单选题Oil sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose by 24% and 50% ______, over July 2006.AseparatelyBindividuallyCindependentlyDrespectively

Oil sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose by 24% and 50% ______, over July 2006.









解析: 在2006年7月间,当地城市和农村地区的石油销售量分别提高了24%和50%。respectively分别地。separately分开地。individually个别地。independently独立地。因此D项符合题意。


Now people in most rural areas can watch TV programs broadcast(). A、aliveB、live

Our sales brochure for this summer should be_____by the end of July. A.excitingB.exactC.readyD.ingenious

Principles of Marketing Marketing is the part of your business where money is made. In order to succeed in business, the following two principles of marketing should be kept in mind. First, customers are the mainstay of any business. Attracting customers to a business makes the difference between succeeding and failing. Therefore, the business needs to direct all activities towards satisfying the customers’ needs. If customers are satisfied, there is a chance that they will be retained for a long time and possibly permanently. Undoubtedly they are likely to talk to other potential customers. Another principle for a business is that profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume. The profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that actually will earn a business the most profit. And the maximum sales volume simply refers to the biggest sum of retail sales. Since the aim of most businesses is to make as much profit as possible, businesses value profits more than the volume of sales. A large volume of sales may result in a low profit margin, therefore, it is important for marketers to focus on their profitable sales volume. Decide if each of the following statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).1. In order to succeed in business, three principles of marketing should be kept in mind.()2. If customers are satisfied, they will be likely to encourage more people to buy the products or services.()3. The profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that will bring a business profit.()4. The maximum sales volume refers to the biggest sum of retail sales.()5. Profitable sales volume is as important as the maximum sales volume.()

The problem of poverty is particularly ( ) in rural areas where one in three adults is unemployed.A、offensiveB、significantC、acuteD、frail

the freedom riders confined their activities mostly to the urban areas of australia. ()

We specialize in supplying small stores in rural areas,and this assured sales outlet enables us () of fairly large quantities.A、of disposingB、disposeC、to disposeD、disposing

For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country.In Britain this has had a curious result.While polls show Britons rate“the countryside”alongside the royal family,Shakespeare and the National Health Service(NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country,this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save“the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.”It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience“a refreshing air.”Hill’s pressures later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.They don’t make countryside any more,and every year concrete consumes more of it.It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.The Conservatives’planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,even authorizing“off-plan”building where local people might object.The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.The Liberal Democrats are silent.Only Ukip,sensing its chance,has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.The sensible place to build new houses,factories and offices is where people are,in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.The London agents StirlingAckroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone,with no intrusion on green belt.What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that“housing crisis”equals“concreted meadows”is pure lobby talk.The issue is not the need for more houses but,as always,where to put them.Under lobby pressure,George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal.He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets.This is not a free market but a biased one.Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow.They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.We do not ruin urban conservation areas.Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned,not let rip.After the Netherlands,Britain is Europe’s most crowded country.Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence,while still permitting low-density urban living.There is no doubt of the alternative—the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal,Spain or Ireland.Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A.Labour is under attack for opposing development.B.The Conservatives may abandon“off-plan”building.C.The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence.D.Ukip may gain from its support for rural conservation.

For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country.In Britain this has had a curious result.While polls show Britons rate“the countryside”alongside the royal family,Shakespeare and the National Health Service(NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country,this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save“the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.”It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience“a refreshing air.”Hill’s pressures later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.They don’t make countryside any more,and every year concrete consumes more of it.It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.The Conservatives’planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,even authorizing“off-plan”building where local people might object.The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.The Liberal Democrats are silent.Only Ukip,sensing its chance,has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.The sensible place to build new houses,factories and offices is where people are,in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.The London agents StirlingAckroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone,with no intrusion on green belt.What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that“housing crisis”equals“concreted meadows”is pure lobby talk.The issue is not the need for more houses but,as always,where to put them.Under lobby pressure,George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal.He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets.This is not a free market but a biased one.Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow.They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.We do not ruin urban conservation areas.Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned,not let rip.After the Netherlands,Britain is Europe’s most crowded country.Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence,while still permitting low-density urban living.There is no doubt of the alternative—the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal,Spain or Ireland.Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.The author holds that George Osborne’s preference____.A.highlights his firm stand against lobby pressure.B.shows his disregard for the character of rural areas.C.stresses the necessity of easing the housing crisis.D.reveals a strong prejudice against urban areas.

For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country.In Britain this has had a curious result.While polls show Britons rate“the countryside”alongside the royal family,Shakespeare and the National Health Service(NHS)as what makes them proudest of their country,this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save“the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.”It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience“a refreshing air.”Hill’s pressures later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.They don’t make countryside any more,and every year concrete consumes more of it.It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.The Conservatives’planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation,even authorizing“off-plan”building where local people might object.The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.The Liberal Democrats are silent.Only Ukip,sensing its chance,has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.The sensible place to build new houses,factories and offices is where people are,in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.The London agents StirlingAckroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone,with no intrusion on green belt.What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that“housing crisis”equals“concreted meadows”is pure lobby talk.The issue is not the need for more houses but,as always,where to put them.Under lobby pressure,George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal.He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets.This is not a free market but a biased one.Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow.They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.We do not ruin urban conservation areas.Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned,not let rip.After the Netherlands,Britain is Europe’s most crowded country.Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence,while still permitting low-density urban living.There is no doubt of the alternative—the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal,Spain or Ireland.Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.In the last paragraph,the author shows his appreciation of____.A.the size of population in Britain.B.the political life in today’s Britain.C.the enviable urban lifestyle in Britain.D.the town-and-country planning in Britain.

根据下面资料,回答Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. In many countries, the main reason why people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, where the factory workers can live. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows. In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city centre. It is here that you can see the huge skyscraper office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the city centre. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need. But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages. We can easily know that the underlined phrase "urban areas" in the first paragraph means_____________.A.areas of the countrysideB.areas of a town or cityC.areas near the countrysideD.areas near a town or city

For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate.A:really B:basically C:fundamentally D:completely

For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate.A:really B:basicallyC:fundamentally D:completely

Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption,()people out of rural areas.AdrivesBdroveCdrivingDdriven

Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption,()people out of rural areas.A、drivenB、drivesC、drivingD、drove

An installed customer has developed human resource constraints in the IT department. Which of the following allows the sales professional to proceed with future sales?()A、Proof of conceptB、Volume sales discountsC、ServicePacsD、Industry leading technology

单选题Oil sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose by 24% and 50% ______, over July 2006.AseparatelyBindividuallyCindependentlyDrespectively

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ADifferent aspects(方面)of an urban environment, such as the crowded streets, can lead to an increase in self control.BSmall changes in urban design cannot reduce the negative side effects of city life.CFor the first time in history, the earth's population is more urban than rural.DA walk down a busy city street will improve brain performance.

单选题Sixty million people who()in rural areas are moving to cities every year.AlivedBlivesClivingDlive

单选题What does the graph show?AThe sales figures of an industryBThe trading volume of a company’s sharesCThe forecast of the next fiscal year’s profitsDThe effect of a new product on a company’s sales

单选题Sales Report (continued)…unit price increased by 5%but sales still continued to rise in all areas except South Asia…Price roseAonly in South Asia.Bbecause sales went down.Cand sales rose in most areas.

单选题It can be concluded from the passage that ______.Alarge families may be considered as a heavy burden by the rural poorBthe actions of national and international power brokers have an important effect upon the decision made by the rural poorCthe actions of those with the highest fertility, the rural poor, ultimately determine the rate of population growthDhaving large families had more advantages than disadvantages in those poor areas

单选题As its temperature rises, the volume of fuel oil in the tanks will ().Aremain the sameBincreaseCdecreaseDnone of the above

单选题Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption,()people out of rural areas.AdrivenBdrivesCdrivingDdrove

单选题A bronze bearing liner with a lead-tin flashing has a milky-white color over most of its surface and some areas of exposed bronze, the white coloring indicates()Aproper break-in wearBimproper break-in wearCrelocation of the overlay flashingDwater contamination of the lube oil system

单选题Saul needs access to files that are in the Accounting folder on his computer. A local group named accounting is granted full control permission to the accounting folder and the files within it. Saul is a member of the accounting local group but he cannot access the files that he needs.  What should you do?()AGrant Saul NTFS permission so that he can access any parent folder or files in the shared sales folder.BShare the Sales folder and grant Saul shared folder permission to access the shared sales folder.CRemove Saul from any other groups that have been explicitly denied access to the accounting folder.DDelete the Sales local group and recreate, add individual user accounts from the sales department back into sales local group.

单选题Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred on the outskirts of existing metropolitan areas.Acounties Bedges Cstreets Dintersections

单选题You are the administrator of your company’s network. A user named Paul in the service department has a Windows 2000 Professional computer.  Paul needs to access the files that are in a shared folder on his computer. A local group named Sales has permissions to access the data. Paul is a member of the Sales local group but he cannot access the file he needs.  What should you do? ()AGrant Paul NTFS permission so that he can access any parent folder to files in the shared   folder.BShare the Sales folder and grant Paul shared folder permission to access the shared Sales   folder.CRemove Paul from any other group that has been explicitly denied access to the Sales folder. DDelete the Sales local group and recreate it. Add individual user accounts from the Sales   Department back into Sales local group.

单选题Which command synchronizes or rebuilds the logical volume control block,the device configuration database,and the volume group descriptor areas on the physical volumes?()Asyncvg rootvgBsynclvm rootvgCvaryonvg rootvgDsynclvodm rootvg