单选题All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the police officers _____ the demonstrators.Akeeping withBtangling withCadhering toDdevoting to

All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the police officers _____ the demonstrators.

keeping with


tangling with


adhering to


devoting to


句意:各家报社想做的一切就是要拍下警察与示威者纠缠在一起的情形。tangle with sb/sth与某人吵嘴或打架;与某事有纠葛。keep up with sb保持与某人的联系。adhere to sth坚持;忠于;依照;遵循。devote oneself/sth to sb/sth为某人付出;献身于。


The manage is good at () difficult customers. A、work withB、handle withC、tackle withD、deal with

Mark is a clerk( )a job in a top bookstore. A、inB、withC、toD、for

What did the guards do when Peter started gathering the money?A.They let him do what he wanted to.B.They called the police.C.They helped him find large bills.D.They pressed the alarm.


31_______A. kept up withB. caught up withC. came up withD. put up with

18.A.start withB.agree withC.deal withD.come up with

19.A.withB. forC. toD. from

He asked what I()that poor animal. A、agreed withB、did withC、called onD、took care

In Britain, there is no infamous hooligans, so the police officers in Europe can do their job easily.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

What do you associate ______ such a heavy snow?A: withB: byC: toD: in

The goods are excellent()quality. A、forB、withC、toD、in

A) onB) withC) toD) by


Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me.A.forB.withC.toD.of

We′re all keeping our__________ crossed that the surgeons do not find anything too seriouswith the patient.A.fingersB.thumbsC.handsD.feet

The city has decided to get rid of all the old buildings in its center.A:do away with B:set upC:repair D:paint

Mr. White wanted to park his car near the roadside but the police asked him __________.A.not to doB.not doC.not toD.do not

______ATA-100, each page is identified by a three element number and a page number.A.According withB.In accordance withC.ToD.In according to

In 1913, the states passed the Sixteenth Amendment ________ the Constitution.A.withB.forC.toD.at

The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation.A:in succession B:together C:in alliance D:in connection

Our school________new facilities.A.is equipped withB.equips withC.will be equip withD.has equip with

He might have been killed () the arrival of the police.A、except forB、withC、forD、but for

Police officers are not allowed to join()or to go on strike.A、a clubB、a trade unionC、a political partyD、the army

The bosun is satisfied ()your work.A、forB、withC、toD、at

单选题Police officers are not allowed to join()or to go on strike.Aa clubBa trade unionCa political partyDthe army

单选题We´re all keeping our__________ crossed that the surgeons do not find anything too serious with the patient.AfingersBthumbsChandsDfeet

单选题AThey let him do what he wanted to.BThey helped him find large bills.CThey pressed the alarm.DThey called the police.