多选题() are the barriers to international trade.AcapitalBimport dutiesCnon-tarriffbarrierDimport quotas

() are the barriers to international trade.



import duties




import quotas


解析: 暂无解析


The various measures the government has taken are meant to _________ the world trade. A、produceB、proceedC、promoteD、remote

(b) Describe five major barriers to good communication. (10 marks)

(b) Describe five main barriers to an effective appraisal interview. (10 marks)

Comprehensive high schools are (supposed) to take in students who want to go on to college and students who plan to go into a trade.选择能代替括号里的选项A、reservedB、proposedC、expectedD、estimated

We shall be glad to know whether they are()the wholesale trade. A、forB、ofC、withD、in

The safe operations of a liquified gas can be found in ________ .A.International Maritime Dangerous Goods Carried by SeaB.International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Gases in BulkC.International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaD.International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A.International Cargo Gear CertificateB.International Loadline CertificateC.International Safety Construction CertificateD.International Seaman Identification

SOLAS is the abbreviation of ______.A.International Maritime Dangerous Goods Carried by SeaB.International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Gases in BulkC.International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaD.International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

Poor health and lack of money may both be roadblocks to educational progress.A:restraints B:stainsC:scarcities D:barriers

Questions 76-80 refer to the following information.Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching.Why the International free trade, economists agree,, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners’ benefits, otherwise they wouldn't trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spend, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong (or anywhere else).The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces companies to improve quality and cut costs. By contrast, protectionism encourages monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.Americans pay an enormous price for protection over $60 billion a year, or $1000 for a family of four. Thanks to protectionism, for example, American consumers pay twice the world price for sugar.Free trade also makes the world economy more efficient, by allowing nations to capitalize on their strengths. The United States has an advantage in food production, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has an advantage in oil. The Saudis could undertake massive irrigation to become self-sufficient in food, but it is more economical for them to sell oil and purchase food from us. Similarly, we could become self-sufficient in petroleum by squeezing more out of oil shale. But it is much less costly to buy some of our oil from Saudi Arabia. Tarde between our two countries improves the standard of living in both.Protectionism is both wasteful and unjust. It taxes most heavily the people who can least afford it. Thus, tariffs that rise the price of shoes burden the poor more than the rich. Despite the powerful case for free trade, the United States and the rest of the world have always been protectionist to some degree. This is because free trade benefits the general public, while protectionism benefits special interest group, which are better organized, better financed and more informed. To make matters worse, much of what we hear on this issue is misinformation spread by the special interests themselves.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. International free trade may improve the standard of living all over the world.B. Economists are all in favor of the free trade policy.C. International free trade may create international competition.D. Protectionism has been abolished due to encouraging monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.

As ___, I think business English is more practical than other courses.A.an International Business student majorB.an International Business majorC.a International Business student majorD.an International Business major student

“国际货运代理”的英文是()A、international transport agencyB、international mechandise agencyC、international freight tallyD、international freight forwarding agency

The international transport and the international logistics are same. Is it correct or not? ()A、Not mention in the paragraphB、Not clearC、WrongD、Right

技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade)

国际图书馆联盟(IFLA)的英文全称是()A、International Federation of Library Associationsand InstitutionsB、International Federation Associationsand InstitutionsC、International Federation of LibraryD、Library Associationsand Institutions

Multilateral trade involves at least two parties dealing with international trade.

International Commercial Terms (International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms) was first published by ICC in 1936.

() are the barriers to international trade.A、capitalB、import dutiesC、non-tarriffbarrierD、import quotas

What is the subject of the paragraph?()A、international tradeB、international transportC、international logisticsD、international economy

国际货物运输保险的英文是()。A、Insurance for International TransportB、International Ttransportation Cargo InsuranceC、International Cargo InsuranceD、Internationall Insurance for Cargo

国际民航组织(ICAO)新的飞行标准。()A、New flight standard of international civil aircraft organization (ICAO).B、New fly standard of international civil aircraft organization (ICAO).C、New fly standard of international civil aviation organization (ICAO).D、New flight standard of international civil aviation organization (ICAO).

单选题Under ISM Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

问答题Passage 3  Certain barriers to foreign trade make selling in the international market a real challenge. Relatively few Americans are fluent in more than one language. (31)______, not all foreign traders speak English. (32)______, English is the second language in many countries, (33)______ is helping to lessen the language barrier. (34)______, an increasing number of Americans are learning a second language.  Each nation has (35)______ peculiar social customs and business practices, which often serve as a hindrance to international trade. The Latin American Siesta—the long lunch hour (36)______ makes the workday longer—is not common (37)______ other ethnic groups. Many foreigners working in Latin American countries find this custom difficult to observe. For some, driving a car (38)______ the left hand side of the road is confusing. Removing your shoes to enter a residence or religious building is (39)______ unique custom. Strange and exotic foods sometimes create a diet problem for the new comer abroad. On the other hand, the American practice of one-stop shopping in shopping centers is becoming common practice in many foreign countries.  One common foreign custom that has caused trouble is the “entry fee” or bribe that is often expected (40)______ dealing with foreign governments.

单选题The international transport and the international logistics are same. Is it correct or not? ()ANot mention in the paragraphBNot clearCWrongDRight

单选题Ships do not permitted to the TBT paint after 2008,It is required by()Athe International Convention for the Safety of the Life at SeaBthe International Convention for the Prevention from shipsCthe International Convention on control of harmful anti-fouling system on shipsDthe International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments

单选题Under ISPS Code the ship to which it applies has to carry()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

单选题SOLAS stands for()Athe International Convention for the Safety of the Life at SeaBthe International Convention for the Prevention from shipsCthe International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for SeafarersDthe International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments

名词解释题技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade)