


从文章的第二段第三句“and it is close to several of our most important suppliers...”可知,此处应填入suppliers。


问答题Practice 5  The sales service includes installation(安装) and training within one week of receiving the order. On the day of installation, our training engineer will spend one hour with your secretary, providing instructions on the operation of this easy-to-use photocopier(复印机). You may call us for help at any time in the future. If necessary, our trainer will go to your company to help you with the operation of the machine.

填空题What is the purpose of this letter?To ____ Dr. Johnson to be this year’s guest speaker at the symposium.


单选题_____AFront seat tickets.BBack seat tickets.CBox tickets.DStanding tickets.

单选题Please keep a detailed _____ of the work that you have done.ApaperBideaCexerciseDrecord

单选题Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because _____.Athey can easily be avoidedBold people seldom fall in bathroomsCgrab bars do not help to prevent fallsDbathroom accidents are difficult to prevent

单选题He was attending a meeting, _____ he would have come to your party yesterday.AunlessBwhenCbutDor

填空题The doctor recommended that Mary (start) ____ the health program as soon as possible.


单选题Please keep a detailed _____ of the work that you have done.ApaperBideaCexerciseDrecord

填空题This picture (take) ____ by a young reporter in Beijing last month.

单选题Which of the following could be the best title for this article?AStudy Habits and Time ManagementBBusiness Management and LeadershipCUniversity Education and Campus LifeDLife Goals and Academic Development

单选题MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn _____.Ato become leaders in business and art worldsBto co-operate with other members of MOCACthe new ways of communication between peopleDabout the relationship between art, business and community


单选题The advertising company recently hired a designer _____ had once won a prize in a national contest.AwhoseBwhichCwhomDwho

单选题It is the general manager who makes the _____ decisions in business.AbeginningBfinishingCfirstDfinal


单选题You may join both Rockwatch and Wildlife Watch clubs by _____.Acalling the two clubsBproviding referencesCapplying separatelyDfilling in one form

单选题_____AFixing an engine.BRepairing a car.CCashing a check.DBuying some wheels.

填空题Thank you for your letter of April 15, (tell) ____ us about Mr. John Brown’s visit to our company on May.

填空题Now the number of people who are working at home on the Internet (be) ____ still very small.

单选题_____AAt Leech’s school.BIn the police station.COn the phone.DAt Mrs. Smith’s home.

单选题_____AThey had lost their way.BThey were told it would rain.CThey were caught in the rain.DThey had taken an umbrella.

单选题The library is trying in every possible way to raise more money to meet its increasing running costs.A这个图书馆正尽一切努力增加更多收入以满足不断增长的日常开支。B这个图书馆正尝试用各种办法提高收费标准以便尽早收回投资成本。C这个图书馆正想尽一切办法筹集更多资金满足越来越多的日常开支。

单选题_____AWhen he can receive the order.BWhat the order number is.CWhen he should send the order.DWhat’s wrong with the order.

填空题Thank you for your letter of April 15, (tell) ____ us about Mr. John Brown’s visit to our company on May.

填空题Where can you find the correct amount of the detergent to be used?On ____.

单选题The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.Acar-renting services in the USBa special rate of car-rentingCthe advantages of car-rentingDa US car-renting company