单选题The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.Ahave arrivedBare arrivingChad arrivedDhas arrived

The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.

have arrived


are arriving


had arrived


has arrived


主语the president为单数,accompanied by his assistants(在他的助手的伴随下)是一个修饰成分,故为D。


How did he make his way out in the end?A. The vice-president found him.B. Some one opened the elevator.C. The elevator began to work on Tuesday.D. He found a door in the elevator.

The president knows that his personal ________ is his greatest political asset. A.featureB.imageC.figureD.identity

BWhen people hear a president speak, they seldom think about others helping to shape the presentation(报告). Today, however, presidents depend on writers such as J. Terry Edmonds to help them communicate(交流)effectively. Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U.S. president; he is also the first African American to serve as director of speechwriting for the White House. His is an all-American story of success.Edmonds grew up in Baltimore, Maryland; his father drove a truck, and his mother worked as a waitress. A great reader, Edmonds showed a gift for writing at his high School, Baltimore City College. After graduating in 1967, Edmonds went on to Morgan State University.Edmonds began his career in business, with jobs in public relations and communications, He joined the world of politics as news secretary for his congressman (国会议员) from Baltimore, During Bill Clinton’s presidency, he worked speeches for Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and worked in a number of jobs in the White House and in governmental departments. President Clinton then appointed (任命) him to the office of director of speechwriting, Following the 2000 elections, Edmonds returned to Morgan State University as the school’s special assistant to the president for 2001-2002.45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Edmonds proved himself to be good at writing at high school.B. Edmonds graduated from Morgan State University in 1967.C. Edmonds was the first full-time speechwriter.D. Edmonds served the White House after 2000.

According to the passage, a documentary letter of credit is one which ______.A.includes any draftsB.includes drafts accompanied by invoice, bill of lading and other documentsC.is accompanied by invoices, bill of lading and other documentsD.is accompanied by drafts as well as insurance policy and commercial invoices

The president()the words of Hegel to end his speech.A、citedB、wroteC、readD、employed

As the youngest president of U.S., he did exceptionally well in lowering the unemployment during his ____. A.periodB.decadeC.timeD.tenure

What is Mr. Jones’s position in his company () A. He is the president of Bestway Co.B.He is the general manager of Nile Co. C.He is the sales manager of Lee Brothers’.

A letter to the president exposed the corruption of some managers in his firm; ______ they got fired.A:constantlyB:consequentlyC:thereafterD:nevertheless

______about the potential of a market downturn over his trade policies,the president said:“If it does,it does. Look,I’m not doing this for politics。”A.AskedB.AskingC.To askD.To be asked

The president came out of the house, ____by his 3 bodyguards.A.followsB.followedC.followingD.follow

According to paragraph 1,the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?( ) A.The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate. B.The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis. C.It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States. D.It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President.

According to paragraph 1,the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?( ) A.The President granted a portion of his power to the Senate B.The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis C.It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States D.It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President

One of the six goals set by President Bush in his"America 2000"Plan is ()A、elimination of drugs and violence from schoolB、the increase of high-school graduation rate to 86%C、competence in forging language,mathematics,science,history and geographyD、the increase of adult literacy rate


单选题Unlike the United States, the president of the Philippines are elected to a six-year term in office.AUnited States, the president of the Philippines are electedBUnited States, the president of the Philippines is electedCUnited States, the people of the Philippines elect a presidentDthe president of the United States, the people of the Philippines electEthe president of the United States, the president of the Philippines is elected

单选题_____ has the power to impeach the President of the United States when he abuses his power.AThe SenateBThe Justice of the Supreme CourtCThe CongressDThe Supreme Court

单选题The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.Ahave arrivedBare arrivingChad arrivedDhas arrived

问答题Putin will finish the second of two terms as President in 2008. Under his leadership, Russia has re-emerged as a significant world power. 1) I have friends who predict that Vladimir Putin will find his new position as Russian prime minister a comedown after eight years as President.I doubt it. Putin is more likely to define his job than be defined by it. After our first meetings, in 1999 and 2000, I described him in my journal as “shrewd, confident, hard-working, patriotic, and ingratiating.” In the years since, he has become more confident and—to Westerners—decidedly less ingratiating.  Born in Leningrad (today’s St. Petersburg) Putin is the son of a sailor and a factory worker. From 1976 to 1990, Putin served in the foreign intelligence branch of the notorious Soviet spy agency. For many of those years, he was stationed in Germany. In 1998, Putin was tapped to run the FSB (successor to the KGB) by then Russian President Boris Yeltsin. 2) When Yeltsin resigned shortly before the end of his second term, Putin was chosen to serve as acting President, putting him in an ideal position to win the office in the election that followed.3) Some believe Putin’s KGB background explains everything, but his allegiance to the KGB is in turn explained by his intense nationalism—which accounts for his popularity in Russia.Timing matters in history, and Putin has had the benefit of high oil prices and the contrast with his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin. 4) His vision of Russia is that of a great power in the old-fashioned European sense. Such powers have spheres of influence and subjugate lesser powers. At home, they celebrate national traditions and prize collective glory, not individual freedom.  Tolstoy described the 19th century count Mikhail Speransky as a “rigorous-minded man of immense intelligence, who through his energy...had come to power and used it solely for the good of Russia.” What one found disconcerting, though, “was Speransky’s cold, mirror-like gaze, which let no one penetrate to his soul.” It is possible to love the idea of a nation without caring too much for its citizens.  5) It is unlikely that Putin, 55, will wear out his welcome at home anytime soon, as he has nearly done with many democracies abroad.In the meantime, he will remain an irritant to nato, a source of division within Europe and yet another reason for the West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

单选题The rescue plan recently approved by the American government of the current American financial storm reminds us of the Emergency Banking Act presented by President Roosevelt in his _____.AAmendment V.BBill of RightsCMarshall PlanDNew Deal


单选题The president believed that the _____ of his personality and of his travels would compete forcefully against the “image-making” publicity tours of his rivals.AgloryBglamourCgloomDglance

单选题Brazil enjoys an international attention in the following events EXCEPT ______.AUS President Barack Obama described his Brazilian counterpart as “the most popular politician on Earth”BBrazil has become an IMF creditor, not a debtorCBrazil responds to a downturn by stimulating the economy instead of cutting backDBrazilian interest rates have dropped dramatically

单选题John F. Kennedy was ______ youngest President of the United States and ______ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he ______ the country before his death?Athe; the fourth; had been rulingB/; fourth; have been rulingCthe; fourth; was rulingDa; the four; ruled

单选题Despite his remarks that triggered bitter debates, the president insisted he was telling the truth.AterminatedBdisseminatedCextinguishedDinitiated

单选题It was March 5,2013 ______ president Hugo cost his last fight in life at the age of 58 .AthatBwhenCsinceDwhile

单选题Which of the following does Mr. Wilson NOT mention as part of his compromise?AA colleague will record the meeting.BHe will meet the vice president directly in Wichita.CA colleague will summarize the outcome of the meeting.DHe will quickly answer inquiries made by the vice president.

填空题The professor, as well as his assistants, (do) ____ the experiment in the lab forty hours a week.

单选题Mr. Morales’s concessions exclude ______.Arestriction of his candidature as president to a single five-year termBautonomy, land reformClimits on land ownership will not be retroactiveDloosening state control over the country’s natural resources