




单选题What do we know about Methuselah’s sex?AIt will be made clear within a year or two.BIt will remain a myth for at least a decade.CIt won’t be known until several years later.DIt won’t be decided without ancient knowledge.

单选题We agree to()the test.Ayou didByour doingCyours doingDyou do



单选题It can be inferred from the passage that_____.Athe developing world has decided to increase its energy consumptionBa third-world citizen adds less than a ton of CO2 yearly to the atmosphereCthe world climate would soon gain its balance if we stopped greenhouse-gas emissionsDfuture prosperity of the world is dependent on cheap fossil fuels

单选题Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? ()AFrom EnglandBAt the officeCHe‘s workingDHe‘s very busy

单选题Both the kids and their parents()English, I think. I know it from their accentAisBbeenCareDwas

单选题Go that way a take a seat.()ANo, I‘m not tired.BThanks, but I would rather stand.CYes, that‘s a good way.DIt doesn‘t matter.

单选题I have passed the maths exam!()Congratulations!ASorryBCome onCWell doneDBad luck

单选题I won't make the()mistake next time.AlikeBsameCnearDsimilar

单选题It()that they had no idea at the moment.AseemedBwas seemedCsawDliked

单选题Nowadays, the prescribed roles of the man as “breadwinner” and the woman as housewife are changing.AascribedBprevalentCoriginalDsettled


单选题How long()?Ahas the journeyBis the journey likeCdoes the journey take


单选题Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?()AThe bus is so crowded.BThe bookstore is five blocks away.CNo. You‘d better change at the next stop.DYou should wait in line.

单选题Will you join us for lunch?()ANo, I won'tBYes, with pleasureCYes, pleaseDYes, help yourself

单选题In some parks visitors are requested to keep()the grass.AasideBawayCoutDoff

单选题()fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspectAWhatBThatCThisDWhich

单选题Western food can hardly _____ these young athletes from China who prefer instant noodles.Aappeal toBadhere toCkeep toDadapt to


单选题They have got everything ready to make a _____ across the Atlantic.AtripBtravelCvoyageDjourney

单选题It()be better to arrive at the railway station earlier.AhadBoughtCwouldDcan

单选题What do you think of the movie we saw last night?()AThe actress is bad.BTerrific!CThe theatre is bad.DNobody was there.

单选题- How do I get to the cinema? -()AIt's very far.BYes, there is a cinema near here.CIt's well known.DGo down this street and turn left

单选题I’m afraid there are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.AliberallyBactuallyCtheoreticallyDsolely

单选题I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the host.AincreaseBprolongCintensifyDexpress

单选题The Chinese are determined to overcome all the difficulties to _____ the shuttle project.AaffectBeffortCeffectDinfluence