单选题Decibel is______.Athe unit for measuring the intensity of soundBthe pressure of radiating wavesCthe frequency of radiating wavesDthe seed of sound

Decibel is______.

the unit for measuring the intensity of sound


the pressure of radiating waves


the frequency of radiating waves


the seed of sound


细节题。文章第三段第一句提到“Intensity, or loudness, is the strength of the pressure of these radiating waves and is measured in decibels”,即分贝是用来计量声音强度的,A项“计量音量的单位”符合原意。


English words are not always spelt in the way . A.they soundB.that soundC.it soundsD.how to sound

Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used______ measuring instrument.A.the absolute pressureB.the gauge pressureC.the vacuum pressureD.the differential pressure

You are located within a stationary high pressure area.Your aneroid barometer is falling very slowly.This indicates a(n)______.A.Wind shift of 180°B.Large increase in wind velocityC.Decrease in the intensity of the systemD.Increase in the intensity of the system

共用题干第二篇The Magic of SoundMusic is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented.In movies and plays, music has an added function:it not only moves people but also can shock people.Our eardrums can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels(分贝).Once sound exceeds this limit , even beautiful music will become ear-splitting noise and harm health.A strong blast(响声)of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet.High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.In movies,sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people can't hear and only those whohave the same ability can feel.In nature,there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing.In physics,the sound that exceeds 20,000Hz is called ultrasonic(超音波的).Dolphins, whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound.It does no harm to health.Sound less than 20Hz is called infrasonic(次声)waves.When we move, the air will vibrate.The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves.As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of people's internal organs, infrasonic wave may cause resonance(共振)in human bodies.As a result,people's vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture(断裂).However,whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity.If its intensity is very low,it won't damage internal organs or a person's health.If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels,it is extremely harmful.When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea,it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels.Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels.At present,scientists can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advanced scientific tools and powerful electric power.An ultrasonic sound______.A:is very loudB:does harm to people's healthC:cannot be heard by peopleD:is produced by the hero in movies

共用题干第二篇The Magic of SoundMusic is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented.In movies and plays, music has an added function:it not only moves people but also can shock people.Our eardrums can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels(分贝).Once sound exceeds this limit , even beautiful music will become ear-splitting noise and harm health.A strong blast(响声)of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet.High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.In movies,sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people can't hear and only those whohave the same ability can feel.In nature,there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing.In physics,the sound that exceeds 20,000Hz is called ultrasonic(超音波的).Dolphins, whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound.It does no harm to health.Sound less than 20Hz is called infrasonic(次声)waves.When we move, the air will vibrate.The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves.As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of people's internal organs, infrasonic wave may cause resonance(共振)in human bodies.As a result,people's vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture(断裂).However,whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity.If its intensity is very low,it won't damage internal organs or a person's health.If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels,it is extremely harmful.When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea,it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels.Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels.At present,scientists can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advanced scientific tools and powerful electric power.It is true that the sound______.A:of nature is the most beautifulB:over 80 decibels is harmful to peopleC:of high intensity benefits animalsD:in movies is pleasing to the ear

共用题干第二篇The Magic of SoundMusic is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented.In movies and plays, music has an added function:it not only moves people but also can shock people.Our eardrums can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels(分贝).Once sound exceeds this limit , even beautiful music will become ear-splitting noise and harm health.A strong blast(响声)of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet.High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.In movies,sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people can't hear and only those whohave the same ability can feel.In nature,there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing.In physics,the sound that exceeds 20,000Hz is called ultrasonic(超音波的).Dolphins, whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound.It does no harm to health.Sound less than 20Hz is called infrasonic(次声)waves.When we move, the air will vibrate.The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves.As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of people's internal organs, infrasonic wave may cause resonance(共振)in human bodies.As a result,people's vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture(断裂).However,whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity.If its intensity is very low,it won't damage internal organs or a person's health.If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels,it is extremely harmful.When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea,it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels.Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels.At present,scientists can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advanced scientific tools and powerful electric power.What does the author say about music?A:It may be harmful to people's health.B:It always cheers people up.C:It is very often difficult to understand.D:It sounds better when it is loud enough.

A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit, incapable of change in different phonetic environments.()A对B错

A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit, incapable of change in different phonetic environments.()

Which unit is used for measuring traffic? ()A、ErlangB、Bit/secondC、HertzD、Subscribers/kHzE、Subscribers/minute

单选题For a continuous operation diesel engine, a duplex filter unit would be the best arrangement because ().Achanging filter elements would not interrupt engine operationBfiltering occurs twice in each pass of oil through the systemCclogging will not occurDdropping pressure is half of that through a single filter unit

名词解释题撞击声压级改善量reduction of impact sound pressure level

名词解释题撞击声压级impact sound pressure level

单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()ANo action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyBThe operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedCThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70DThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

判断题A phoneme is the smallest distinctive sound unit, incapable of change in different phonetic environments.()A对B错

单选题In general, the oil mist defectors include a base plate with air blast pumpThe function of air blast pump is to ()crankcase.Asupply clean air to the measuring compartment of the units for more accuracyBgeneraate the pressure required for the extraction of the oil mist from theCgenerate the pressure required for the extraction of the oil mist from the crankcaseDsupply clean air to the measuring track of the units for more accuracy

单选题Centrifugal pumps are non-positive and a fairly () unit.Alow pressureBlow dischargeClow speedDhigh pressure

单选题Cargo handling unit is rated according to the () to be lifted.Acargo craneBjibCsafe working loadDoil pressure

单选题Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used () measuring instrument.Athe absolute pressureBthe gauge pressureCthe vacuum pressureDthe differential pressure

单选题A knocking sound from one cylinder of an operating air compressor indicates ().Aa defective or broken high pressure un-loaderBa loose valve plateCexcessive overloadDno compression

单选题What does a SART signal sound or look like?()AIt transmits SOS and the vessel's name and position in slow speed Morse CodeBIt will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot indicating the SART's positionCIt will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot indicating the SART's positionDNone of the above

单选题Decibel is______.Athe unit for measuring the intensity of soundBthe pressure of radiating wavesCthe frequency of radiating wavesDthe seed of sound

单选题The pilot of the plane which flies faster than sound travels does not hear the thunderclaps because______.Athe sound of plane engine travels slower than the planeBthe frequency of the sound altersCthe passage does not mention itDthe pressure decreased when the plane flies in the air

单选题The pressure head of a pump is given in the unit of ().AkgBMPaCmeter fluid columnDNone of the above is true

单选题The pressure head of a water pump is given in the unit of ().AkgBMPaCmH20DNone of the above

单选题() of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring deflections of crank webs for each unit of the engine.AMisalignmentBLengthCStrengthDStresses

单选题The pressure range between the system cut in and cut out pressures in a refrigeration unit is known as()Aopposing operational dragBpressure distributionCdifferentialDsystem purge

单选题Which of the following can serve as the best title of this passage?AThe Prefix Mach.BThe Speed of Sound.CThe Frequency of Sound.DThe Intensity of Sound.

单选题How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity?()AA unique radar signal consisting of a blip code radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearingBA unique two tone warbling signal heard on VHF-FM ch-70CA unique two tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic unmuting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiverDThe SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on the SART