











Per capita GDP in China was left far _____ developed countries. A. toB. fromC. behindD. into

He __________ late writing his term paper. A. stayed outB. stayed awayC. stayed behindD. stayed up

I steer my ship with hope,________ fear ________ . A. leaving⋯awayB. leaving⋯behindC. leave⋯behindD. leave ⋯away

18.A. ofB. forC. over

42_______A. aroundB. inC. behindD. to

请选择(13)处最佳答案( )。A.asB.forC.underD.against


His sister met ( ) an accident an hour ago. A、withB、forC、byD、against

The excitement it had caused was( ) words. A、beyondB、besidesC、behindD、along

He is now in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are ______ him.A、withB、forC、towardD、against

Mr.Smith will make a note( )Mr. Sanchez′s request for consular invoice.A、ofB、forC、toD、against

______ of his wealth, John is not very happy.A、BesideB、Because ofC、In spite ofD、Besides

A) besideB) atC) byD) on

A ofB forC beyondD into


20.A. andB. forC. ofD. with


The defences and limits of liability ______ in this bill of lading shall apply in any action against the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods whether the action be founded in contract or in tort.A.requiredB.provided forC.requestedD.supplied

Most Chinese like to drink tea.But some prefer coffee__________tea.A.toB.forC.withD.against


()all we should put the theory into practice.A、BesideB、ToC、AboveD、Of

They all go outing on such a warm spring day()Mark. He is busy with his lessons now.A、besideB、besidesC、except forD、except

单选题The piston ring grooves for a standard engine are ()Achromium-plate against wearBanti-corrosion treatedCwhite metal lined against wearDflame hardened against wear

单选题The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().Abottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathomsBdepth underneath the keel against a time baseCcontour of the bottom against a distance baseDdepth of water against a distance base

单选题Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don’t have time.Awere against because they said they did notBwere against because they say they don’tCwere against it because they said they did notDwere against coming because they said they don’t

单选题During large storms, when waves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspended in the water and may drift with the current.Awaves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspendedBthe beach is crashed against by waves, large amounts of sand are suspendedCthe beach is crashed against by waves suspending large amounts of sandDwaves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand are suspendedEwaves crash against the beach, the suspending of large amounts of sand is

单选题You need to select appropriate processing methods for the EmployeeAssignment measure group and the Employee dimension. Which method should you choose?()ARun a Process Update against the Employee dimension. Run a Process Full against the EmployeeAssignment measure group.BRun a Process Full against the EmployeeAssignment measure group. Run a Process Update against the Employee dimension.CRun a Process Full against the Employee dimension. Run a Process Incremental against the EmployeeAssignment measure group.DRun a Process Incremental against the EmployeeAssignment measure group. Run a Process Full against the Employee dimension.

单选题装箱单的英文是()。ADocument Against AcceptanceBDocument Against PaymentCPacking ListDBill of Lading