单选题The author’s attitude towards advertising is______AoverstatedBfavourableCunfavourableDemotional
The author’s attitude towards advertising is______
由第二段可看出,作者认为许多广告都“less-than-candid”,很多产品也只是“appear bigger, better, or more luscious”,由此可知可见他对广告持否定的态度。故选C。
由第二段可看出,作者认为许多广告都“less-than-candid”,很多产品也只是“appear bigger, better, or more luscious”,由此可知可见他对广告持否定的态度。故选C。
Which of the following words best describes the author’s attitude towards China’s high-speed railway plan?A.Critical.B.Reserved.C.DoubtfulD. Positive.
How would you describe the author's attitude towards current learning strategies?A.Distanced.B.Admiring.C.Objective.D.Ironical.
The author's attitude towards home-schooling is ______.A.supportiveB.inquiringC.neutralD.suspicious
In this passage, the author's tone and attitude towards the design and accomplishment of the Sydney Opera House is ______.A.highly criticalB.cold and objectiveC.sympathetic yet reservedD.positive and appreciative
The author's attitude towards the government's policy is ______.A. negativeB. doubtfulC. positiveD. unknown
What is the author's attitude towards IQ tests?[A] Supportive.[B] Skeptical.[C] Impartial.[D] Biased
What is the author\\\'s attitude towards IQ tests?A.Supportive.B.Skeptical.C.Impartial.D.Biased.
The author' s attitude towards pain is ______.A) pessimisticB) optimisticC) radicalD) practical
According to the passage, the author’s attitude towards the productivity revolutionin the U.S.A is ____. [A] biased[B] optimistic[C] ambiguous[D] negative
The author’s attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that of ________.[A] opposition[B] suspicion[C] approval[D] indifference
The author’s attitude towards the privatization proposal is_____.[A] impartial [B] suspicious [C] neutral [D] approval
What is the author's attitude towards the old mission of assessment?A.Supportive.B.Indifferent.C.Negative.D.Neutral.
What is the author’s attitude towards Apple’s FaceID technology on iPhone X?( ) A.Promising B.Skeptical C.Supportive D.Neutral
Towards the genetic research,the author’s attitude can best be said to be that of( ) A.frustration B.indifference C.amazement D.oppositions
What is the author’s attitude towards“seeing is believing”?( ) A.Positive B.Dangerous C.Negative D.Useful
单选题The author’s attitude towards “Diasporas” is that _____.AThere is increasing hostility towards immigrants in rich countries.BImmigrant networks are a rare bright spark in the world economy and rich countries should welcome them.CThe Diasporas should return to their homelands so that poor countries will not suffer as a result of “brain drain”.DHard-working immigrants will depress the wages of the locals although they may greatly increase productivity.
单选题The author thinks that Danes adopt a(n) ______ attitude towards their country.AboastfulBunpretentiousCdeprecatingDmysterious
单选题The author’s attitude toward the renting business can be summarized as _____.AcriticalBambiguousCsupportiveDsuspicious
单选题In the second paragraph, the author mainly discusses ______. .Athe nuclear accidents in Japan last MarchBnuclear power policies in GermanyCGerman attitude towards nuclear powerDthe safety levels of nuclear power plants in Germany
单选题The author’s attitude towards the judge’s ruling could be described as _____.AdoubtfulBcriticalCcautiousDsupportive
单选题In the passage the author's attitude towards mixed-ability teaching is_______.AcriticalBquestioningCapprovingDobjective
单选题We can conclude from the passage that the author’s attitude towards Brazil is ______.Awith great respectBneutral and understandingCfavorable with a bit contemptDcritical
单选题The author’s attitude towards the Danes is generally ______.ApositiveBnegativeCindifferentDhostile
单选题According to the author, consumers’ best policy towards advertising is ______Ato doubt its truthBto disbelieve itCto distinguish between what is true and what is not trueDto know what products the advertiser is going to sell