A.in B. for C.at D. on

A.in B. for C.at D. on




Where did Sam work?() A.in a bankB.in a hospitalC.in a companyD.in a college

He didn’t go into any detail on the subject; he just spoke_________. A.in commonB.in particularC.in generalD.in the least

Where are the speakers?A.In a storeB. In a classroomC. In a hotel.

A sensor network is ( ) of a large number of sensor nodes that are densely deployed ( ) inside the phenomenon or very close to it.A.part B.consist C.consisted D.composed A.either B.from C.at D.of

As with all ITU standards,reduce energy consumption is a key factor taken into account at development stage.Indeed NGNs are believed to offer significant saving()traditional networks.A.of B.over C.at D.in


The speaker talked about sports in general and about football A.in publicB.in sequenceC.in shortD.in particular

常见的机箱从结构上可以分为(). A.立式结构和卧式结构B.AT结构和ATX结构C.AT、ATX、NLXD.ATX和卧式

按照鼠标的接口来分,可分为三种() A.AT接口和PS/2接口和USB口B.串口、PS/2口以及USB口C.AT接口和PS/2接口和串口D.串口、AT接口以及USB口

某数据库表中有一个Name字段,查找Namey~Mary Lisa的记录的准则可以设置为( )。A.In(”Mary","Lisa")B.Like”Mary"AndLike"Lisa"C.Like("Mary","Lisa")D.”Mary"And”Lisa'’ 。


______________________-A.in order that B.so that C.in order to D.for

We can read such a passage ______.A.in a newspaper B.in a storybook C.in a picture book D.in a textbook

where are the speakers?A.In a storeB.In a classroomC.At a hotel

用户在()时候就分配到了IP。 A.in internet requestB.before register in MMEC.in attach proceduereD.immediated assign after attach

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be ______.A.in the pumproomB.at the vent headerC.at the main deck manifoldD.the midships house

Where must you record the date of each emergency training drill conducted on a ship ________.A.In the logbookB.In the Operations ManualC.On the Certificate of InspectionD.On the muster list

Where are self-closing doors required on a ship ________.A.In the galleyB.In each stair towerC.To each sleeping roomD.To the engine room

The tops of vents from gasoline tanks should terminate ______.A.in open airB.inside cabinsC.in machinery spaceD.underwater

As a general rule, tally clerks should make their tallying ______.A.in warehousesB.on deckC.ashoreD.in the tallyroom

_____  A.on  B.in  C.at  D.with

The CEO of the company has been consistent ________ his policy associated with foreign investments over the last few years.A.of B.with C.at D.for

第48题答案是__________A.in attendanceB.at attentionC.with attendingD.to attendant

when did Belgium become an independent kingdom?A.in 1800B.in 1830C.in 1815D.in 1930



__________A.in order not beB.so as not to beC.for not beingD.so that it‘s not