问答题下面三种汇票抬头分属哪种?是否可以转让?转让时有什么手续? (1)pay Smith Co. Ltd.Only. (2)pay to the order of Smith Co. Ltd (3)pay bearer
下面三种汇票抬头分属哪种?是否可以转让?转让时有什么手续? (1)pay Smith Co. Ltd.Only. (2)pay to the order of Smith Co. Ltd (3)pay bearer
下列四种汇票中,注明()是不可转让的。A、Pay to Johnson Co. onlyB、Pay to Johnson Co. and its orderC、Pay to bearerD、Pay to the order of Johnson Co.
下列抬头的票据可以流通转让的是()A、pay to a specified personB、pay to the order of a specified personC、pay to a specified person or orderD、pay to bearer
下面四种抬头的汇票,哪种不需要背书即可转让?()A、Pay to ABC Co., LTDB、Pay to ABC Co., LTD onlyC、Pay to bearerD、Pay to the order of Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch
根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为()的汇票为有效汇票。A、Pay to Tom Co. or order the sum of two thousand US dollars.B、Pay to Tom Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of five hundred US dollars.C、Pay to Tom Co. out of the proceeds in applicant’s No.3 account with us the sum of three thousand US dollars.D、Pay to Tom Co. the sum of four thousand US dollars upon receipt of Bill of Lading No.1235.
下面三种汇票抬头分属哪种?是否可以转让?转让时有什么手续? (1)pay Smith Co. Ltd.Only. (2)pay to the order of Smith Co. Ltd (3)pay bearer
单选题下列四种汇票中,注明()是不可转让的。APay to Johnson Co. onlyBPay to Johnson Co. and its orderCPay to bearerDPay to the order of Johnson Co.
单选题下面四种抬头的汇票,哪种不需要背书即可转让?()APay to ABC Co., LTDBPay to ABC Co., LTD onlyCPay to bearerDPay to the order of Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch