单选题In the past 50 years, there _____ a great increase in the amount of research _____ on the human brain.Awas...didBhas been...to be done Cwas...doingDhas been...done

In the past 50 years, there _____ a great increase in the amount of research _____ on the human brain.



has been...to be done  




has been...done


根据in the past 50 years判断,需用现在完成时。过去分词短语和不定式都能做定语,但本句想表达的是已经做了的实验,因此应用过去分词表完成和被动,选项D正确。


Much _____ in the past few years. A.has been doneB.has doneC.didD.was done

He has done some () on that subject from various angles over the past ten years. A.researchB.a researchC.researchesD.the researches

In the past few years my aunt ___________ enough money to buy a house. A. has saved upB. has kept upC. has set upD.has saved aside

What is the main idea of the man's speech?A.Everything at State University has changed in the past ten years.B.Although the campus looks the same, some things have changed at State University.C.In spite of the changes on the campus, the commitments of the State University remain the same.D.Everything has stayed the same at State University during the past ten years.

During the past two decades, research has_our knowledge of daydreaming.A. expanded B. emergedC. descended D. conquered

The number of these families has increased ______ 40 percent in the past ten years. A、toB、upC、by

Although the number of____ is not great, it has none the less increased significantly over the past few days. A、positionB、strangerC、applicationsD、character

Much research( ) into the possibiecauses of the disease in the past few years. A.has been doneB.was doneC.have been doneD.were done

The moral shortsightedness is revealed in the fact that _____.[A] the government has stopped the experiment on human tissue[B] the donation consent forms are difficult to understand[C] the Human Tissues Act is an obstacle to important medical research[D] embryonic research shows disregard for human life

The moon-landing is mentioned in the first paragraph to illustrate_____.[A] technology cannot solve all of our human problems[B] progress in vaccine research for influenza has lagged behind[C] great achievements have been made by men in exploring the unknown[D] the development of vaccine production methods can not be stopped

During the past two decades,research has______our knowledge of daydreaming.A.expandedB.emergedC.descendedD.conquered

Mr. Joe has worked very hard in the past two years and has paid all his debts ( )the last penny.A.by B.toC.until D.with

Over the past ten years, China has__________a series of great changes in its infrastructure and economy.A.witnessedB.foundC.occurredD.taken

A great deal has been done internally to. ( ) the situation.A. supplementB. removeC. remedyD. Compensate

A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A:maintain B:improve C:preserve D:protect

We__________have proved great adventurers,but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.A.needn'tB.may notC.shouldn'tD.mustn't

Once environmental damage( ),it takes many years for the system to recover. A.has done B.is to do C.does D.is done

A customer has an 8-way p650 running an application for about 200 users.  In the past, the requiredamount of memory and processors has increased proportionally to the number of new users.  The customer plans to increase users by 10% each year for the next three years.  Next year, a database will be added to the workload to support the users directly rather than being on a separate machine. What is the most likely result of this projected growth?()A、Disk usage will increase in proportion to memory.B、The new database will demand much more memory.C、Memory demand will increase 10% for the next year.D、Processor demand will increase about 10% for the next year.

There has been a great increase in retail sales , ()﹖A、does thereB、isn't thereC、hasn't thereD、isn't it

单选题In the past 50 years, there _____ a great increase in the amount of research _____ on the human brain.Awas...didBhas been...to be doneCwas...doingDhas been...done

单选题There has been a great increase in retail sales , ()﹖Adoes thereBisn't thereChasn't thereDisn't it

单选题Your firm has been recommended to us by AMK company, () we have done business for many years.Awith whomBwith whoCwhomDwho

问答题The Importance of being Interested  1) Now I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin, Darwin and Mozart because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which can scarcely be overestimated. 2) It is fl truth, to be sure, that has long been partially recognized. 3)But its full meaning has not been--and could not be—appreciated until quite recently. 4)Only within the past few years has scientific research effected various discoveries which make its complete recognition possible and of supreme importance—of such importance that practical application of the principles involved would make for an immediate and stupendous increase in human happiness, efficiency, and welfare. 5)Stated briefly, the truth in question is that success in life, meaning thereby t he accomplishment of results of real value to the individual and to society, depends chiefly on sustained endeavor springing out of a deep and ardent interest in the tasks of one's chosen occupation.

单选题A customer has an 8-way p650 running an application for about 200 users.  In the past, the requiredamount of memory and processors has increased proportionally to the number of new users.  The customer plans to increase users by 10% each year for the next three years.  Next year, a database will be added to the workload to support the users directly rather than being on a separate machine. What is the most likely result of this projected growth?()ADisk usage will increase in proportion to memory.BThe new database will demand much more memory.CMemory demand will increase 10% for the next year.DProcessor demand will increase about 10% for the next year.

单选题For many years, Mark, a film star in Hollywood, has been suffering from the _____ that he is a great man.AallusionBillusionCelusionDdelusion

单选题Over the past ten years, natural gas production has remained steady, but _____ has risen steadily.AconsumptionBdissipationCdisposalDexpenditure

单选题Mr.Joe has worked very hard in the past two years and has paid all his debts_________ the last penny.AbyBtoCuntilDwith

单选题In the past 50 years, there _____ a great increase in the amount of research _____ on the human brain.Awas...didBhas been...to be done Cwas...doingDhas been...done