单选题When you are firing a pyrotechnic distress signal,it should be aimed at().Astraight overheadBat the vessel whose attention you are trying to getCinto the windDabout 60 degrees above the horizon

When you are firing a pyrotechnic distress signal,it should be aimed at().

straight overhead


at the vessel whose attention you are trying to get


into the wind


about 60 degrees above the horizon


解析: 暂无解析


When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _____.A.on the downwind sideB.on the upwind sideC.inside the boatD.at the stern

If you go into the forests with friends,stay with them. If you don't,you may get lost.If you do get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.'Don't try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling(吹口哨) three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling,always three times'together. When people hear you,they will give two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help.lf you don-t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a small room with branches(树枝).What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink water? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don't just walk away. Drop small branches as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most important thing to do when you are lost-stay in one place.( )16. If you get lost in the forests,you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.

You are preparing to take another vessel in tow.Which signal indicates,Hawser is made fast ______.A.Firing of a green star signalB.Firing of a red star signalC.An orange smoke signalD.Three white star rockets at 1-minute intervals

Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

If you are on the beach and are signaling to a small boat in distress that your present location is dangerous and they should land to the left,you would ______.A.fire a green star to the leftB.send the letter K by light and point to the leftC.place an orange signal to your left as you signal with a white lightD.send the code signal S followed by L

A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the ______.A.distress positionB.spoken words “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”C.ship’s nameD.ship’s call letters

What is one thing you should be aware of when conducting a wireless site survey?()A、 5 GHz equipment will not be able to penetrate through walls as well as 2.4 GHZ equipment.B、 2.4 GHz equipment will not be able to penetrate through walls as well as 5 GHz equipment.C、 Mounting antennas near metal objects will slightly amplify the signal.D、 When determining coverage, you should begin measuring attenuation from the middle of the room.

单选题When you are firing a pyrotechnic distress signal,it should be aimed().Ahorizontally and directly abeam of your vesselBat the vessel whose attention you want to attractCinto the windDat greater than 60 degrees above the horizon

单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()ANo action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyBThe operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedCThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70DThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

单选题When you are firing a pyrotechnic distress signal,it should be aimed at().Astraight overheadBat the vessel whose attention you are trying to getCinto the windDabout 60 degrees above the horizon

单选题You are about to cross a narrow channel when you see an approaching vessel that can only be navigated safely within the channel.You should().Across the channel as you are the stand-on vesselBcross only if the vessel in the channel is approaching on your port sideCnot cross the channel if you might impede the other vesselDsound the danger signal

单选题If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().Ause English languageBalways use the International CodeCpreface it by the word SOSDfollow the transmission with the radio alarm signal

单选题You are the first vessel to arrive at the scene of a distress. Due to the volume of traffic on the radio,you are unable to communicate with the vessel in distress. Which action should you take?()ASwitch to flag hoistsBBroadcast Seelonce DistressCBroadcast Charlie Quebec-Mayday-QuietDKey the microphone three times in quick succession

单选题When a vessel signals her distress by means of a gun or other explosive signal,the firing should be at intervals of approximately().A10 minutesB1 minuteC1 hourD3 minutes

单选题When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision,the stand-on vessel must().Aabandon shipBassist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionChold course and speedDsound a distress signal

单选题When should you use distress flares and rockets?()AOnly when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vesselsBAt half-hour intervalsCAt one-hour intervalsDImmediately upon abandoning the vessel

单选题When should distress flares and rockets be used? ()AImmediately upon abandoning the vesselBOnly when there is a chance of their being seen by a rescue vesselCAt one hour intervalsDAt half hour intervals

单选题If you are on the beach and are signaling to a small boat in distress that your present location is dangerous and they should land to the left,you would().Afire a green star to the leftBsend the letter K by light and point to the leftCplace an orange signal to your left as you signal with a white lightDsend the code signal S followed by L

单选题Which is NOT a distress signal? ()AA continuous sounding with any fog signal apparatusBA signal sent by radiotelephone consisting of the spoken word MaydayCAn International Code Signal of N.C.DThe firing of green star rockets or shells

单选题A distress signal().Aconsists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatusBconsists of the raising and lowering of a large white flagCmay be used separately or with other distress signalsDis used to indicate doubt about another vessel's intentions

单选题Which is a distress signal? ()AA triangular flag above or below a ballBThe International Code Signal of distress indicated by JVCA green smoke signalDFlames on the vessel as from a burning tar barrel

单选题How should signal flares be used after you have abandoned ship and are adrift in a liferaft?().AImmediately use all the signals at onceBUse all the signals during the first nightCEmploy a signal every hour after abandoning ship until they are goneDUse them only when you are aware of a ship or plane in the area

单选题A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the().Adistress positionBspoken words Mayday,Mayday,MaydayCship's nameDship's call letters

单选题What is one thing you should be aware of when conducting a wireless site survey?()A 5 GHz equipment will not be able to penetrate through walls as well as 2.4 GHZ equipment.B 2.4 GHz equipment will not be able to penetrate through walls as well as 5 GHz equipment.C Mounting antennas near metal objects will slightly amplify the signal.D When determining coverage, you should begin measuring attenuation from the middle of the room.

单选题Which is NOT a distress signal?()AA continuous sounding with any fog signal apparatusBA signal sent by radiotelephone consisting of the spoken word MaydayCAn International Code Signal of N.CDThe firing of green star rockets or shells

单选题When the power of SART is on, it will().Atransmit distress signalBsend response signalCtransmit the signal of ship‟s positionDbe start by X-band radar

单选题A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the().ADistress positionBSpoken words“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”CShip's nameDShip's call letters

单选题Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when().AVessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptBVessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptCEven you have not reveived the distressDEven the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service