多选题现有   1. class Calc {  2.  public static void main(String [] args) {   3.    try {  4.         int x = Integer.parselnt ("42a") ;   5.     //insert code here  6.         System.out.print ("oops");   7.    }   8.   }   9. }   下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输 "oops" ? ()A} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {B} catch (IllegalStateException c) {C} catch (NumbelFormatException n) {D} catch (ClassCastException c) {

现有   1. class Calc {  2.  public static void main(String [] args) {   3.    try {  4.         int x = Integer.parselnt ("42a") ;   5.     //insert code here  6.         System.out.print ("oops");   7.    }   8.   }   9. }   下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输 "oops" ? ()

} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {


} catch (IllegalStateException c) {


} catch (NumbelFormatException n) {


} catch (ClassCastException c) {


解析: 暂无解析


classCalc{2.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){3.try{4.intx=Integer.parseInt(42a);5.//insertcodehere6.System.out.print(oops);7.}8.}9.}下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输出oops”?() A.}catch(ClassCastExceptionc){B.}catch(IllegalStateExceptionc){C.}catch(NumberFormatExceptionn){D.}catch(IllegalArgumentExceptione){

现有1.classCalc{2.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){3.try{4.intx=Integer.parselnt(42a);5.//insertcodehere6.System.out.print(oops);7.}8.}9.}下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输oops?() A.}catch(IllegalArgumentExceptione){B.}catch(IllegalStateExceptionc){C.}catch(NumbelFormatExceptionn){D.}catch(ClassCastExceptionc){

1. public interface A {  2. public void doSomething(String thing);  3. }  1. public class AImpl implements A {  2. public void doSomething(String msg) { }  3. }  1. public class B {  2. public A doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public String execute() { 7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  1. public class C extends B {  2. public AImpl doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public Object execute() {  7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  Which statement is true about the classes and interfaces in the exhibit?() A、 Compilation will succeed for all classes and interfaces.B、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 2.C、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 6.D、 Compilation of class AImpl will fail because of an error in line 2.

现有:   1.  class HorseRadish {   2.    // insert code here   3.    protected HorseRadish(int x) {    4.      System.out.println("bok choy");  5.    }  6.  }   7.  class Wasabi extends HorseRadish {   8.    public static void main(String [] args) {   9.      Wasabi w = new Wasabi();  10.   }    11. }   分别插入到第 2 行,哪两项允许代码编译并产生"bok choy" 输出结果?() A、 // just a commentB、 protected HorseRadish() { }C、 protected HorseRadish() { this(42);}D、 protected  HorseRadish() { new HorseRadish (42);}

1. class HorseRadish {   2. // insert code here   3. protected HorseRadish(int x) {  4. System.out.println("bok choy");   5. }   6. }   7. class Wasabi extends HorseRadish {   8. public static void main(String [] args) {   9. Wasabi w = new Wasabi();  10. }   11. }   分别插入到第 2 行,哪两项允许代码编译并产生"bok choy" 输出结果?()  A、 // just a commentB、 protected HorseRadish() { }C、 protected HorseRadish() { this(42);}D、 protected HorseRadish() { new HorseRadish (42);}

现有2 个文件:  1. package x;  2. public class X {  3. public static void doX() { System.out.print("doX "); }  4. }  和:  1. class Find {  2. public static void main(String [] args) {  3. //insert code here  4. }  5. }  哪两行分别插入到类Find 的第3 行将编译并产生输出“doX”? ()A、doX();B、X.doX();C、x.X.doX();D、x.X myX = new x.X(); myX.doX();

1. import java.util.*;  2. class ForInTest {  3. static List list = new ArrayList();  4.  5. static List getList() { return list; }  6.  7. public static void main(String [] args) {  8. list.add("a"); list.add("b"); list.add("c");  9. // insert code here  10. System.out.print(o);  11. }  12. } 第 9 行插入哪一项将输出 abc?() A、for(char o: list)B、for(Object o: getList())C、for(Object o: getList();)D、for(Object o: o.getList())

现有:   1. class Book {   2. private final void read() { System.out.print("book "); }   3. }   4. class Page extends Book {   5. public static void main(String [] args) {   6. // insert code here   7. }   8. private final void read() { System.out.print("page "); }   9. }   和如下三个代码片段( x, y, z ):   x. // just a comment   y. new Page().read();  z. new Book().read();   分别插入到第6行,有几个允许代码通过编译并可以运行且无异常?() A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 3

1. class Calc {  2. public static void main(String [] args) {  3. try {  4. int x = Integer.parseInt("42a");  5. //insert code here  6. System.out.print("oops ");  7. }  8. }  9. }  下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输出“oops”?()A、} catch (ClassCastException c) {B、} catch (IllegalStateException c) {C、} catch (NumberFormatException n) {D、} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

1. class SuperFoo {  2. SuperFoo doStuff(int x) {  3. return new SuperFoo(); 4. }  5. }  6.  7. class Foo extends SuperFoo {  8. //insert code here  9. }   下面哪三项分别插入到第8行,可以编译?()A、int doStuff() { return 42; }B、int doStuff(int x) { return 42; }C、Foo doStuff(int x) { return new Foo(); }D、SuperFoo doStuff(int x) { return new Foo(); }

1. class MyThread implements Runnable {  2. public void run() {  3. System.out.print("go ");  4. }  5.  6. public static void main(String [] args) {  7. // insert code here  8. t.start(); 9. }  10. }  和如下四句:  Thread t = new MyThread(); MyThread t = new MyThread();  Thread t = new Thread(new Thread());  Thread t = new Thread(new MyThread());  分别插入到第5行,有几个可以通过编译?() A、0B、1C、2D、3

现有2个文件:      package x;      public class X{  public static void doX()  {System.out.print("doX");}      }   和:  class Find{  public static void main(String  []  args)  {    //insert code here      }     }  哪两行分别插入到类Find的第3行将编译并产生输出“doX”?()A、doX();B、X.doX();C、x.X.doX();D、x.X myX=new x.X();myX.doX();

1. public class enclosingone (  2. public class insideone{}  3. )  4. public class inertest(  5. public static void main (string[]args)(  6. enclosingone eo= new enclosingone ();  7. //insert code here  8. )  9. )    Which statement at line 7 constructs an instance of the inner class?()  A、 InsideOnew ei= eo.new InsideOn();B、 Eo.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();C、 InsideOne ei = EnclosingOne.new InsideOne();D、 EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();

现有:  1. import java.util.*;      2.  3. Class FindStuff  {  4.public static void main (String[]args)    {      5,    //insert code here      6.    c.put ("X", 123);      7.    }      8.  } 分别插入到第5行,哪三行允许代码编译?()    A、 Map c= new SortedMap();B、 HashMap c= new HashMap();C、 HashMap c= new Hashtalole();D、 SortedMap c= new TreeMap();E、 ArrayList c= new ArrayList();F、  MaD c = new LinkedHashMap();

1. public class test (  2. public static void main(string args[]) {  3. int 1= 0;  4. while (i)  {  5. if (i==4) {  6. break;  7. }  8. ++i;  9. }  10.    11. }  12. )   What is the value of i at line 10?()A、 0B、 3C、 4D、 5E、 The code will not compile.

1. import java.util.*;  2.  3. Class FindStuff {  4. public static void  main(String [] args) {  5. // insert code here  6. c.put("x", 123);  7. }  8. } 分别插入到第5行,哪三行允许代码编译?() A、Map c = new SortedMap();B、HashMap c = new HashMap();C、HashMap c = new Hashtable();D、SortedMap c = new TreeMap();

现有:   3.  import java.util.*;   4.  class ForInTest {   5.    static List list = new ArrayList();   6.   7.    public static void main(String [] args) {   8.      list.add("a"); list.add("b"); list.add("c");   9.      //insert code here      10.     System.out.print(o);    11.   }   12. }   哪一行插入到第9行将导致输出“abc”?() A、 for(Object o : list)B、 for(Iterator o : list)C、 for(Object o : list.iterator())D、 for(Iterator o : list.iterator(); o.hasNext (); )

现有   1. class Calc {  2.  public static void main(String [] args) {   3.    try {  4.         int x = Integer.parselnt ("42a") ;   5.     //insert code here  6.         System.out.print ("oops");   7.    }   8.   }   9. }   下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输 "oops" ? () A、 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {B、 } catch (IllegalStateException c) {C、 } catch (NumbelFormatException n) {D、 } catch (ClassCastException c) {

多选题1. class SuperFoo {  2. SuperFoo doStuff(int x) {  3. return new SuperFoo(); 4. }  5. }  6.  7. class Foo extends SuperFoo {  8. //insert code here  9. }   下面哪三项分别插入到第8行,可以编译?()Aint doStuff() { return 42; }Bint doStuff(int x) { return 42; }CFoo doStuff(int x) { return new Foo(); }DSuperFoo doStuff(int x) { return new Foo(); }

多选题现有2个文件:      package x;      public class X{  public static void doX()  {System.out.print("doX");}      }   和:  class Find{  public static void main(String  []  args)  {    //insert code here      }     }  哪两行分别插入到类Find的第3行将编译并产生输出“doX”?()AdoX();BX.doX();Cx.X.doX();Dx.X myX=new x.X();myX.doX();

多选题现有:   1.  class HorseRadish {   2.    // insert code here   3.    protected HorseRadish(int x) {    4.      System.out.println("bok choy");  5.    }  6.  }   7.  class Wasabi extends HorseRadish {   8.    public static void main(String [] args) {   9.      Wasabi w = new Wasabi();  10.   }    11. }   分别插入到第 2 行,哪两项允许代码编译并产生"bok choy" 输出结果?()A// just a commentBprotected HorseRadish() { }Cprotected HorseRadish() { this(42);}Dprotected  HorseRadish() { new HorseRadish (42);}

多选题现有2 个文件:  1. package x;  2. public class X {  3. public static void doX() { System.out.print("doX "); }  4. }  和:  1. class Find {  2. public static void main(String [] args) {  3. //insert code here  4. }  5. }  哪两行分别插入到类Find 的第3 行将编译并产生输出“doX”? ()AdoX();BX.doX();Cx.X.doX();Dx.X myX = new x.X(); myX.doX();

多选题1. class Calc {  2. public static void main(String [] args) {  3. try {  4. int x = Integer.parseInt("42a");  5. //insert code here  6. System.out.print("oops ");  7. }  8. }  9. }  下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输出“oops”?()A} catch (ClassCastException c) {B} catch (IllegalStateException c) {C} catch (NumberFormatException n) {D} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

多选题1. class HorseRadish {   2. // insert code here   3. protected HorseRadish(int x) {  4. System.out.println("bok choy");   5. }   6. }   7. class Wasabi extends HorseRadish {   8. public static void main(String [] args) {   9. Wasabi w = new Wasabi();  10. }   11. }   分别插入到第 2 行,哪两项允许代码编译并产生"bok choy" 输出结果?()A// just a commentBprotected HorseRadish() { }Cprotected HorseRadish() { this(42);}Dprotected HorseRadish() { new HorseRadish (42);}

多选题现有:  1. import java.util.*;      2.  3. Class FindStuff  {  4.public static void main (String[]args)    {      5,    //insert code here      6.    c.put ("X", 123);      7.    }      8.  } 分别插入到第5行,哪三行允许代码编译?()AMap c= new SortedMap();BHashMap c= new HashMap();CHashMap c= new Hashtalole();DSortedMap c= new TreeMap();EArrayList c= new ArrayList();FMaD c = new LinkedHashMap();

单选题1. public class enclosingone (  2. public class insideone{}  3. )  4. public class inertest(  5. public static void main (string[]args)(  6. enclosingone eo= new enclosingone ();  7. //insert code here  8. )  9. )    Which statement at line 7 constructs an instance of the inner class?()A InsideOnew ei= eo.new InsideOn();B Eo.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();C InsideOne ei = EnclosingOne.new InsideOne();D EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei = eo.new InsideOne();

多选题1. import java.util.*;  2.  3. Class FindStuff {  4. public static void  main(String [] args) {  5. // insert code here  6. c.put("x", 123);  7. }  8. } 分别插入到第5行,哪三行允许代码编译?()AMap c = new SortedMap();BHashMap c = new HashMap();CHashMap c = new Hashtable();DSortedMap c = new TreeMap();

多选题现有   1. class Calc {  2.  public static void main(String [] args) {   3.    try {  4.         int x = Integer.parselnt ("42a") ;   5.     //insert code here  6.         System.out.print ("oops");   7.    }   8.   }   9. }   下面哪两行分别插入到第五行,会导致输 "oops" ? ()A} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {B} catch (IllegalStateException c) {C} catch (NumbelFormatException n) {D} catch (ClassCastException c) {