单选题You have a Microsoft ASP.NET Framework version 1.0 application. The application does not use any  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 106 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. features that are deprecated in the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application runs on Microsoft IIS 6.0.  You need to configure the application to use the ASP.NET Framework version 3.5 without recompiling the application.  What should you do?()AEdit the ASP.NET runtime version in IIS 6.0.BEdit the System.Web section handler version number in the machine.config file.CAdd the requiredRuntime configuration element to the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.DAdd the supportedRuntime configuration element in the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.

You have a Microsoft ASP.NET Framework version 1.0 application. The application does not use any  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 106 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. features that are deprecated in the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application runs on Microsoft IIS 6.0.  You need to configure the application to use the ASP.NET Framework version 3.5 without recompiling the application.  What should you do?()

Edit the ASP.NET runtime version in IIS 6.0.


Edit the System.Web section handler version number in the machine.config file.


Add the requiredRuntime configuration element to the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.


Add the supportedRuntime configuration element in the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.


解析: 暂无解析


You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You create a custom-templated server control.  You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within the control hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement?()A、the ITemplatable interface B、the INamingContainer interface C、the IRequiresSessionState interfaceD、the IPostBackDataHandler interface

You create a Microsoft ASP.NET Web application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You deploy the application on a Microsoft IIS 6.0 Web server. The server runs on a worker process isolation mode, and it hosts the .NET Framework version 1.1 Web applications.  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 108 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. When you attempt to browse the application, the following error message is received:  "It is not possible to run different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process. Please use the IIS Administration Tool to reconfigure your server to run the application in a separate process." You need to ensure that the following requirements are met:  ¡;¤All the applications run on the server  ¡;¤All the applications remain in process isolation mode  ¡;¤All the applicatios do not change their configurations.  Which two actions should you perform?()A、Create a new application pool and add the new application to the pool.B、Configure the IIS 6.0 to run the WWW service in the IIS 5.0 isolation mode.C、Configure the new application to use the .NET Framework version 2.0 in the IIS 6.0 Manager. D、Set autoConfig="false" on the  property in the machine.config file.E、Disable the Recycle worker processes option in the Application Pool Properties dialog box.

You have a Microsoft ASP.NET Framework version 1.0 application. The application does not use any features that are deprecated in the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application runs on Microsoft IIS 6.0.  You need to configure the application to use the ASP.NET Framework version 3.5 without recompiling the application.  What should you do?()A、Edit the ASP.NET runtime version in IIS 6.0. B、Edit the System.Web section handler version number in the machine.config file. C、Add the requiredRuntime configuration element to the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5. D、Add the supportedRuntime configuration element in the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.

You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You create a custom-templated server control.  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 112 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within thecontrol hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement? ()A、the ITemplatable interfaceB、the INamingContainer interfaceC、the IRequiresSessionState interfaceD、the IPostBackDataHandler interface

You create a Microsoft Windows Installer file for a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4. You need to ensure that the installation starts only if .NET Framework 4 is already installed on the computer. What should you do?()A、Use a custom action.B、Set the MinVersion property to .NET Framework 4.C、Set the Version property of Windows Installer to .NET Framework 4.D、Set the Version property of the Launch Condition to .NET Framework 4.

You have a Microsoft ASP.NET Framework version 1.0 application. The application does not use any  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 106 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. features that are deprecated in the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application runs on Microsoft IIS 6.0.  You need to configure the application to use the ASP.NET Framework version 3.5 without recompiling the application.  What should you do?()A、Edit the ASP.NET runtime version in IIS 6.0.B、Edit the System.Web section handler version number in the machine.config file.C、Add the requiredRuntime configuration element to the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.D、Add the supportedRuntime configuration element in the Web.config file and set the version attribute to v3.5.

You are maintaining a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application that was created by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You obtain the latest version of the project from the source control repository. You discover that an assembly reference is missing when you attempt to compile the project on your computer. You need to compile the project on your computer.  What should you do?()A、Add a reference path in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly. B、Add a working directory in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly. C、Change the output path in the Property Pages of the project to the location of the missing assembly. D、Delete the assembly reference. Add a reference to the missing assembly by browsing for it on your computer.

You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  When you access the application in a Web browser, you receive the following error message: "Service Unavailable".  You need to access the application successfully.  What should you do? ()A、Start Microsoft IIS 6.0.B、Start the Application pool.C、Set the .NET Framework version.D、Add the Web.config file for the application.

You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You create a custom-templated server control.  You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within the control hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement?()A、the ITemplatable interfaceB、the INamingContainer interfaceC、the IRequiresSessionState interfaceD、the IPostBackDataHandler interface

You are an administrator at Cer-tech .com. You have been instructed to install Web Server (IIS) on a newWindows Server 2008 server. After installing IIS, you install Microsoft .NET framework 1.0 application on awebsite hosted on the server. You also have to make sure that all applications must run on a minimum level of permission according to the company security policy. You should configure the website applicationto have permissions to execute without creating other content or accessing Windows Server 2008 system components. What should you do to achieve this task?()A、Configure the .NET Framework website trust level to lowB、Configure the .NET Framework website trust level to HighC、Configure the .NET Framework website trust level to FullD、Configure the .NET Framework website trust level to MediumE、Configure the .NET Framework website trust level to Optimal

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You plan to deploy the application to a test server.  You need to ensure that during the initial request to the application, the code-behind files for the Web pages are compiled. You also need to optimize the performance of the application.  Which code fragment should you add to the Web.config file?()Acompilation debug=true Bcompilation debug=false Ccompilation debug=true batch=true Dcompilation debug=false batch=false

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You create a Web form in the application by using the following code fragment:   01     02 protected void Button_Handler(object sender, EventArgs e)   03 {   04   // some long-processing operation.  05 }   06    07  A AB BC CD D

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You host the application on a server named ContosoTest that runs Microsoft IIS 6.0. You set up remote debugging on the ContosoTest server.  You need to debug the application remotely from another computer named ContosoDev. What should you do? ()AAttach Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to the w3wp.exe process.BAttach Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to the inetinfo.exe process.CAttach Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to the Msvsmon.exe process.DAttach Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to the WebDev.WebServer.exe process.

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You attach Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 debugger to the Microsoft Internet Explorer instance to debug the JavaScript code in the AJAX application.  You need to ensure that the application displays the details of the client-side object on the debugger console.  What should you do?()AUse the Sys.Debug.fail method.BUse the Sys.Debug.trace method.CUse the Sys.Debug.assert method.DUse the Sys.Debug.traceDump method.

多选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET Web application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You deploy the application on a Microsoft IIS 6.0 Web server. The server runs on a worker process isolation mode, and it hosts the .NET Framework version 1.1 Web applications. When you attempt to browse the application, the following error message is received:  "It is not possible to run different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process. Please use the IIS Administration Tool to reconfigure your server to run the application in a separate process."    You need to ensure that the following requirements are met: all the applications run on the server  all the applications remain in process isolation mode all the applications do not change their configuration.   Which two actions should you perform?()ACreate a new application pool and add the new application to the pool.BConfigure the IIS 6.0 to run the WWW service in the IIS 5.0 isolation mode.CConfigure the new application to use the .NET Framework version 2.0 in the IIS 6.0 Manager.DSet autoConfig=false on the processModel property in the machine.config file.EDisable the Recycle worker processes option in the Application Pool Properties dialog box.

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You create a custom-templated server control.  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 112 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within thecontrol hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement? ()Athe ITemplatable interfaceBthe INamingContainer interfaceCthe IRequiresSessionState interfaceDthe IPostBackDataHandler interface

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You create a custom-templated server control.  You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within the control hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement?()Athe ITemplatable interfaceBthe INamingContainer interfaceCthe IRequiresSessionState interfaceDthe IPostBackDataHandler interface

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You create a Web form in the application by using the following code fragment:   01     02 protected void Button_Handler(object sender, EventArgs e)   03 {   04   // some long-processing operation.  05 }   06    07  AABBCCDD

单选题You modify an existing Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You add a theme to the ASP.NET application.  You need to apply the theme to override any settings of individual controls.  What should you do?()AIn the Web.config file of the application,set the Theme attribute of the pages element to the name of the theme.BIn the Web.config file of the application,set the StyleSheetThemeattribute of the pages element to the name of the theme.CAdd a master page to the application. In the @Master directive,set the Theme attribute to the name of the theme.DAdd a master page to the application. In the @Master directive,set the StyleSheetTheme attribute to the name of the theme.

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  The application resides on a server named ContosoTest that runs Microsoft IIS 5.0.  You use a computer named ContosoDev to log on to the Contoso.com domain with an account named  ContosoUser.  The ContosoTest and ContosoDev servers are members of the Contoso.com domain. You need to set up the appropriate permission for remote debugging.  What should you do?()ASet the Remote Debugging Monitor to use Windows Authentication.BAdd the ContosoUser account to the domain Administrators group.CAdd the ContosoUser account to the local Administrators group on the ContosoTest server.DChange the ASP.NET worker process on the ContosoTest server to run as the local Administrator account.

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. The application contains a DataSourceControl named CategoriesDataSource that is bound to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 table. The CategoryName column is the primary key of the table. You write the following code fragment in a FormView control:   01    02   Category:   03      09      10     You need to ensure that the changes made to the CategoryID field can be written to the database.  Which code fragment should you insert at line 04?()ASelectedValue='%# Eval(CategoryID) %' BSelectedValue='%# Bind(CategoryID) %' CSelectedValue='%# Eval(CategoryName) %' DSelectedValue='%# Bind(CategoryName) %'

多选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET Web application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  When you review the application performance counters, you discover that there is an unexpected increase in the value of the Application Restarts counter. You need to identify the reasons for this increase.  What are three possible reasons that could cause this increase?()ARestart of the Microsoft IIS 6.0 host.BRestart of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 that hosts the Web application.CAddition of a new assembly in the Bin directory of the application.DAddition of a code segment that requires recompilation to the ASP.NET Web application.EEnabling of HTTP compression in the Microsoft IIS 6.0 manager for the application.FModification to the Web.config file in the system.web section for debugging the application.

单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You create a custom-templated server control.  You need to ensure that the child controls of the server control are uniquely identified within the control hierarchy of the page.  Which interface should you implement?()Athe ITemplatable interface Bthe INamingContainer interface Cthe IRequiresSessionState interfaceDthe IPostBackDataHandler interface