单选题To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:   BEGIN  dbms_advisor.create_task(dbms_advisor.sqlaccess_advisor,’TASK1’);  END; /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’ANALYSIS_SCOPE’,’ALL’); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’MODE’,’COMPREHENSIVE’);  END;  /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.execute_task(’TASK1’);  dbms_output.put_line(dbms_advisor.get_task_script(’TASK1’));  END;  /  The blocks of code execute successfully;however,you do not get the required outcome.  What could be the reason?()A A template needs to be associated with the task.B A workload needs to be associated with the task.C The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.D The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be  specified for the task.

To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:   BEGIN  dbms_advisor.create_task(dbms_advisor.sqlaccess_advisor,’TASK1’);  END; /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’ANALYSIS_SCOPE’,’ALL’); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’MODE’,’COMPREHENSIVE’);  END;  /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.execute_task(’TASK1’);  dbms_output.put_line(dbms_advisor.get_task_script(’TASK1’));  END;  /  The blocks of code execute successfully;however,you do not get the required outcome.  What could be the reason?()

 A template needs to be associated with the task.


 A workload needs to be associated with the task.


 The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.


 The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be  specified for the task.


解析: 暂无解析


Which traversal method for a binary tree does the following Pascal code illustrate? Procedure traverse(p:pointer); Begin IfpNIL Then begin Traverse (p^.left); Process(p); Traverse(p^.right) End; End_A.pre_orderB.middle_orderC.noneD.last_order

To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:The blocks of code execute successfully; however, you do not get the required outcome. What could be the reason?()A. A template needs to be associated with the task.B.A workload needs to be associated with the task.C. The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.D. The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be specified for the task.

A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance:SQL ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle);You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows.What could be a reason for this recommendation?()A. The keep pool is not configured.B. Automatic Workarea Management is not configured.C. Automatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.D. The data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.E. All the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view

Which traversal method for a binary tree does the following Pascal code illustrate? procedure traverse (p:pointer); begin if pnil then begin traverse(p ↑ .left); process(p); traverse(p ↑ .right); end end;A.preorderB.postorderC.reorderD.inorder

You have a very large table that your users access frequently. Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()A、The Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)B、The SQL Tuning AdvisorC、The Segment AdvisorD、The SQL Access Advisor SQL

Your database supports a DSS workload that involves the execution of complex queries: Currently, the library cache contains the ideal workload for analysis. You want to analyze some of the queries for an application that are cached in the library cache. What must you do to receive recommendations about the efficient use of indexes and materialized views to improve query performance?()A、Create a SQL Tuning Set (STS) that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Tuning Advisor (STA) on the workload captured in the STS.B、Run the Automatic Workload Repository Monitor (ADDM).C、Create an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) on the workload captured in the STS.D、Create an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Access Advisor on the workload captured in the STS.

You accepted the recommended SQL Profile by executing the following code:   DECLARE   sqlprofile_name varchar2(30);  BEGIN   sqlprofile_name := DBMS_SQLTUNE.ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILE(  task_name = ’my_task’,   profile_name = ’my_profile’);   END;   Which advisor will analyze this profile?()  A、 SQL Access AdvisorB、 Undo AdvisorC、 Segment AdvisorD、 SQL Tuning Advisor

You work with a newly created database. Presently, there is no application load on the database instance.You want to create a baseline for tuning the application, so you decide to collect recommendations that can be implemented to improve application performance.What action must you take to achieve this?()A、Run Segment AdvisorB、Run the SQL Tuning Advisor (STA)C、Run the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportD、Run the SQL Access Advisor with a hypothetical workload

Where can you add your own PL/SQL code in relation-handling triggers?()A、Before the "End default relation program section" comment. B、After the "Begin default relation program section" comment. C、Before the "Begin default relation program section" comment. D、It is not possible to modify the relation-handling code that Forms automatically creates for relations.

A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance: SQL ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle); You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows. What could be a reason for this recommendation?()A、The keep pool is not configured.B、Automatic Workarea Management is not configured.C、Automatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.D、The data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.E、All the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view

You executed the following code:   BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE  (  NAME = ’JOB_A’,   ATTRIBUTE = ’JOB_PRIORITY’,   VALUE = 7);   END;  /   After analyzing the above code, what conclusion will you draw?()  A、 The code will be executed successfully.B、 The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must be 1, 2, or 3.C、 The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must range between 1 and 5.D、 The code will not be executed successfully because no SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure exists in the DBMS_SCHDULER package.

You have created a resource plan, DAY. You execute the following code:        SQL BEGIN        DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE   ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,   GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,        CPU_P1=0);        END;   Then, you issue the following code:        SQL BEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE        ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,        GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEVELOPERS’,        CPU_P2=100);        END;   What will be the impact of executing the above code?()  A、 The DEVELOPERS and DEPARTMENTS subplans will be allocated CPU equally.B、 The DEVELOPERS subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEPARTMENTS subplan.C、 The DEPARTMENT subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEVELOPERS subplan.D、 The second code will not execute because one resource plan cannot be used by more than one subplan.

You received complaints about the degradation of SQL query performance. You identified top SQL queries that consume time. What would be your next step to find out recommendations about statistics collection and restructuring of the SQL statement to improve query performance?()A、run Segment AdvisorB、run SQL Tuning Advisor on top SQL statementsC、run the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportD、run the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)on top SQL statements

You are using CTIDS in replication. You need to skip a transaction with the CTID of aaa-bbb-cccddd-eee : 3 on a slave. Which command would you execute from a Mysql prompt?()A、STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVEB、STOP SLAVE; BEGIN; SET GTID_IGNORE="aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd-eee: 3"; COMMIT; START SLAVEC、STOP SLAVE; SETGTID_NEXT="aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd-eee: 3"; BEGIN; COMMIT; SET GTID_NEXT="AUTOMATIC"; START SLAVED、STOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE; BEGIN; SKIP NEXT GTID; COMMIT; START SLAVE

You have a very large table that your users access frequently. Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()A、The Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)B、The SQL Tuning AdvisorC、The Segment AdvisorD、The SQL Access Advisor

单选题You have a very large table that your users access frequently. Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()AThe Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)BThe SQL Tuning AdvisorCThe Segment AdvisorDThe SQL Access Advisor

单选题You have a very large table that your users access frequently.  Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()A The Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)B The SQL Tuning AdvisorC The Segment AdvisorD The SQL Access Advisor

单选题You accepted the recommended SQL Profile by executing the following code:   DECLARE   sqlprofile_name varchar2(30);  BEGIN   sqlprofile_name := DBMS_SQLTUNE.ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILE(  task_name = ’my_task’,   profile_name = ’my_profile’);   END;   Which advisor will analyze this profile?()A SQL Access AdvisorB Undo AdvisorC Segment AdvisorD SQL Tuning Advisor

单选题You received complaints about the degradation of SQL query performance. You identified top SQL queries that consume time. What would be your next step to find out recommendations about statistics collection and restructuring of the SQL statement to improve query performance?()Arun Segment AdvisorBrun SQL Tuning Advisor on top SQL statementsCrun the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportDrun the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)on top SQL statements

单选题You have a very large table that your users access frequently. Which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries against this table?()AThe Automatic Memory Manager (AMM)BThe SQL Tuning AdvisorCThe Segment AdvisorDThe SQL Access Advisor SQL

单选题You work with a newly created database. Presently, there is no application load on the database instance.You want to create a baseline for tuning the application, so you decide to collect recommendations that can be implemented to improve application performance.What action must you take to achieve this?()ARun Segment AdvisorBRun the SQL Tuning Advisor (STA)CRun the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportDRun the SQL Access Advisor with a hypothetical workload

单选题Where can you add your own PL/SQL code in relation-handling triggers?()ABefore the End default relation program section comment. BAfter the Begin default relation program section comment. CBefore the Begin default relation program section comment. DIt is not possible to modify the relation-handling code that Forms automatically creates for relations.

单选题You have created a resource plan, DAY. You execute the following code:        SQL BEGIN        DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE   ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,   GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,        CPU_P1=0);        END;   Then, you issue the following code:        SQL BEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE        ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,        GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEVELOPERS’,        CPU_P2=100);        END;   What will be the impact of executing the above code?()A The DEVELOPERS and DEPARTMENTS subplans will be allocated CPU equally.B The DEVELOPERS subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEPARTMENTS subplan.C The DEPARTMENT subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEVELOPERS subplan.D The second code will not execute because one resource plan cannot be used by more than one subplan.

单选题A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance: SQL ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle); You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows. What could be a reason for this recommendation?()AThe keep pool is not configured.BAutomatic Workarea Management is not configured.CAutomatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.DThe data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.EAll the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view

单选题You are using CTIDS in replication. You need to skip a transaction with the CTID of aaa-bbb-cccddd-eee : 3 on a slave. Which command would you execute from a Mysql prompt?()ASTOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVEBSTOP SLAVE; BEGIN; SET GTID_IGNORE=aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd-eee: 3; COMMIT; START SLAVECSTOP SLAVE; SETGTID_NEXT=aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd-eee: 3; BEGIN; COMMIT; SET GTID_NEXT=AUTOMATIC; START SLAVEDSTOP SLAVE; RESET SLAVE; BEGIN; SKIP NEXT GTID; COMMIT; START SLAVE

单选题You executed the following code:   BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE  (  NAME = ’JOB_A’,   ATTRIBUTE = ’JOB_PRIORITY’,   VALUE = 7);   END;  /   After analyzing the above code, what conclusion will you draw?()A The code will be executed successfully.B The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must be 1, 2, or 3.C The code will not be executed successfully because the value of the VALUE parameter must range between 1 and 5.D The code will not be executed successfully because no SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure exists in the DBMS_SCHDULER package.

单选题Your database supports a DSS workload that involves the execution of complex queries: Currently, the library cache contains the ideal workload for analysis. You want to analyze some of the queries for an application that are cached in the library cache. What must you do to receive recommendations about the efficient use of indexes and materialized views to improve query performance?()ACreate a SQL Tuning Set (STS) that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Tuning Advisor (STA) on the workload captured in the STS.BRun the Automatic Workload Repository Monitor (ADDM).CCreate an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) on the workload captured in the STS.DCreate an STS that contains the queries cached in the library cache and run the SQL Access Advisor on the workload captured in the STS.

单选题To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:   BEGIN  dbms_advisor.create_task(dbms_advisor.sqlaccess_advisor,’TASK1’);  END; /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’ANALYSIS_SCOPE’,’ALL’); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’MODE’,’COMPREHENSIVE’);  END;  /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.execute_task(’TASK1’);  dbms_output.put_line(dbms_advisor.get_task_script(’TASK1’));  END;  /  The blocks of code execute successfully;however,you do not get the required outcome.  What could be the reason?()A A template needs to be associated with the task.B A workload needs to be associated with the task.C The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.D The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be  specified for the task.