单选题The main purpose of starting the diesel engine on air briefly is()Ato inspect if the cylinder has the water leakageBto expel out the residual water/gas/oil from the cylinderCto check if fuel supply is normalDA and B

The main purpose of starting the diesel engine on air briefly is()

to inspect if the cylinder has the water leakage


to expel out the residual water/gas/oil from the cylinder


to check if fuel supply is normal


A and B


解析: 暂无解析


Vessels having main engines arranged for air starting are to be provided with at least__.A.one automatic drain serving both containersB.two air starting containers of approximately equal sizeC.one control air container and one starting air containerD.one additional means of starting the main engine

Before "stand by" is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usual to give the main diesel engine a brief trial ahead and astern.A.with powerB.on powerC.with airD.on air

In an operating diesel engine, which of the following conditions is an indication of a leaking air starting valve?A.Noise coming from that air starting valveB.Continuous operation of the starting air compressorC.Zero air pressure in the air starting systemD.Overheated starting air pipe to the cylinder head

单选题Vessels having main engines arranged for air starting are to be provided with at least ()Aone automatic drain serving both containersBtwo air starting containers of approximately equal sizeCone control air container and one starting air containerDone additional means of starting the main engine

单选题The starting of a marine diesel engine is generally carried out with the assistance of ().Acompressed airBelectricityChydraulic oilDcompressing air

单选题The main purpose of starting the diesel engine on air briefly is()Ato inspect if the cylinder has the water leakageBto expel out the residual water/gas/oil from the cylinderCto check if fuel supply is normalDA and B

单选题The main purpose of warming the parts of the main engine is ()Ato reduce heat stressBto reduce low temperature corrosionCto improve firing and starting performanceDfuel saving

单选题By far the greatest use is for diesel engine starting using air pressure of 25 bar or more provided by ().Arotary compressorsBreciprocating compressorsCcentrifugal compressorsDscrew compressors

单选题Diesel engine starting difficulties due to cold intake air temperatures, can be overcome by using a/an()Aincrease in starting air pressureBincrease in lube oil viscosityCcompression expansion deviceDjacket water heater

单选题When an air started, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is being cranked, the starting air is admitted to each cylinder during what would normally be the()Aintake strokeBcompression strokeCpower strokeDexhaust stroke

单选题Which of the following methods is used to prevent throttling of compressed air through the diesel engine air starting valves?()AHolding the valve open for a long periodBIncreasing the starting air pressure usedCOpening the stating air valve quicklyDReducing the starting air valve size

单选题A diesel engine is turned at normal cranking speed and no ignition occursThis could be the result of ()Alow lube oil temperatureBlow starting air temperatureCair bubbles in the fuel oil systemDwater in the starting air system

单选题In the starting process of a diesel engine, the main object is to attain the compression conditions sufficient to ()Aturn the flywheelBreduce frictionCovercome inertiaDignite the fuel

单选题If you are unable to stop a diesel engine by any other means,you should().Adischarge a CO2 extinguisher in the air inletBpull off the distributor capCsecure the jacket waterDsecure the starting air supply valve

单选题When attempting to start a main propulsion diesel engine, the engine, the engine turns at the proper speed but will not startYou should check the()Astarting air pressureBscavenge air pressureCover-speed tripDbanjo oiler line

单选题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine may be made easier by()Adecreasing the compression ratioBusing a special fuel having a high ignition temperatureCincreasing the starting air supplyDheating the jacket water

单选题A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be reversedPrior to the admission of starting air you must ()Aline up the engine fore restarting with light diesel oilBreposition the fuel injection camCchange the intake and exhaust valve cam positionsDplace the starting cam in the intermediate position

单选题Prior to starting, the purpose of turning over a main propulsion diesel engine with the cylinder test cocks open, is to ()Atest the starting systemBremove condensation from the cylindersCcheck the compressionDcheck for proper lube oil pressure

单选题A two-stroke/cycle diesel engine requires less starting air than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, of equal displacement, because the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine()Ahas little or no internal frictionBhas a lower effective compression ratioCoperates with scavenge air under a positive pressureDoperates without energy absorbing intake and exhaust strokes

单选题The purpose of compressing the air within the cylinder of a diesel engine is to ()Aproduce the heat for ignitionBdecrease injection lagCincrease ignition delayDaid in exhausting burnt gases

单选题When starting air is admitted, a diesel engine turns over very slowly without firingThe cause may be ()Aan obstruction in an cylinderBwater accumulation in some engine cylindersClow starting air pressureDlow scavenge air pressure

单选题When the diesel is stopped, which of the following items is wrong?()Akeep all systems in normally runningBthe main engine is stand-byCshut off the starting air bottle outlet valveDpay attention to the changes of the system parameters

单选题In an operating diesel engine, which of the following condition is an indication of a leaking air starting valve?()Anoise coming from that air starting valveBcontinuous operation of the starting air compressorCzero air pressure in the air starting systemDoverheated starting air pipe to the cylinder head

单选题The highest pressure in a diesel engine cylinder normally occurs ().Aat TDCBbefore TDCCafter TDCDduring air starting

单选题The diesel engine must be started before it can run by it self For this purpose () has to be used.Aa starting systemBthe starting airCa starting operationDA, B and C

单选题A six-cylinder, two-stroke/cycle diesel engine is fitted with a rotary distributing air starting systemThe speed of the rotating distributor disc is ()Aone-half engine speedBthe same as engine speedCtwice engine speedDfour times engine speed

单选题The purpose of the flywheel is to ()Aprovide energy to operate the engine between power impulsesBneutralize the primary inertia force of the crankshaftCreduce the shock of starting loads on the main bearingsDprevent the engine from operating at critical speed

单选题The timing of diesel engine air starting valves is controlled by()Athe air start valve timing gears and rodsBa cylinder check valveCindividual cams and valve gearDan air manifold poppet valve