单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?()ACommence draining that tank as quickly as possibleBSeal off all vents to that tankCActivate the CO2 system to that tankDShut off the steam heating coils

Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?()

Commence draining that tank as quickly as possible


Seal off all vents to that tank


Activate the CO2 system to that tank


Shut off the steam heating coils


解析: 暂无解析


Of the items listed below, which one(s) should be saved into the process control block?Ⅰ.Process name and process numberⅡ.Process running informationⅢ.Current opened file informationA.Ⅰ and ⅡB.Ⅰ and ⅢC.Ⅱ and ⅢD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ and Ⅲ

Which two policy actions are considered flow control actions?() A.rejectB.community addC.next termD.next policy

Your wireless network is not listed in the Connect to a network window of your computer. You need to connect to your wireless network.Which two actions should you perform?() A.AB.BC.CD.DE.E

If there is another line already on the bollard ,the eye of the second line should be()before placing it over the bollard.A、taken up through the eye of the first lineB、taken up over the eye of the first lineC、made fast to the first lineD、taken up from the eye of the first line

When installing a new scanner, Windows XP does not automatically recognize the scanner. Which of the following actions should be taken?()A、Use the Scanners and Cameras Wizard to add the device.B、Enable the scanner in the BIOS.C、Add new printer Wizard.D、Ensure the scanner is not locked.

A client reports that the laptop is not performing a complete charge of the battery. Which of the following actions should be taken FIRST? ()A、Update the BIOS.B、Run the battery calibrator.C、Reinstall the ACPI drivers.D、Replace the power adapter.

You create a control named ContosoUI for a Web application. You need to add the control to the toolbox of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Create the ContosoUI control as a Web Control Library.B、Create the ContosoUI control as a Web user control.C、Within the Visual Studio .NET toolbox, browse to and select ContosoUI.ascx.D、Within the Visual Studio .NET toolbox, browse to and select ContosoUI.dll.

单选题Your vessel is taking on bunkers from a shore side facility, if oil begins flowing from one tank vent, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AOpen the intake valve to an adjacent tankBSet out drip pans and sawdust and begin to mop up the spillCSignal the shore control point to shutdownDClose the valve on the tank vent line

多选题Which two policy actions are considered flow control actions?()ArejectBcommunity addCnext termDnext policy

单选题For the proper control of the air temperature in an air conditioning system using chilled water circulation, which of the listed conditions should remain constant regardless of load changes?()AChilled water system supply temperatureBChilled water system return temperatureCCompressor discharge temperatureDCompressor suction pressure

单选题While taking on fuel, you notice oil on the water around the vesselWhich of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AStop fuelingBNotify the dispatcherCNotify the terminal superintendentDDetermine if your vessel is the source

单选题A VPN connection is not working correctly and the technician is unable to ping the VPN server. Which of the following actions should the technician do FIRST?()ACall their local ISPBVerify the IP information of the serverCCheck their local Internet connectionDVerify the hostname of the server

单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?()ACommence draining that tank as quickly as possibleBSeal off all vents to that tankCActivate the CO2 system to that tankDShut off the steam heating coils

单选题As soon as a diesel engine has started, which of the listed engine operating parameters should be checked FIRST?()AExhaust temperaturesBRaw water pressureCLube oil pressureDAir box pressure

单选题Which of the listed items should be secured before performing any maintenance on a solenoid operated air start valve?()AElectric power and starting airBLube oil standby pump and control airCHydraulic switch and engage jacking gearDMotor drain and pneumatic control system power

单选题Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?()AThe fire pump should be startedBThe boiler rims should be securedCThe fixed CO2 system should be initiated into actionDThe engine room ventilation should be secured

单选题Which step should normally be taken FIRST by those who have boarded a liferaft in an emergency?()ARation food and water suppliesBTake anti-seasickness pills,if availableCDetermine position and closest point of landDCheck pyrotechnic supplies

单选题Which of the following steps should normally be taken first by those who have boarded a liferaft in an emergency situation?()ARation food and water suppliesBSearch for survivorsCDetermine position and closest point of landDCheck pyrotechnic supplies

单选题Which of the following actions should normally be taken during each watch when the auxiliary boilers is in operation?()Aclean the flame scanner photocell windowBInspect and clean all solenoid valvesClift the safety valves by handDInspect for oil or water leaks

单选题During fueling operations, which of the listed precautions should be taken when topping off fuel tanks?()AReduce the pumping rate by closing the deck filling valveBClose all overflow valvesCPlace 5 gallon containers under all flange connections in the fuel lineDReduce the pumping rate and sound tanks frequently as the level rises

单选题If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()AClose the valves at the transfer manifoldBNotify the person in charge of the shore facilityCShut down the transfer operationDSound the fire alarm

单选题Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of a motor with compressed air?()AOpen the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escapeBBe certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panelCBe certain that the air is clean and as dry as possibleDAll of the above

单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken by the engineer on watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously for 10 seconds?()AEngine room ventilation should be startedBMain engines should be securedCThe fire pump should be startedDThe fixed CO2 system should be activated

单选题Certain measures should be taken to control environmental()ApollutionBpollutantCpolluteDpolluting

单选题Should either of these situations occur, wrong control actions might be taken and a potential accident sequence initiated.AimportedBinstalledCstartedDinterviewed

单选题If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, which of the listed actions should be taken?()AOpen the crankcase immediately to check for damageBApply fire fighting water through the crankcase breatherCAllow the engine to cool before opening the crankcaseDAssume that there is no damage to the crankshaft

单选题Which of the listed failures, occurring in an automated diesel generator system, should cause an audible alarm at the engine room control station?()ALow cooling water outlet temperatureBHigh lube oil pressureCLow lube oil temperatureDLow starting air pressure