


本段主题句为第一句。选项A中的“error”对应该段第一句的“mistakes”;“card completion”为“filling out the cards”的同义转述,应选A。



单选题The accident was()to careless driving.AforBlikelyCdueDbecause

单选题When she was depressed by her boss’s criticism, her colleague _____ her by expressing a different opinion.AforcedBpersuadedCconvincedDcomforted


单选题According to this passage, _____.Athe game plan for keeping brain cells sparking doesn’t work for everyoneBDr. Small’s memory tests can show you what to do about brain agingCDr. Small’s advice can help us fight brain aging effectivelyDour brains can reconstruct memories themselves


单选题People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone.Aof whereBof the place whereCwhereDthe place

单选题-Welcome to Beijing! -()AThank you.BOh, good.CHow do you do?DThat's all right.

单选题If there were life on Mars, such life forms()unable to survive on earthAisBareCwould beDwill be

单选题His parents will be()him if he fails the examination.Adisappointing withBdisappointed onCdisappointed withDdisappointing for

单选题You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.Aneedn't to comeBdon't need comeCdon't need comingDneedn't come

单选题What about a dancing party this weekend?()AYou can't do so.BI've no idea.CSounds great.DYou are all right.


单选题— What a lovely day! Why not go swimming this afternoon? —()ABecause it’s raining.BHave a good time!CWhy do you go swimming?DIt sounds nice

单选题Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.Awill be destroyedBwould have been destroyedCwould be destroyed

单选题The word “redress” in paragraph 4 probably means _____.Adressing againBchange of addressCcompensation for something wrongDselling the same product at different prices

单选题The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.AadvocateBdemonstrateCexhibitDreveal

单选题Just over 70% of people()for the survey said the net had become essential.Ato questionBquestionedCquestionDquestioning

单选题()? A little.AShall w espeak GermanBWhat language do you speakCDo you speak GermanDWould you mind speaking German

单选题Evidence, reference, and footnotes by the thousand testify to a scrupulous researcher who does considerable justice to a full range of different theoretical and political positions.AtrustworthyBintelligentCdiligentDmeticulous

单选题Who is that man over there? Do you know()name?AhisBhe’sChe

问答题题16  厦门市地处我国东南沿海,位于福建省东南部、九龙江人海处,背靠漳州、泉州平原,濒临台湾海峡,面对金门诸岛,与台湾宝岛和澎湖列岛隔海相望。  厦门港是一个条件优越的海峡性天然良港,其海岸线蜿蜒曲折,全长234公里,港阔水深,终年不冻,历史上就是我国东南沿海对外贸易的重要口岸。  厦门属亚热带气候,温和多雨,年平均气温在21℃左右,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。全市人口中以汉族居多,另有回、满、壮等20多个少数民族;由于地理环境和历史背景因素,厦门拥有众多的归侨和侨眷。

单选题I wonder if Tim could control the situation. ()AIt‘s none of your business.BYou‘ll get involved in it.CTim must be thinking about it.DWell, if he can‘t control it, no one can.

单选题She asked me whether()English.Awas IBam ICare youDI was


单选题—() — He teaches physics at a school.AWhat does your father want to do?BWho is your father?CHow is you rfather?DWhatis your father?

单选题He() for an IT company.AworkBworksCworking

单选题I had my meals()when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.Ato bringBbringCbroughtDbringing