers,previous experimentation with smoking was the strongest predictor of such behaviour,not the depression itself. What is more important is that teenagers who started out mentally fit but smoked at least one packet per week during the study were four times more likely to develop depression than their non一smoking peers.Goodman says that depression does not seem to start before cigarette use among teens."Current cigarette use is,however,a powerful determinant of developing high depressive symptoms."9.Breslau,too,finds that smokers are as much as four times more likely to have an isolated panic attack and three times more likely to develop longer-term panic disorder than non-smokers.It's a hard message to get across,because many smokers say they become anxious when they quit,not when they smoke.But Breslau says thatNowadays many doFtors have become aware that smoking is not only a hazard to people's physical health_______.A:have been proved to be misleadingB:but to their mental health as wellC:taking up smokingD:involved fewer peopleE:they started to smoke at an early ageF: but their level of anxiety increases when they quit smoking

共用题干第二篇DepressionAlthough the stigma(耻辱)once associated with mental illness has gradually gone away in recent years,most of the Americans who have clinical depression still don't get treated for it partly because many are too embarrassed to go to a psychologist. In fact,the majority of depressed people who seek professional help turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary care physician.But do regular doctors really know how to identify depression?A large new scientific review suggests they don't. In a review of 41 previous studies,the authors found that general practitioners make frequent mistakes,missing true cases of depression about half the time and incorrectly diagnosing it in 19%of healthy people.Alex Mitchell,Amol Vaze and Sanjay Rao of Leicester General Hospital in the U.K. estimate that about 1 in 5 people in developed nations will experience depression in their lifetime.That means that among a general patient population of 100,about 20 will develop the condition,but the typical doctor will find it in only 10 of those who have it. And among the 80 healthy people,the doctor will incorrectly identify depression in 15.This is significant because depression can make the patient and his or her family weak.Depression also carries an enormous social burden,leading to missed work days,loss of productivity and increases in health-care spending. Further,those misdiagnosed with depression may end up being prescribed medicine that not only costs a lot but can have serious side effects.The various studies that Mitchell,Vaze and Rao reviewed used different methods to verify whether doctors had missed depression in their patients.Virtually all the studies pointed to the same conclusion:general physicians aren't very good at recognizing the most common mental illness in the world.Why?One reason is that the typical doctor visit is quite short,usually no longer than 15 minutes.It's hard for patients to open up about their symptoms during that brief period.Doctors should spend more time or schedule follow-up appointments with patients they suspect have depression, which would dramatically increase the rate of accurate diagnoses.Most depressed people refuse to see a psychologist partly because________.A:they are frightened of going to a psychologistB:they have trust in their primary-care physiciansC:they think the illness is not that seriousD:they relate embarrassment to seeing a psychologist

资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.The survey was a part of the company’s ongoing efforts to boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the CTIA’s initiatives are working.It turns out that mobile users in the US have begun implementing many of the initiatives set forth and have increased both awareness of, and protection for, their mobile devices:More smartphone users are protecting their devices with PINs and passwords than in previous years. In 2016, of smartphone users had some sort of PIN/password, up from 2015 and form 2012.An increasing number of smartphone users have installed built-in remote lock-and-erase software. Of survey respondents, have this type of lock-and-erase software installed, up an astounding from 2015 and from 2012.Smartphone users are increasingly aware of the importance of anti-virus software. of smartphone users have an anti-virus software installed, compared with only of smartphone owners in 2015, according to BI Intelligence.The survey results indicate that users are becoming increasingly aware of the danger posed by the increasing reliance on mobile technology form not only malicious entities like hackers, but also government surveillance. Specifically, users are increasingly seeking for ways to guard themselves in light of a number of recent high-profile incidents involving phone security–like Apple's case against the FBI, for example.Because of this, it will become increasingly common for app developers and device manufactures to build in security and end-to-end encryption. This can be seen in devices and apps such as WhatsApp and iPhones. Developers and device manufacturers that don't include this feature in their products could be faced with negative consumer attitudes.It can be inferred that WhatsApp and iPhones _____.A.had built in security and end-to-end encryption.B.included the CTIA feature in their products.C.were faced with negative consumer attitudes.D.cooperated with FBI to guarantee the securety.

资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.The survey was a part of the company’s ongoing efforts to boost user education on the pitfalls of mobile security and assess whether the CTIA’s initiatives are working.It turns out that mobile users in the US have begun implementing many of the initiatives set forth and have increased both awareness of, and protection for, their mobile devices:More smartphone users are protecting their devices with PINs and passwords than in previous years. In 2016, of smartphone users had some sort of PIN/password, up from 2015 and form 2012.An increasing number of smartphone users have installed built-in remote lock-and-erase software. Of survey respondents, have this type of lock-and-erase software installed, up an astounding from 2015 and from 2012.Smartphone users are increasingly aware of the importance of anti-virus software. of smartphone users have an anti-virus software installed, compared with only of smartphone owners in 2015, according to BI Intelligence.The survey results indicate that users are becoming increasingly aware of the danger posed by the increasing reliance on mobile technology form not only malicious entities like hackers, but also government surveillance. Specifically, users are increasingly seeking for ways to guard themselves in light of a number of recent high-profile incidents involving phone security–like Apple's case against the FBI, for example.Because of this, it will become increasingly common for app developers and device manufactures to build in security and end-to-end encryption. This can be seen in devices and apps such as WhatsApp and iPhones. Developers and device manufacturers that don't include this feature in their products could be faced with negative consumer attitudes. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the passage?A.Developers and device manufacturers are becoming more aware of security features.B.Lack of security features could result in negative consumer attitudes.C.Smartphone users are becoming more aware of security features.D.Smartphone users are becoming more aware of government surveillance.

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.A:displayed B:shown.C:changed D:demonstrated

We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams.A:discount B:effectC:account D:effort

Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.A:displayed B:shown C:changed D:demonstrated

单选题According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?ASome people with mental illness can become musical masters.BSome parts of the brain are closely related to music.CSome people are born with disability of music.DSome parts of the brain are closely related to disease.

单选题The passage specifically states that __________.Adirect experiences are more valuable than indirect onesBwhatever attitudes a child learns in school have already been introduced at homeCteachers should always conceal their own attitudesDteachers can sometimes have an unwholesome influence on children

单选题According to the author, which group might NOT benefit from virtual reality applications to education?AStudents with mental illness.BStudents with behavioral disorders.CStudents with physical handicaps.DStudents with developmental problems.

单选题I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.()AEither have I.BNeither have I.CHaven‘t I.DSo have I.

单选题In recent years, tourist companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the farther we go, our holiday will be the better.AIn recent yearsBhave succeededCthe fartherDthe better

单选题The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot against a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of _____.AimpulseBinsanityCinspirationDdisposition

单选题I _____ writing the paper as scheduled, but my father’s illness interfered. I hope you will give me some extra time.Aam to have finishedBwas to finishCwas to have finishedDought to finish