单选题There seemed little hope that the explorers, _______ in the rainforest, would find their way out.Ahaving deserted Bto have been desertedCto be desertedDhaving been deserted

There seemed little hope that the explorers, _______ in the rainforest, would find their way out.

having deserted    


to have been deserted


to be deserted


having been deserted


此句中having been deserted用于描述explorers的状态,是已经被遗弃在雨林里。选项A中缺少被动态,可以排除。to do表示打算、计划做,to have done则是表示本来打算做但实际上没做,是虚拟语气的用法。因此选项B和C都可以排除。余下的选项D为正确答案。


The new multipurpose gymnasium is reported to _______ within two years.A. have completedB. have been completedC. having completedD. having been completed

_______ another three weeks, I would have been able to finish the experiment.A. GivenB. GivingC. To giveD. Having given

______ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.A. Having been toldB. He was toldC. Though he had been toldD. Having told

All the money ______, Frederick started looking for work.A. having spentB. has been spentC. having been spentD. had been spent

As soon as I ( ) the tools, I shall begin with the work. A、have been havingB、haveC、do haveD、am having

Ryan always attempts to escape ( ) when he breaks traffic regulations. A、to have been finedB、to be finedC、having been finedD、being fined

All flights ( ) because of the snowstorm, we could do nothing but ( ) the train. A、were cancelled/ to takeB、having been cancelled/ takeC、have been cancelled/ takeD、had been cancelled/ to take

____ in the city, he didn't know much about farm work. A.Having been brought upB.To have brought upC.Bring upD.Having brought up

( ) with the talk show, I dozed off. A、BoringB、BoredC、Having boredD、Having been bored

Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ________ in a short period of time.[A] being created[B] to have been created[C] having been created[D] to be created

The bank is reported ________ in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday.[A] to be robbed[B] robbed[C] to have been robbed[D] having been robbed

________for many years,the AB passed the examination and became an officer.A.Having ignored himB.To have been ignoredC.To be ignoredD.Having been ignored

Such animals as South China tigers are believed __________ ., for we've had no track of them for ages.A.becoming extinctB.to become extinctC.to have been extinctD.having been extinct

Such animals as South China tigers are believed_______, for we’ve had no track of them for ages.A.becoming extinctB.to become extinctC.to have been extinctD.having been extinct

Our civilization cannot be thought of as ______ in a short period of time.A.to have been createD.B.to be createD.C.having been created D.being createD.

All the flights ______ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.A.were canceleDB.had been canceleDC.having canceleDD.having been canceleD.

A new technique( ),the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.A.working outB.having worked outC.having been worked outD.to have been worked out

There seemed little hope that the explorer,( )in the tropical forest,would find his way through it.A.to be desertedB.having desertedC.to have been desertedD.having been deserted

He appreciated ______ the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.A.to have been givenB.to have givenC.having givenD.having been given

I appreciate()the opportunity to visit your factory.A、having been givenB、to have been givenC、having givenD、to have given

We confirm ____ purchased 2,000 MP3 Players ____ you.A、have, toB、having, fromC、to have, fromD、have been to

单选题The hero of the book, Charles, is a conventional nineteenth-century gentleman; the heroine Sarah, _____ by her lover, is a “fallen woman”, whom Charles tries to help.Ato be discardedBto have been abandonedChaving cast awayDhaving been deserted

单选题There seemed little hope that the explorers, _____ in the rainforest, would find their way out.Ahaving desertedBto have been desertedCto be desertedDhaving been deserted

单选题In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 8?AChange mixed to mixing.BInsert However at the beginning.CChange having been to was.DDelete including small onions or even little pickled carrots.EChange made with to made for.

单选题Tony was very unhappy for _____ to the party.Ahaving not been invitedBnot having invitedChaving not invitedDnot having been invited

单选题_____ , the amount left in my pocket is little.AHaving paid my taxesBPaying my taxesCMy taxes having been paidDMy taxes have been paid

单选题Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back home, _____.Ahappily and satisfiedBeager and excitedlyChappy and satisfiedDanxiously and excitedly